Character Interview

  • eviesays.

    eviesays. (100)

    Tell me about yourself. My name's Jesse, I'm eighteen. You'll probably find out the rest below.
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? I'm not sure, but I like to think that waking up with a smile is a pretty good accomplishment for me. But on a larger scale, probably my eighteenth party.
    How would you describe your ideal job? I've always liked to be one of those artsy reporters. In the MX or something, who writes about art and music and secret pizzerias.
    What goals do you have? To find a way to be known, even after I've died.
    How do you plan to achieve these goals? I have no clue. I'm working on it. I've been thinking of doing something that nobody else has done before. Like in this grass field near my parent's friend's house, some guy, or girl, carved this really cool picture into the stone, just because they could.
    How do you personally define success? Being happy with what you've done. You know, achieved what you wanted.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful. Again, my party.
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? Loads. I couldn't name any 'cause there's so many. Not bragging or anything. My standard isn't all that high.
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? Geez, um... I don't really know. I'd work out whatever caused my cancer and try to stop it. But that's pretty unlikely.
    Would you rather work with information or with people? People. You can't interact with information.
    Are you a team player? I guess, although in a team I'd want to be the leader.
    What motivates you? I'm not sure. I've always been motivated. I guess boredom motivates me. And time. Yeah, time is a big factor.
    Are you a goal-oriented person? Most definitely.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? I'm sorry but I can't answer that question.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now? Shit, probably six feet under. That scares me.
    Do you handle conflict well? Hell no.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? The same problem I've had my whole damn life.
    Do you handle pressure well? Um, depends what kind. Physically, I can but if it's something like a little kid crying I'd be more wound up than them.
    What is your greatest strength? My stubbornness.
    What is your greatest weakness? My temper.
    What were your favorite classes? Why? Technology and PE practical (sport). And Language.
    Is money important to you? Medically, yes. Other than that, not a lot.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy? I don't.
    July 6th, 2010 at 07:12am
  • skeletal.

    skeletal. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Logan from Never Sent, Always Thought.

    Tell me about yourself. I'm not really sure what there is to say. I'm Logan and I'm living with my boyfriend as I finish off highschool.
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? A few months ago I would have said something like my school grades, or that song me and my friends wrote togther, but now it is definately meeting my boyfriend.
    How would you describe your ideal job? I simply don't know, it's hard too see past the present really. I want to do something in nursing, maybe with the elderly - it's the only thing I could see myself doing. I don't think I could handle being a Doctor, it's much too gory.
    What goals do you have? To live a long, happy life with Ethan. He works so hard to keep me safe, and I want his hard work to be repaid with a long life together.
    How do you plan to achieve these goals? Simply by listening to him, and trusting in him to make everything turn out all right. He knows what he is doing.
    How do you personally define success? Success? By achieving what you set out to achieve. Though, I suppose if you set out to get an ice cream cone and came back with a tub of ice cream then you haven't technically failed. As long as the end result is the same as what you originally wanted, it's a success.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful. My Maths exam last year: I managed to get a B! Though, I ahave been succeeding in most of my subjecs in school, so I guess I'm a bit of a nerd.
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? I haven't done anything amazing really, my whole life has revolved around the people who mean th most to me. Before, my friends and now, my boyfriend. Satisfaction can be gained by seeing them happy.
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? I wouldn't have made freinds with the same people I did, that's recently turned out to be mistake. But, during the freindship, they were amazing people and I loved them with my whole heart. It hurt to see them go.
    Would you rather work with information or with people? People, definitely. Like I said, I want to work with the elderly. They have so much to share with us younger generations: their experiences and wisdom that can't be found in our modern society.
    Are you a team player? God no, I dread P.E. with my whole body. It's recently made me "famous" in school, and everyone thinks I'm being abused!
    What motivates you? People. I'm a real people person and Ethan, my boyfriend is a rock. He deserves a medal for all the advice he's given me. Basically, his every breath motivates me to keep on smiling, and having fun.
    Are you a goal-oriented person? No, not at all. What comes will come, I don't need to set myself deadlines to live my life. If I said that by the time I was thiry I wanted kids, then hit 35 childless and without a lover I'd fel like the crappiest person alive. No, my goal-less philosophy makes me the happy guy I am today.
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. I don't have any recent goals, I'm just living life to the full.
    What are your short-term goals? Get out of highschool and into the real world. I want away from the whispers of my peers, out to where I can make a new reputation for myself and not have one made for me.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? Universcity, I hope. But if not, I want to be at last still with Ethan. He's all I can imagine right now.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now? With Ethan? Working away at that dream job and maybe raising a few kittens with him.
    Do you handle conflict well? No, I hate to see peopl I love fight. It mostly ends up in tears, and the friendship gets torn apart.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? I lost my friends, and they've taken it really badly. They won't let go of this problem they have with Ethan but at the same time they're ignoring me. Although, one keeps sending me pathetic glances across the school canteen. I know they're whispering about me.
    Do you handle pressure well? No - before any big exam I cry at least twice. It norrmally comes out for the better, but I hate the state I get myself in.
    What is your greatest strength? My personality: I get on well with others and am very bubbly. Cheering people on comes naturally to me, I'm a great encourager.
    What is your greatest weakness? I love people too readily. I give mnyself away to everyone who gets close and I'm running out any for myself.
    What were your favorite classes? Why? Maths and Chemisty, because I excell in them. And History too, because I find it really hard but when I get good grades all the panic and hard work is worth it.
    Is money important to you? No, I'd be perfectly happy living in a mud puddle as long as Ethan was beside me. I can't say the same for him, he'd prbably spend the whole time moaning.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy? Diddly-squat. Though, money for food, water, electricity and a home is worth bonus points.
    July 21st, 2010 at 06:25pm
  • Delia.

    Delia. (200)

    United States
    Sophie Kealing from Love At First Sight
    Tell me about yourself. I'm Sophie Kealing, age sixteen. I was born with Lebers Congenital Amaurosis, that basically means I've been 99% blind since birth
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? I would have to say every struggle I've overcome with my blindness would be an important accomplishment to me. Of course, I've had my brother there with me every step of the way
    How would you describe your ideal job?I would love to do something to help others. I don't know what I could do yet, since I'm blind, but I'm sure there is something out there for me
    What goals do you have?I want to be able to see
    How do you plan to achieve these goals? I plan on researching everything I can on treatments. My brother told me that he would spend every cent he has if it meant I could see again
    How do you personally define success? By accomplishing things that were once thought impossible by yourself and others
    Describe a situation in which you were successful. I managed to go to school without my brother being next to me the entire time
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?Being able to do everything others said was impossible because of my condition
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?I wouldn't change a thing. My life has made me a strong person on the inside and while I may have been dealt a bad card or two, I am extremely lucky overall
    Would you rather work with information or with people?Information
    Are you a team player?I'm very shy. I don't make friends very easily, especially when I'm with Jake
    What motivates you? My brother
    Are you a goal-oriented person? It depends on the goals
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. I was seperated from my brother when I went to a new school. I didn't know the layout or anything, but Niko was so nice, and he helped me get around
    What are your short-term goals?To survive without Jake
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?Hopefully, I will be in College
    Where do you want to be ten years from now?Working at a job to help people with disabilities
    Do you handle conflict well?Not particularly, I am a very peaceful person, and fighting scares me quite a bit
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?I think I've said this before, going to school and being away from Jake
    Do you handle pressure well?No, I find that I need to take things at my own speed. I like being on my own, or with Jake, and doing my own thing
    What is your greatest strength?My brother
    What is your greatest weakness?My (lack of) sight
    What were your favorite classes? Why? I like classes where I can listen, or where I can create things through listening. Hearing is my speciality
    Is money important to you? Not really, I grew up with a good amount and I'll take it or leave it
    How much money do you need to make to be happy? Enough to make me able to see

    Larissa of Moi Et Moi-Meme
    Tell me about yourself. My name is Larissa.
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? I managed to stay sober for two days last week
    How would you describe your ideal job?I don't know. I just want to get away from here
    What goals do you have? Goals? This is me we're talking to.
    How do you plan to achieve these goals?Like I said, what fucking goals?
    How do you personally define success?Managing to survive this shithole
    Describe a situation in which you were successful.I slept with that cute guy whats-his-name...Kyle?
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?I don't have accomplishments. I'm a failure in my parents eyes and I'm popular in the eyes of everyone else. Why can't I just be alone for a while?
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?I would be myself
    Would you rather work with information or with people?People, but, I hate most people
    Are you a team player?Not really.
    What motivates you?Getting away from my life
    Are you a goal-oriented person?My only goal is to forget my past and get away from the present
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.I don't have any goals I've done
    What are your short-term goals? I don't know...remember my nights when I party?
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?I have no idea
    Where do you want to be ten years from now?Again, no idea
    Do you handle conflict well?sure?
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?Trying to forget which guy I slept with...and if I have any STDs because of it
    Do you handle pressure well?I deal well enough
    What is your greatest strength?Don't have one
    What is your greatest weakness?Everything
    What were your favorite classes? Why?I hate school.
    Is money important to you?Very, it will buy my ticket out of here
    How much money do you need to make to be happy?a lot
    July 21st, 2010 at 07:18pm
  • DragonxFox

    DragonxFox (100)

    United States
    Patrick, character in: Disastrous(three-shot that's not posted yet).

    Tell me about yourself.
    My name is Patrick Mendell and I want my old life back. I used to have a girlfriend who lived with me in my condo. Had a pretty good job, too.

    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    The relationship with my girlfriend lasted three weeks before it ended; and this time, I didn't end it.

    How would you describe your ideal job?
    Counting money, just for the hell of it. Oh, and the money would be mine.

    What goals do you have?

    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    By doing nothing.

    How do you personally define success?
    Having fun and not getting some disease. Being rich with a woman by my side; prenup signed if it seems to get serious. Oh, and not being attacked by some "messed" up were-creature.

    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    I had a steady job, and an interesting girlfriend who didn't try to boss me around.

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    Scaring my girlfriend on Halloween, and having sex to, uh, "calm" her down.

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    I'd never leave my house on March 8.

    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    People. As odd as it may sound, I am a people person. Charisma and good-looks help. Working with information got me fired; more than once. Papers and files kept disappearing. At least the papers that were found were stain-free and neatly handed in.

    Are you a team player?
    Depends what the team's supposed to do and what they want me to do.

    What motivates you?
    Right now? Nothing. Well, yeah, nothing.

    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    Not anymore.

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    I got promoted because I came in - three months in a row - on time to work. My three-week girlfriend moved in March 6th because I convinced her that her apartment was too small for her and my condo was too big for just me; she didn't buy it, but I convinced her that that was why I was inviting her.

    What are your short-term goals?
    Possibly cracking Gabriella.

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    Living in a zoo.

    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    I want to be in a house; preferrably in a bed with a woman.

    Do you handle conflict well?
    Yes. Except when I'm the cause of it.

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    I was savagely attacked by a messed up were-creature and survived. After being rushed to a hospital that wasn't meant to take care of people attacked by were-creatures, I met Gabriella.

    Do you handle pressure well?
    Depends on the situation, but I think I do fine.

    What is your greatest strength?
    No idea.

    What is your greatest weakness?
    Normally? A girl at a bar wearing nice heels. Now? The full moon.

    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    History. Because it amused me.

    Is money important to you?
    It was.

    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    Keep it coming, I'll tell you when you can stop. Oh, and make sure to hire someone to help you with that, it might take a while.

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview?
    Fuck, really? Pour me another drink.
    July 23rd, 2010 at 02:15am
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    Tell me about yourself. What is there to say? I'm 22 years old, I live with my dad and two older brothers and my son. I've been screwed over a million times by different people and I'm a little tired of life sometimes.
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? Raising my son by myself. It's not easy having a job and raising a child at the same time.
    How would you describe your ideal job? No job. Having enough money to not need to work would be perfect.
    What goals do you have? Having my own house.
    How do you plan to achieve these goals? Keep working, borrow some money off my father and get some luck.
    How do you personally define success? How happy you are shows how successful you are.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful. I can't think of any right now. I guess I just mess things up.
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? Urgh, let's not go there.
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? Everything? I'd stay at school, I'd stay moved out and I wouldn't fall in love.
    Would you rather work with information or with people? With information, people drive me crazy.
    Are you a team player? Hell no.
    What motivates you? Money, to be perfectly honest. I'm only human.
    Are you a goal-oriented person? Yep.
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. Hmmm... I managed to get myself drunk enough to forget my nightmares by meeting a guy in the bar?
    What are your short-term goals? Fixing up my bedroom.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? Moved out with Tray, hopefully with a better drawer.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now? Married again perhaps?
    Do you handle conflict well? Physical conflict yes, words not so much.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? My brothers treating me like a peice of crap.
    Do you handle pressure well? Uhm, not particularly.
    What is your greatest strength? Making the most of bad situations.
    What is your greatest weakness? Being forced to make decisions.
    What were your favorite classes? Why? Art and gym, weirdly.
    Is money important to you? Yes, mainly since I'm poor.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy? Enough for my own place.
    July 23rd, 2010 at 11:42pm
  • die Bienen Knie

    die Bienen Knie (150)

    United States
    Tell me about yourself. Well I’m hilarious, attractive, talented, strong willed, opinionated, amazing in the sack, did I mention attractive?
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? When I was seventeen I had an incredibly good looking white supremacist boyfriend from Kentucky...he was something else...
    How would you describe your ideal job? One where I don’t have to do much.
    What goals do you have? I don’t do that really...
    How do you plan to achieve these goals? *narrows eyes angrily*
    How do you personally define success? I define success as dying and having no one to leave your money to.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful. *narrows eyes angrily*
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? When I was seventeen I had an incredibly good looking white supremacist boyfriend from Kentucky...he was something else...
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? I would not have married Greg. He's an idiot.
    Would you rather work with information or with people? I hate people. Especially ethnic ones.
    Are you a team player? *narrows eyes angrily*
    What motivates you? Sex.
    Are you a goal-oriented person? No.
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. Did I not previously say that I don’t do goals??
    What are your short-term goals? *narrows eyes angrily*
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? Sitting.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now? Sitting.
    Do you handle conflict well? I’ll pull I knife if that’s what you mean.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? Living with Greg. He’s an idiot.
    Do you handle pressure well? Like physical pressure? I slept with a fat ass once and it didn’t crush me.
    What is your greatest strength? I have very strong calves.
    What is your greatest weakness? Being too attractive.
    What were your favorite classes? Why? Lunch, because I used to sneak off campus with my incredibly good looking white supremacist boyfriend from Kentucky.
    Is money important to you? Yes.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy? A lot.
    July 24th, 2010 at 06:15am
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Tell me about yourself. Isabelle Fletcher, 24 years old and unsure what to do with my life.
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? Probably moving to Finland and finishing university.
    How would you describe your ideal job? Just taking photo's.
    What goals do you have? I need to find myself.
    How do you plan to achieve these goals? Well first moved to Finland and just see how that plans out.
    How do you personally define success?I think I know I have been successful in the day or week when I can relax and think I did great this week.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful. Learning Finnish and moving aboard.
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?I guess giving the chance to be on my own and work out where I am going in life.
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? I'd ignore my parents pressure to be like my siblings a lot more.
    Would you rather work with information or with people? People.
    Are you a team player?I guess so but I prefer to work on my own.
    What motivates you?Myself.
    Are you a goal-oriented person?No defiantly not.
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. After uni told my parents I was going to Finland to discover myself and that's why I learnt Finnish in uni. Then I just got the money together and left.
    What are your short-term goals?Find a better job.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? I honestly have no idea.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now?Same as above.
    Do you handle conflict well?Being a middle child, I guess so.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?The ranting machine who is my boss.
    Do you handle pressure well?Yes, I think so.
    What is your greatest strength?I am not too sure.
    What is your greatest weakness?Being a middle child.
    What were your favorite classes? Why? Languages, for obvious reasons and art. In uni the subjects I took.
    Is money important to you? To a cetain extent, such as living but it is not something I have to have.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy?My wages make me happy enough.
    July 24th, 2010 at 06:41pm
  • losing control.

    losing control. (4250)

    Board Moderator
    Tell me about yourself. My name is Annalisse, I'm 19 years old and I know exactly who and what I am.
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? All my accomplishments are important.
    How would you describe your ideal job? I have my ideal job; being an actress.
    What goals do you have? Being well known and envied by everyone around the world
    How do you plan to achieve these goals? Just keep doing what I'm doing.
    How do you personally define success? I know I've been successful when I can look back and be proud of what I did.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful. My whole life has been a success.
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? I couldn't pick just one.
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? I'd pick and choose my friends in high school more carefully.
    Would you rather work with information or with people? With people, definitely
    Are you a team player? I'd say so, as long as they don't get in my way.
    What motivates you? People who admire me.
    Are you a goal-oriented person? No, not really.
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. I got a part in a Hollywood movie. I just auditioned.
    What are your short-term goals? Meh, I don't really have any.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? Being an incredibly successful actress, have a wonderful boyfriend and lots of money.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now? I have no idea. I don't think that far ahead.
    Do you handle conflict well? I don't really have to, I have people that do it for me.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? Those awful fans who won't leave you alone. Ugh.
    Do you handle pressure well? Of course.
    What is your greatest strength? There's too many to list, darling.
    What is your greatest weakness? Weakness? What weakness?
    What were your favorite classes? Why? Drama of course. And English.
    Is money important to you? Of course. I'm human aren't I?
    How much money do you need to make to be happy? As much as possible.
    July 24th, 2010 at 08:53pm
  • Goddess

    Goddess (100)

    United States
    Stella Shaw: I'm Sick and I'm Twisted.

    Tell me about yourself. Stella leaned back in the old wooden chair and let her arms dangle.
    “What an original question,” she smirked, “My name’s Stella Shaw. I’m seventeen and… bloody hell. Everyone always laughs because this is such a common question, but no one really has a good answer for it. How do you talk about yourself? There’s no simple way to talk about yourself… Ask me to talk about Ava or Alexia or even Draco!” she barked out a laugh and shook her head, “I could do that easily, but discussing myself is something else.”
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? She stared up at the ceiling, chewing thoughtlessly on one of her fingernails.
    “Passing transfiguration?” she chuckled sarcastically, “No, really. I’m not even sure. I’m insanely average… everything I accomplish is nothing particularly amazing. But it’s okay, average is good. I’m proud of everything I accomplish.”
    How would you describe your ideal job? “A job where I’m working by choice. I want to be wealthy enough that if I have a job doing something it’s only because I love doing it. Do you know what I mean? If only I were that lucky.”
    What goals do you have? “To be happy?” she scrunched up her face and took a deep breath, “I’m such a downer,” she laughed, “But really, I just want to be happy. I want a home and a family who loves me. I want to be able to handle everything life throws at me, and to have a husband who can help me with the things I can’t handle by myself.”
    How do you plan to achieve these goals? Stella stared at the ceiling again and pursed her lips. The interviewer watched her, waiting for a few minutes for her to answer.
    “Oh, I heard you,” Stella smiled politely as the interviewer began to repeat the question.
    “I don’t think there’s a particular way to work on achieving a goal of that sort… I guess just fall in love and work hard for what I want.”
    How do you personally define success? “Happiness,” she answered strongly.
    “Success doesn’t necessarily mean you’re high up on the corporate ladder or you’re filthy rich. I could be the Minister of Magic and be the wealthiest person in the world and still be unsuccessful. Of course, money never hurts.”
    Describe a situation in which you were successful. “I like to consider my entire life successful. After all, I’m sitting here, aren’t I? I’m in my final year in school, I have amazing friends, I’m doing well in all of my classes, I’m happy, healthy and I have a loving family.”
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? “All of my accomplishments are satisfying. I accomplished them, didn’t I?”
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? “I think I’m one of the few that would keep my life the same. I’m totally accepting of the fact that I’m not perfect. If I went back to change my mistakes I would never learn from them. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.”
    Would you rather work with information or with people? “People, I think,” she answered and crossed her legs, “I’m one big social butterfly.”
    Are you a team player? “When I want to be.”
    What motivates you? “Money, happiness, that unstoppable tug in the pit of my stomach to finish what I’ve started.”
    Are you a goal-oriented person? “Sometimes.”
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. “I wanted to bring out the more secluded side of Draco. He was always so quiet and closed off. I wanted to hear him talk, not taunt. I wanted to see him smile, not smirk. So I talked to him, I went places with him and did normal things that friends do in an attempt to break down his brick wall.”
    What are your short-term goals? “Finish school, look at getting my own flat and finish organizing Alexia’s birthday party, I still have to get music and food…” she trailed off.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? “Hopefully I’ll be in a steady relationship, having a job and enjoying my life.”
    Where do you want to be ten years from now? “Married, I hope,” she laughed.
    “Maybe even a child? Who knows?”
    Do you handle conflict well? “I think so,” she shrugged.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? “This surprisingly complicated situation with, oddly enough, Harry. He seems to want to be friends, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. Neither does Ava. I need to figure out this situation before anything else.”
    Do you handle pressure well? “I actually think I work better under pressure.”
    What is your greatest strength? “I’m marvelous at organization.”
    What is your greatest weakness? “I listen to my heart much too often.”
    What were your favorite classes? Why? “Potions. It is an art form, and I find it entirely intriguing.”
    Is money important to you? “Yes. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’s human nature.”
    How much money do you need to make to be happy? “Enough to be comfortable. Comfortable is in the eye of the beholder, I do admit. Comfortable to one person might not be enough for another. I like luxury, what can I say?” Stella stifled a smile and stretched out her arms.
    July 25th, 2010 at 11:17pm
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    Joey Veins from Lukeykid.

    Tell me about yourself.
    - " name's Joey, and...uh...yeah."
    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    - "Hittin' it big with my little bro's band. I think I like this whole management thing..."
    How would you describe your ideal job?
    - "I've already got my ideal job. I travel, meet awesome people, and get to see sexy people."
    What goals do you have?
    - "Hopefully...I'll be able to become normal again. I dunno, after David died my mind was just so fucked but with the help of family and shit, I think I can be healthy again."
    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    - "Well, Luke said he'd help me. Brendan, too."
    How do you personally define success?
    - "Uh...not failing."
    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    - "I didn't kill myself. I consider that success."
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    - "I'm pretty proud of helping out my brother Brendan's band. That's pretty cool."
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    - "I'd...I'd...I wouldn't have hurt David...I mean, he was my brother. That's shit that you don't mess with, family shit."
    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    - "I like people better 'cause I don't have to read them."
    Are you a team player?
    - "Sh'yeah, that way I don't have to do all the work."
    What motivates you?
    - "Friends."
    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    - "Eh, kinda. When I make goals and can't reach 'em, I just get sad though."
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    - "Um...well, I went back to church..."
    What are your short-term goals?
    - "Surviving," he laughs.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    - "Hopefully I'll still be with Plaster Caster and they'll have dominated the world."
    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    - "What I said before. With my family and friends."
    Do you handle conflict well?
    - "Probably not. Brendan says I screw shit up."
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    - "Luke was all over my ass for gettin' drunk and takin' Brendan out, and then he yelled at me. But then when I started cryin' he hugged me, so I guess it wasn't all bad."
    Do you handle pressure well?
    - "Fuck no."
    What is your greatest strength?
    - "My dashing good looks."
    What is your greatest weakness?
    - "I'm not a thinkin' type'a person."
    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    - "HA! I hate school. All it is is slavery."
    Is money important to you?
    - "Yeah, but it ain't as important as my buds."
    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    - "Whatever keeps me alive."
    August 7th, 2010 at 02:59am
  • SomeGirlOnTheNet

    SomeGirlOnTheNet (100)

    United States
    Sorry, wrote a comment and didn't completely understand the guidelines. Oops Embarassed
    September 3rd, 2010 at 04:30am
  • always infinite

    always infinite (100)

    Tell me about yourself.
    "Tell you about myself? It would be easier to just get to know me," she says and chuckles lightly. "But I suppose I can tell you some basics. My name is Jersey Rae, I'm 15. Uh, I have a little brother, Chezden, and I live with our parents. I play the guitar, like really good too." Jersey laughs and shakes her head. "Uh, I draw sometimes. And... you know what, I guess you'll find out anything you need to know during this interview, thing."
    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    "Most important accomplishment?" Jersey frowns slightly. "I think of all accomplishments as important, really."
    How would you describe your ideal job?
    "If I ever get that far, I'd like to live off of my music," Jersey says. "But you know... I won't get that far."
    What goals do you have?
    "I have lots of goals. I have a list of 100 things to do before I die," Jersey explains, making handgestures that really has nothing to do with anything. "Number one is to get an A in math. Twenty-eight is to adopt a dog. And uh... one hundred is to fall in love, as cheezy as it sounds."
    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    "Those that I just mentioned?" Jersey frowns as she thinks. "Well, I guess a bit hard work will do the things. For my other goals, I'll just set my mind to it and do my best. If I won't make it, it's not gonna be the end of the world."
    How do you personally define success?
    "Success is achieving something you've worked for, no matter if it's small or big."
    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    "Uh, well... the fact that I'm still alive is quite the success. Being alive is a success, so I've achieved that success several times. Every time I've gotten back on my feet after cancer bit me."
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    Jersey smiles. "All accomplishments gives me satisfaction."
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    This might be cheesy," Jersey says and laughs softly. "But I don't really think I would change anything. Sure, life without cancer would be great, but I think that in all honestly it has made me a much stronger person."
    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    "I guess it depends," Jersey says and tugs softly at her hair. "I'll say both."
    Are you a team player?
    "Yeah, I like to think so."
    What motivates you?
    "Christobel can always get me motivated. Music also motivates me. I can get through the most boring math homework with music, and it will be almost good!"
    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    Jersey nods. "Yes, I think it's very important to have goals. I'm finishing a list of 100 goals to finish before I die."
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    "I got to play a gig. It was only a short one, three songs, but it was amazing. I had to ask around quite a bit, and then play them a song to show them I was worth it."
    What are your short-term goals?
    Jersey shrugs. "I have many. One of them is to teach Christobel how to skateboard."
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    Jersey looks away, and sighs. "Unless some real badass miracle happens, I'll be dead within a year... So... in five years, I'll be five feet under."
    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    "I want tp play music," Jersey says and tugs the hem of her T-shirt. "But as I just said, I'm not going to live that long."
    Do you handle conflict well?
    "I like to think so, yes."
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    "I've been a bit depressed lately, after I got the news form the doctor telling me I most likely had between 11 and 15 months to live," Jersey says and bit her lip softly. "I'm getting better though. Christobel is helping me a lot."
    Do you handle pressure well?
    "In a way, yes," she says. "But in another, not at all."
    What is your greatest strength?
    "I guess I'm able to look at the bright side of things," Jersey says and tries to smile a bit. "Sometimes it takes a while, but usually I'm able to find at least one positive thing about everything."
    What is your greatest weakness?
    "My greatest weakness?" Jersey things for a while. "I have a horrible phobia for wasps and bees and all things that will sting you. But that's not my greatest weakness. I don't know what is my greatest weakness. It depends on the day, actually."
    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    "My favorite class is music and art." Jersey brightens up. "I love anything creative."
    Is money important to you?
    "It's important in a sense that without it I wouldn't be able to get food, drink, a place to live, the mediction I need, and so on. But I don't think you need to be rich to be happy," Jersey says without a second thought. "You can be the richest man in the world, and yet be miserable, and you can own nothing and be happier than most."
    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    "I don't know how much to be happy, but to be saticfied, I need enough to cover all the basic needs plus a little bit extra," she chuckled and ends the interview at that.
    October 8th, 2010 at 11:28pm
  • who owns my heart

    who owns my heart (100)

    United States
    I"m gonna do this for Music (dying to write a full length story on here about her, but I want more with her), because of boredom.

    Given Name: "Um... well, it's Music Jacqueline Cassandra Lorraine Reese-Turner. My mom loves loved music, so she named me after something that meant the world to her. Jacqueline and Cassandra came from her sisters. Jacqueline came first because she lived, and Cassandra is the sister that died. Lorraine is was her absolute best friend in the world. And Reese-Turner because her and dad weren't married at the time. It's a mouthful, and I'm sure mom does did those things purely because she wanted a memory."

    Nickname(s): "Ha, it's hard to get nicknames as a selective mute. Most call me MJ, purely because they don't know which name to call me. I respond to it, anyway."

    - female
    - twenty-two
    - four foot eleven (shit genetics, ok?)
    - 100 pounds (I'm fat. I need to lose five pounds. I know it doesn't sound fat, but I'm four foot eleven. It's fat for my height.)
    - Um, a sort of weird reddish-brown color? I generally let it fall where it does. It's waist length (not that long, all things considered) and left in curls. Naturally curly, and I hate it.
    - This sort of weird gray color that turns blue in certain lights. Average.
    - I hate make-up.
    - Tomboy, I guess. My closet doesn't have pants purely because they are the demon's work. No, really. They either fit in the dressing room and are too tight later, or don't fit, so you don't buy them. I mostly own skirts, and I tend to wear Chucks with them. I hate looking overly girly.
    Race/ethnicity: Um... I was born in Los Angeles... and I look white. But I'm actually one fourth Italian and I think my mom is part Hispanic. But like I said, I look white. No one believes I'm part Hispanic.

    Physical abilities/limitations: Let's see. I can do gymnastics, but I'm scared of crowds. That's not good, since my mom is pretty well known. Bitch had to go and be the lead singer for this band, then finally crack under all the pressure and off herself. I can sing thanks to the talents from both my parents and the best friends, but I hate singing in front of people. I can play guitar, and drum. I learned how to play guitar from my dad, and drum from his brother. But like I said, I'm not a performer. So all of this is pretty much a moot point.



    Religion: Ha. Like my parents ever gave a damn about religion.

    Place of birth: Los Angles, California.

    Place and time of story: Let me check the calender. It is most definitely 2009, and last I checked, I'm still in California. Thought I wish it was during 1969. Yes, so I can giggle at the year.

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: My dad is part Italian and part Greek. I know it makes no sense. My mom is was Hispanic and part Caucasian. My step-mom is the same.
    - socioeconomic level: Fucking rich. Between the hotel and the fact that both my parents are famous, we're rolling in the cash.
    - religion: Ha ha ha. My mom once was obsessed with Wicca practices. But that interest faded after I was born. Figured. My step-mom once was Catholic, but that also faded away.
    - habits: My mother had this thing where she'd complain, but not complain. I don't know how to say it, but it was annoying. And when she was nervous, she'd play with her sleeves. I don't know about my dad. He's too busy with the hotel and tour. My step-mom tends to air drum when thinking.
    - quality of relationship with me: My mom, until she died, was super close to me. I think it would've been better if she left me alone. Then I wouldn't have cared so much that she died. My dad, I barely know him. My step-mom, she's nice, but she tries to hard.
    - living/deceased: Mom is dead. My dad's alive, but he might as well be dead. My step-mom is still very much alive.

    Brothers/sisters/significant-other relatives (profile each)
    - race/ethnicity: I think Lorraine is an albino. No, wait, she isn't. She definitely has green eyes. Albinos have red or pink eyes, right? I'm too scared to ask.
    - socioeconomic level: I grew up around rich people.
    - religion: None.
    - habits: I really don't pay attention.
    - quality of relationship: Pretty good. We see each other a lot.
    - living/deceased: She's alive.

    Family structure/life:


    - No story yet

    - What was growing up like for them?
    It was nice, believe it or not. People cared, or at least, acted like they cared. I didn't talk much, and I still don't talk much. You can't really expect me to have a perfect childhood, but it was nice. Then, my mom committed suicide. She left a note address to me. Just me. About how she was so sorry, and how she loved me, but everything was just so hard. She apologized to dad, too. But she also told Aunt Jackie to marry dad, that it could be good for them to explore "it", whatever "it" was. I guess in a way, that made me want to talk even less. I guess that's why I don't talk.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood?
    Neither good nor bad. It was, like I said, an OK childhood.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome?
    No! None at all! My mother committing suicide was a fucking walk in the park! Watching Aunt Jackie and dad marry wasn't weird at all! Everything was fucking perfect! What do you think, dipshit?

    - Has their life worked out like they expected?
    Absolutely. It's my dream to be stalked by paparazzi who ask about my mom dying and ask if my dad was cheating on my mom. It's my dream to have panic attacks from the publicity of my life. It's been a childhood dream of mine for people to tell me I'm going to hell for loving another woman. Not.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now?
    Hahaha, yes. Everything is so easy. Can we stop with the stupid questions now?

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice?
    ... Apparently not. Yes, I chose to be famous. I chose to be born in a famous family. I chose for people to judge my relationship with Avery. I chose for all of this to happen. Not.

    - Do they have regrets?
    Hell no.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today?
    Everything. I don't think I'd change a thing. Even if it could make my life easier.

    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way?
    My mother dying. I remember her body, hanging from the ceiling, lifeless. It was just horrible, and I doubt I'll ever forget it.


    Outer Goal (physical):
    I want to marry Avery. Eventually. But at the same time, it would be lovely if people stopped judging our relationship and let us get a paper that says we love each other.

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional):
    To stop being so mute. If I weren't mute, I'd be able to speak up. Well, I'm not mute, but a very a selective mute. Avery is one of the few people who have heard me talk.

    Defining characteristic: Some people say the fact I don't talk is very defining. But I don't know. I have a lot of them.

    Hopes/desires: To marry my girlfriend. To be able to perform with my band for once. We've only done recordings. I want to drum in front of people without fear.
    Fears/phobias: the limelight, spiders and I avoid pants and mirrors out of fear of what I'll see, love, trust
    Dirty Secrets: I blame myself for my mother committing suicide. If I wasn't such a bad daughter, she might still be here.

    Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert

    More thinking or feeling?:

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: I fear love and am in love. I hate being too trusting and yet, I trust Avery.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: I'm very selfish and self-centered. I hate it.

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: I love McDonald's. I hate anything orange. It's just not natural.

    Education or important learning experiences: Learning experiences. Fuck education.

    Most hated activities: do you want to die here?

    Most enjoyed activities: sex, drumming, eating at drive-in diners, watching movies, and playing guitar. I hate a lot of things, ok?

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: It's a creepy one. I've always enjoyed the idea of being tortured. Being treated like scum. I love the idea of being strangled, being raped, being beaten into submission. But at the same time, I doubt I would truly like it if it happened to me.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: I'm a sarcastic kind of person.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate?
    I don't have heroes. They only let you down.


    Attitudes toward:
    - self: I'm worthless. I'm not worth getting to know because no one cares. In a sick way, I make others think that. Avery hates when I pull myself down, so it's thanks to her I have more confidence and feel sexier.
    - others: People only care if they think it'll serve themselves. Avery, once again, is the only person I can trust. It sounds so co-dependent, and that scares me. It scares me how much I rely on her, because I hate trusting. Trusting leads to getting hurt.
    - friendship: You can't have it without trust.
    - sex: Only in a loving and trusting relationship.
    - love: Bullshit that people make up to make their friendship seem like it's bigger than any other friendship. Love is simply a friendship with sex added to it.
    - family: Disposable. Out for only themselves, and they think they can backstab you because you have to stay. Not to be trusted.
    - marriage: A piece of paper.
    - country: Ha. It's land. Countries aren't real. They're something people made up to validate their wars.
    - the world: Fucked up place to be.
    - religion: Fake.

    Political philosophy:
    - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical: Liberal
    - public causes supported/protested: LGBT Rights, Environment protection
    - politically active/apathetic: active

    Superstitions?: That we're all just puppets in some grand master puppeteer's game.

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview? (examples: "What goes around comes around." "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse." etc.): "Live life the way you want to, and not by someone else's standards."


    Closest friend(s): Avery
    Job/career/occupation: socialite, drummer, DJ's at a club on weekends
    - Attitude towards job: I hate everything, why should my job be different?
    Noted accomplishments: N/A
    - Famous/infamous? Kind of both.
    Clubs/organizations belonged to: I hated school, so I didn't go to clubs.

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: Boy Meets World, 90s Grunge movement

    Hobbies: DJ'ing, drumming, and playing guitar


    - Inheriting $1 million: Don't need it
    - The death of a loved one: Shock, anger, resentment
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: "C'est la vie"
    - Being fired: "C'est la vie"
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: Probably violently. I hate people who leave.
    - Having or raising children: Ha! Are you suggestion something?
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: Anger. Resentment. Violence.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: "What the fuck. Like you really mean it."
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: "C'est la vie"
    - A flat tire on the expressway: "FUCK"
    - An interracial relationship: So what? Race makes them less human or something?
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: Hahaha, done that, got the t-shirt.
    October 11th, 2010 at 12:24am
  • Siriano;

    Siriano; (100)

    United States
    Doing this for Andrew from Starling.

    Given Name: Andrew Starling

    Nickname(s): Andy, Drew - by Charlie

    - Male
    - 25
    - 5'6"
    - 124 lbs
    - Dirty blond. About jaw length and wavy, flipping under at the ends. Parted in the middle.
    - A dark, chocolate brown.
    - None.
    - Working class in how he wears it, but high quality. Hardly washed. Usually soaked in river water, air-dried, then slept in.
    - Caucasian.

    Physical abilities/limitations: In good shape for his size, but in poor health. Very minor scoliosis.



    Religion: Raised Protestant.

    Place and time of story: Late Victorian/early Edwardian Poppy's Spring, New England.

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: Caucasian.
    - socioeconomic level: Upper-middle class.
    - religion: Protestant.
    - habits: His father talked loudly and swore when he was excited, a trait that Andrew picked up. His mother whined and drank excessively.
    - Terrible. His father practically disowned him. His mother loved him, but could never step up to her husband, so her and Andrew's relationship became strained.
    - Both living.

    Brothers/sisters/significant-other relatives (profile each)
    - race/ethnicity: Only child.
    - socioeconomic level: Only child.
    - religion: Only child.
    - habits: Only child.
    - quality of relationship: Only child.
    - living/deceased: Only child.

    Family structure/life: When he was sixteen, almost seventeen, he left home to go live with his godfather Charlie. He never looked back.


    - What was their life like before the story began? He was living with his step-father. Very similar to how it is during the story, only less interesting.

    - What was growing up like for them? Growing up had its ups and downs. For the early majority of his life, things went swimmingly. He had a good education, well-rounded, didn't talk much. This was before his mother started drinking. She would read to him and insisted upon piano and violin lessons, the former he did quite well in. She wanted him to be a poet when he grew up. When he got a bit older, his normal personality became to emerge. It was during this time that he and his father's relationship became tense.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? Childhood was good. The same cannot be said of adolescence.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? Many, and we'll leave it at that.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? No, but he likes it that way.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? Difficult, but he'll never admit it.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? It was a combination of the two. He was forced to make the decisions.

    - Do they have regrets? One or two, but again, he'd never admit this.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? Everything, naturally.

    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way? No, although it would be expected.


    Outer Goal (physical): Hard to say. He appears to be a man, whose plan is to live his life with no plan at all.

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): Ah, now those would be spoilers, wouldn't they?

    Defining characteristic: His entire personality.

    Hopes/desires: Peace, simple peace.

    Fears/phobias: bleeding out, drowning. Is also somewhat agateophobic.

    Dirty Secrets: Charlie's death affected him more than he wants to admit.

    Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert.

    More thinking or feeling?:

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?:

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish?: Very.

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: Hates meat. Not because he loves animals, but because he genuinely dislikes the taste. His like of apples is a bit of a running gag.

    Education or important learning experiences?: A bit of both. Mostly the former.
    Most hated activities: do you want to die here?

    Most enjoyed activities: Pool and billiards, sex, hearing himself talk.

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: Sadomasochism. Not always sexual though.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: Very, very dark.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? He has no hero.


    Attitudes toward:
    - self: Changes. The norm, though, is nothing short of narcissistic.
    - others: Again, changes and is specific to each person.
    - friendship: Nearly impossible and overrated. There is either lust, dependence, or hatred.
    - sex: A necessity yet is glamorized.
    - love: Lust combined with dependence.
    - family: Those who are related to you. Their primary goal is to ruin your life.
    - marriage: The most easily disguised form of slavery.
    - country: Meaningless.
    - the world: Interesting.
    - religion: Necessary, but not valid.

    Political philosophy:
    - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical: Radical.
    - public causes supported/protested: None.
    - politically active/apathetic: Apathetic.

    Superstitions?: Not many.

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview? "Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. "


    Closest friend(s): was Charlie, is now Emily, Louis, Adam, and Cameron.
    Job/career/occupation: unemployed
    - Attitude towards job: Delightful.
    Noted accomplishments: None.
    - Famous/infamous? Would be the latter.
    Clubs/organizations belonged to: None.

    Hobbies: None to speak of.


    - Inheriting $1 million: Would make some big speech about how he doesn't need it, then spend the majority of it on a residence and vices.
    - The death of a loved one: Apathy and shock.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: No fear.
    - Being fired: "Fuck the world."
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: Being cruelly nice to enemy. If he saw Charlie, he would most likely break into tears.
    - Having or raising children: "Not my problem."
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: Vengeance sevenfold.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: "Yeah, I know."
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: "Woe is me...."
    - An interracial relationship: Just as miserable as the rest of the world.
    October 11th, 2010 at 03:23am
  • herekelsey

    herekelsey (100)

    United States
    Tell me about yourself.
    I'm Florence Barrett, I'm nineteen and I work at a coffee shop in New York.

    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    Finishing high school and moving to New York is the best I could come up with.

    How would you describe your ideal job?
    Being a painter or an author would be nice.

    What goals do you have?
    To become a author or a painter and to see my mom without getting in a huge fight about nothing.

    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    I guess show my portfolio around? I don't know! That's why I'm stuck in that stupid coffee shop!

    How do you personally define success?
    To love what your doing and to do something that inspires others.

    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    Getting my high school diploma?

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    I guess wanting to be a artist and a writer. I just really want to do something that will really inspire others.

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    I guess starting college when I was supposed to. I could of been in school and looking for painting and writing jobs. Instead I'm working at a coffee shop and getting money from my mom every three weeks.

    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    I guess it depends. Sometimes working with people can be a good thing, but then something happens and your screwed, she screwed, and then we all end up screwed. That's just not working for me. You know what, I rather be with information.

    Are you a team player?
    I can be, as long as the rest of the team is a player as well.

    What motivates you?
    My best friend Constance and my co-worker Ryan, and man can he draw.

    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    Sometimes, it depends on what I really want.

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    Getting my high school diploma, I achieved it because I did well in school. Oh, and I also met Chris Martin, the lead vocalist of Coldplay, but I was just at the right place at the right time. [Smirks]

    What are your short-term goals?
    To read 10 books in 15 days. Which gives me 1 and a half days to complete each book. And I really want to learn how to play a banjo.

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    I see me doing painting as a career and writing as a side job. You know I really talked about writing and painting a lot. [Laughs] Guess you know what I really love to do. [Laughs again]

    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    Be successful and happily with someone or even engaged.

    Do you handle conflict well?
    I, know. Okay, I'll tell the truth, I cannot stand conflict. I don't want to be in it, I want to be around it and I don't want to deal with it. That's it.

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    [Chuckles] My mother. Have I mentioned she's crazy?

    Do you handle pressure well?
    Hell yeah. I can handle it so well I got voted Least Likely to Get Pressured in high school. [Laughs] That was a joke.

    What is your greatest strength?
    I have good self-confidence, I'm a hard worker, and I can be really determined.

    What is your greatest weakness?
    Well, I can be a little egoistic when it comes to competition and I can be inpatient.

    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    Creative writing was fun, but only because I love to write. I also liked chemistry and visual arts. Chemistry was fun because our teacher was really funny, and I like art because I want to be a painter.

    Is money important to you?
    Not really, but it sure does help to have some living in New York. [Smiles] By the way, that's advice to everyone.

    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    Enough not to feel stressed. I know everyone says "None. I got all I need here." or whatever. But really? You may have family and friends, but you are going to be stressed and tired from working just to get food and keep your house. And you know you would not feel amazingly happy then.
    November 16th, 2010 at 01:11am
  • Magical Mystery

    Magical Mystery (100)

    United States
    Character from my story Library of Memories


    Given Name: Damien

    Nickname(s): n/a

    - gender: male
    - age: 21
    - height: 5'11"
    - weight: 157
    - hair color/style: black, goes past ears but doesn't quite hit neck (picture in character link on summary.
    - eye color: dark brown
    - makeup: none
    - clothing style: librarian outfit that every male wears.
    Race/ethnicity: South Korean
    Physical abilities/limitations: not very strong



    Religion: Christian

    Place of birth: South Korea

    Place and time of story: In purgatory in modern time

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: both south Korean
    - socioeconomic level: father is a mayor of new jersey.
    - religion: Christians
    - habits: over-protective, worry warts
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): mother is very close but father is too busy to spend time with Damien.
    - living/deceased: both are living.

    Family structure/life: well, Damien is kind of dead.


    - What was their life like before the story began? He was smart and because of his father's success he could have anything he wanted.

    - What was growing up like for them? He was raised with his mother the only parent really there for him. Father showed up but only talked to him during meals. No siblings so he was alone when he wasn't with his mother.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? Better than most.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? Having to get over the fact that he died and that he didn't get to spend time with his father.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? I'd say that dying at age 21 wasn't what he had in mind.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? Easy until death.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? Forced.

    - Do they have regrets? He took the shortcut to get home when his mother didn't want him to. Should have listened to her.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? His death made him a little depressed and made him a serious person.

    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way? Not really.


    Outer Goal (physical): Just stay in shape.

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): Get the girl.

    Defining characteristic: ethnicity and his skinny but tall figure.

    Hopes/desires: Getting Adele (the gal) and just staying alive in purgatory.
    Fears/phobias: Guns.
    Dirty Secrets: Virgin (hehe Smiley )

    Introvert or extrovert?: Umm kind of in between, he can be outgoing but mostly keeps to himself.

    More thinking or feeling?: Thinking, what an imagination he has.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: Not selfish at all, even though his parents were rich he didn't ask for anything.

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: He loves french toast with apple juice but hates soda and fish.

    Most hated activities: Track or any gym sport.

    Most enjoyed activities: Art classes.

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: Noted as his dirty little secret.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? He has a sense of humor but he hardly shows it.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? He looks up to people who are very wise and look down at people who don't try.


    Attitudes toward:
    - self: confident in his looks and sort of his personality.
    - others: respects others but some can get on his bad side.
    - friendship: he didn't have many friends because he was so quiet during school.
    - sex: still a virgin Smiley
    - love: hasn't fallen in love until Adele, so he doesn't know how to express it.
    - family: he was close to his mother more than anybody.
    - marriage: Isn't thinking about it now.
    - country: he isn't impressed by New Jersey and wanted to leave.
    - the world: he wants to travel all around.
    - religion: he is only Christian because his parents are.

    Political philosophy:
    - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical: conservative but his father is more liberal.
    - public causes supported/protested: pro-life but anti-welfare unlike his parents.
    - politically active/apathetic: apathetic.

    Superstitions?: breaking mirrors.

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview? (examples: "What goes around comes around." "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse." etc.): n/a


    Closest friend(s): Mitchell when in purgatory.
    Job/career/occupation: Damien worked as a tutor.
    - Attitude towards job: A little negative since he doesn't like kids.
    Noted accomplishments: Perfect grades (all A's)
    - Famous/infamous? Famous because his father is the mayor.
    Clubs/organizations belonged to: art and pottery.

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: enjoyed classical piano and didn't watch much television; but his favorite movie is V for Vendetta.

    Hobbies: writing, drawing, and painting.


    - Inheriting $1 million: charity because he isn't into having a lot of money.
    - The death of a loved one: He doesn't know anybody who died until he was in purgatory.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: Never experienced one but he had his dad donate some money to the Katrina victims.
    - Being fired: Hasn't been fired.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: n/a
    - Having or raising children: He wouldn't dream of having kids.
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: he was killed because he was beaten by people who came up behind him.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: he says thank you and carries on.
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: Since he is already dead he won't have those problems.
    - A flat tire on the expressway: It happened to him and he was extremely frustrated.
    - An interracial relationship: Has never been in a relationship but he wouldn't care.
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: he has been and he acted like it was no big deal.

    [Thanks to Born on the Cob for the survey :) ]
    November 16th, 2010 at 04:29am
  • gingernutsnaps

    gingernutsnaps (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Lily from 'Look Alive Lily-Pie' which is currently waiting to be posted.

    Tell me about yourself.
    My name is Lily Hannah-Joy Anderson. Lily is after my mother's favourite flower, Hannah after my grandmother and Joy after my mother. I am twenty four years old. My birthday is January 1st. I have small feet, I wear a size 34 in European sizing and I'm five foot, three inches tall. Shoes are almost impossible to come by, it's silly. I live in California, I would tell you exactly where but to be honest I'm not too sure, I just know it is California. Until about eight months ago, I was engaged and had been for almost eighteen months but my fiance never returned from a mission and they decleared him dead.
    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    There isn't really anything of importance. I used to be engaged until he was decleared dead. I guess getting pregnant is my biggest accomplishment though I didn't really do anything.
    How would you describe your ideal job?
    My ideal job would be a journalist or a writer, but in the currently climate it is not possible so I spend my days skating and shooting bad guys.
    What goals do you have?
    I don't really have goals. The goals I did have, left with my fiance. I had a goal eight months ago which was try to get myself killed when I joined the Killjoys but it's not happened. The only goal I really have is to be a mother to this baby when it is born, I want to say she but I don't know yet.
    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    I have no idea.
    How do you personally define success?
    As being happy, when you have been successful you tend to be happy.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    I don't think I have ever been successful, unless you include the day I skated 45 miles in one day. My legs ached so much afterwards.
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    Finding out I was pregnant and when I got engaged to Frank.
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    I would have stopped Frank going on that mission. He'd still be here if I had never let him go.
    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    I'd rather work with people. I get on better with people than computers. Just my luck that almost everything in done on computers.
    Are you a team player?
    I'd say I am, though some people would probably argue that I'm bossy.
    What motivates you?
    I'm motivated by my desire to change the way the world is. To stop Better Living Industries controlling our lives.
    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    Not really. I'm living one day to the next at the moment.
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    I'd rather not because I don't think there are any worth any merit.
    What are your short-term goals?
    To live.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    Bringing up the baby, hopefully happy.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    Bringing up the baby. Happy. Possibly married, though there will never be anyone who loves me or I love as much as Frank.
    Do you handle conflict well?
    Not really. First time we were over run with guard and dracs, I hid behind the car crying.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    Dracs, guards, morning sickness. Three grumpy men. I'm still recovering from losing Frank.
    Do you handle pressure well?
    Not at all. It's the same with conflict.
    What is your greatest strength?
    I would say my greatest strength is probably my ability of getting out of almost any situation. I don't know how I do it, I just must be lucky.
    What is your greatest weakness?
    I'm a very emotional person. I cry myself to sleep most nights since Frank left. It's worse now I am pregnant.
    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    I loved English, Spanish and Italian at school. I love languages, my most prized posession is a collection of Italian poems that Frank got me for my 22nd birthday.
    Is money important to you?
    Money isn't that important to me.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    Money doesn't make me happy. Having someone loving me back is happy.
    November 20th, 2010 at 06:41am
  • artaamx

    artaamx (100)

    United States
    Tell me about yourself. "Well... I'm average. I'm eighteen. I enjoy a good book, now and again. Just... you know... average."
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? "Facing those damn idiots at school! Meeting Ian, Luke, and the others really helped."
    How would you describe your ideal job? "Something with animals, perhaps. Or maybe a journalist."
    What goals do you have? "Getting through high school and all it's Hellish-ness."
    How do you plan to achieve these goals? "By shutting up and dealing with it, I guess."
    How do you personally define success? "Success is when you succeed. Just kidding, I think success is when you manage to do something, and are happy with what you did."
    Describe a situation in which you were successful. "....well I successfully got myself into a lot of trouble... but I'm not exactly happy with it."
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? "I still have plenty of time to get satisfaction in life. Actually, i'm not satisfied at all right now."
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? "How I handled things like drama. I would choose my friends more carefully, too.)
    Would you rather work with information or with people? "This is hard, but I'm kind of shy, so I'd say with information."
    Are you a team player? "I guess I am. I try, at least."
    What motivates you? "HA! Not much."
    Are you a goal-oriented person? "Not really. I barely have goals."
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. "....."
    What are your short-term goals? "I really don't have any. I'm too unmotivated."
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? "Hopefully not working in a fast-food restaurant."
    Where do you want to be ten years from now? "With a family and a decent job."
    Do you handle conflict well? "Nope!"
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? "Too much high school drama. Then too much 'un-dead' drama. So mostly just drama."
    Do you handle pressure well? "Not really. I get reckless when I begin to reach my breaking point."
    What is your greatest strength? "My logic."
    What is your greatest weakness? "My lack of ability to defend myself properly. Verbally and emotionally that is."
    What were your favorite classes? Why? History. It's just strangely always caught my interest.
    Is money important to you? "Kind of."
    How much money do you need to make to be happy? "Enough to survive comfortably enough where I'm not worrying about if I'm going to be able to feed myself the next day or not. You know?"
    November 27th, 2010 at 05:39am
  • UnbreakMe;UnchainMe

    UnbreakMe;UnchainMe (100)

    United States
    These are answered by Drew himself.

    Tell me about yourself. "What would you like to know specifically?" *takes a drag of his cigarette*

    What is your most important accomplishment to date? "I’m currently working on my accomplishments."

    How would you describe your ideal job? "I’m not sure exactly, but something that I knew I would love doing, maybe something with science or writing."

    What goals do you have? *takes a deep drag off the cancer stick* "Pass my college classes to show my father that I can take things seriously, and live up to what he wants me to, just to prove a point. I want to work on Reese, break down her walls and let her see love."

    How do you plan to achieve these goals? "By focusing and working hard, though it shouldn’t be."

    How do you personally define success? "When you look around and notice that everything you have is what makes you happy and perfect in your own eyes."

    Describe a situation in which you were successful. "Does breaking up with my girlfriend without her being attached count?" *smirk*

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? "I’ll let you know when I get one."

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? "I have this view, that if you were to change things in your life things wouldn’t be as they were."

    Would you rather work with information or with people? "Hard to say, I’m pretty good with both, just don’t make me deal with Nate." *eye roll*

    Are you a team player? "Why yes, I am a team player."

    What motivates you? "Knowing that accomplishing my goals would change my life for the greater good."

    Are you a goal-oriented person? "When I need to be. Mostly when I see that things are spiraling out of control."

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. *sighs* "Studying hard on my studies. I have a slight plan about things. I don’t plan completely since plans don’t always go as planned." *smile*

    What are your short-term goals? "I just have long term goals at the moment."

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? "Settling, with a steady job. What Job? I’m not sure."

    Where do you want to be ten years from now? "A few kids, still married, and working."

    Do you handle conflict well? "I try my best to avoid it, but when there is conflict I’m straight forward. Now unless there could be laughs about it I joke around a bit with it." *smirk*

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? "Getting kicked out of my parent’s house for failing and trying to prove to my father that I’m worthy."

    Do you handle pressure well? "Only to a certain point. You know when I'm stressed cause I smoke constantly."

    What is your greatest strength? "Being absolutely persistent and focused, and making a smile out of any situation."

    What is your greatest weakness? "Cigarettes and" *sighs* "Reese."

    What were your favorite classes? Why? "Writing, Science and History. They shape who we are, well to me at least."

    Is money important to you? "Not necessarily, only cause it’s a necessity."

    How much money do you need to make to be happy? "I don’t need money, I grew up around it and it ruled my life as a child and rules my father."

    I answer these with Drew’s approval and some input by him. *Note: he is fictional I just think it’s quite funny that he would input if he were real.

    Given Name:
    Andrew Christopher Reynolds


    - Male
    - 21
    - 5’11”
    - 170-ish
    - Brown, longish unkempt just ends about his ears.
    - Drew: “Blue, Reese loves them”
    Me:*Rolls her eyes at Drew* That wasn’t part of the question.
    - Eh, he doesn’t really have a style, right Drew? *looks at Drew*
    Race/ethnicity: Caucasian

    Physical abilities/limitations:
    Me: Any comment Drew?
    Drew: “Not really”



    Me: Catholic? *turns to Drew, questioningly*
    Drew: “Eh never asked.”

    Place of birth:
    Biloxi, Mississippi.

    Place and time of story:
    Biloxi, present

    Parents' profiles:
    - Caucasian
    - A bit passed Upper Middle class.
    - Drew: “Eh I don’t know, Atheist?”
    - Father – workaholic controlled by society’s thoughts
    Mother – doesn’t speak her mind much
    - Me: *hears grumbling*
    Drew: “Strained, thanks to my father”
    - living


    - What was their life like before the story began? Drew: “Well, I went to college hardly partied, pretty quiet it seems.”
    Me: Great description Drew. *eye roll*

    - What was growing up like for them? He went to lots of social events thanks to his parents. Only played with Lynnie, Jake, Ellie, and Nate.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? Me: Drew?
    Drew: “It was good enough, look how I turned out.” *smiles*

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? He had to deal with a society following, living up to the family named father.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? Drew goes with the flow.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? It’s been pretty easy for him.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? Me: Drew take this one.
    Drew: “I forced myself here, I want to make sure that I could live up to what my father wanted me to and make him proud. As for Reese *smiles sweetly* she’s what I’ve been looking for.

    - Do they have regrets? Me” Drew does-
    Drew: “I don’t believe in regrets, it wouldn’t have got me to where I am now.”

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? None really.

    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way? Drew: “I saw Nate naked once while he was drunk. That’s scarred me for life!”


    Outer Goal (physical): Drew: “I want to stop smoking, I know it’s going to cause trouble.”

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): *whispers* Drew wants love.

    Defining characteristic: His ‘cockiness’, his laugh, his smile, his eyes. Drew brings a smile to everyone’s face.

    Hopes/desires: Me and Drew: “One word, Reese”
    Fears/phobias: N/A
    Dirty Secrets: He really loves Nate (brotherly love).

    Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert, how do you think he got Reese to go out with him?

    More thinking or feeling?: Thinking for Drew.

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: Me :*looks at Drew*
    Drew: *shrugs* “I have no clue, you made me up!”

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: *smiles* Drew is really selfless, he’s always thinking of others, other than Nate.

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: *eye roll* He’s addicted to coffee. Hates crawfish.

    Education or important learning experiences: Drew: “That there is always consequences.”

    Most hated activities: Me: Drew? *thinks*
    Drew: “Hmm, dinner parties!”

    Most enjoyed activities: Me: Drew loves the movies, catching up, making people smile just to make their day, and busting Nate’s ass.
    Drew: “Everyone busts Nate’s ass! Cocky bastard.”

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: Drew won’t tell me.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? Drew finds the funny in everything.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? Drew: “I don’t want to follow a hero or admire someone. I want to be my own person and be something my kids could look up to if they choose to.”


    Attitudes toward:
    - Finds nothing wrong with himself, he has no one to impress, he is who he is.
    - Depends on their true self.
    - One of the most unique and greatest things on earth
    - Sex should be special and shared with the one you truly love.
    - Drew wants love, in his head it’s the caring and loving nature of a girlfriend or wife to replace the love he didn’t receive from his father and is working hard to get.
    - Should be cherished.
    - Should be considered seriously
    - No comment
    - No comment
    - No comment


    Closest friend(s): Nate and Sarah

    Job/career/occupation: Student

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: Me: Black and White films. Mostly rock music.
    Drew: “I don’t watch TV much. But that ‘House’ is pretty good.”

    Hobbies: Studying, writing, smoking, and drinking coffee.


    - Inheriting $1 million: Not surprised.
    - The death of a loved one: Drew: “Let you know.”
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: Drew: “It happens often so, a bit of worry.”
    - Being fired: Drew: “Give me solid reason!”
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: Friend: happy. Enemy: He would seem as pleasant as he could.
    - Having or raising children: Drew: “A new adventure to my life!”
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: Drew: *winces*
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: Grateful. Suspicious if it comes from Nate.
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: Somber
    - A flat tire on the expressway: Drew: “Few choice curse words.”
    - An interracial relationship: Drew: “Uhh…”
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: *laughs* He wouldn’t be disturbed by it.
    November 27th, 2010 at 08:13am
  • UnbreakMe;UnchainMe

    UnbreakMe;UnchainMe (100)

    United States
    These are answered by Jake himself. Eyelash Wishes

    Tell me about yourself. Well, I’m Jake. Jacob Michael Fattore to be exact. *smiles*
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? Graduating from high school, and joining the Navy Air Force. *sits up straight proudly*
    How would you describe your ideal job? I would be able to protect my family at all costs, that’s why I sort of have my dream job: being in the Air Force.
    What goals do you have? *purses his lips* I want to get married to Sarah *whispers* don’t tell her, that and make sure my family is safe at all costs.
    How do you plan to achieve these goals? I’m dating Sarah at the moment, I love her with all my heart. I’m going off to fight the war once again.
    How do you personally define success? When your loved ones look up to you and feel safe with you.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful. I came back from war safely after a year.
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? Knowing that I’m protecting my family at home.
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? *clenches his jaw* Not being able to protect my sister’s from their rapes *grits teeth* Fucking assholes.
    Would you rather work with information or with people? I would rather deal with information, it took me six years to ask Sarah out!
    Are you a team player? Yes, I am. I work hard with other people to make sure the job gets done.
    What motivates you? The love and faith of my loved ones.
    Are you a goal-oriented person? When its good for me, yeah I guess I am.
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. *blushes* I dumped my ex and finally asked Sarah out. *smiles really big*
    What are your short-term goals? What are short term goals? *shrugs*
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? Probably fighting in this war if it’s still going on.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now? I want to be living my life, with my kids and wife.
    Do you handle conflict well? No really, I’m scared to be hurt and hurt other, and I tend to run from my problem, emotionally that is. Physically, I can take any conflict.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? Helping my sister’s through their rapes *breathes in deeply* and helping my sister and best friend with her pregnancy. Along with gaining Sarah’s trust and spending time with her before I’m shipped off again.
    Do you handle pressure well? Yes.
    What is your greatest strength? *sits back in the chair* I would have to say my strong persona and will to protect those I love.
    What is your greatest weakness? *smirks* Sarah.
    Me: “Not like that Jake.”
    Jake: *pouts* okay well my sister’s for sure and that little bundle my sister is having, she named part of him after me. She looks up to me you know.
    What were your favorite classes? Why? NONE! *laughs* I didn’t really enjoy school, I wanted to do something to help my family, hence my joining in the Air Force.
    Is money important to you? Not at all. Money doesn’t make anyone happy.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy? None, if it was possible.

    I answer these with Jake’s approval and some input by him. *Note: he is fictional I just think it’s quite funny that he would input if he were real.

    Given Name:
    Jacob Michael Fattore

    Jake: “And BUBBA! My Buggy calls me Bubba” *grins idiotically*

    - Male
    - 22
    - roughly 6’2” maybe 6’3”
    Me: Damn Jake, you’re one bug fucker.
    Jake: *points to Sarah* “That’s what she said.”
    Me: *smacks Jake upside the head*
    - 190 lbs
    Me: It’s all muscle.
    Jake: “You got that right!”
    - Brown, usually in a buzz cut, grows it out when he’s off from fighting
    Jake: *shrugs” Sarah said it looks sexy.
    Me: *eye roll* It’s Sarah.
    - Sarah: “Bubba’s eyes are bright cobalt blue!”
    Me: Thanks for the input Sarah!
    Jake: *blows kisses to Sarah*
    - Whatever’s in his closet, usually old band t-shirts.
    Jake: “Not anymore! Sarah took them all! Especially my favorite Avenged Sevenfold one!”
    Sarah: “You love the way it looks on me!”
    Me: Guys, hormone check please?
    Race/ethnicity: Caucasian

    Physical abilities/limitations:
    Sarah: “Great in-”
    Me: Don’t finish that.
    Jake: *smirks*




    Place of birth:
    Biloxi, Mississippi.

    Place and time of story:
    Biloxi, present

    Parents' profiles:
    - Caucasian
    - Middle class.
    - Catholic
    - Jake: “Mom loves us to death.”
    - Really good.
    - Mother: living
    Father: deceased, died in an accident for his job.

    Brothers/sisters/significant-other relatives (profile each) Ellie
    - race/ethnicity: Caucasian
    - socioeconomic level: Middle class
    - religion: Catholic
    - habits: Tends to get hurt in all ways..
    - quality of relationship: best friends
    - living/deceased: living and pregnant!

    Brothers/sisters/significant-other relatives (profile each) Reese
    - race/ethnicity: Caucasian
    - socioeconomic level: Middle class
    - religion: atheist
    - habits: Biting her lip and avoiding her feelings for Drew
    - quality of relationship: Close, they’re half sister/brother, half cousins.
    - living/deceased: living


    - What was their life like before the story began? He had a lot of whores for girlfriends that used him and he was off for a year fighting for his country.
    Jake: “They said they loved me! And fighting for my country is important I have to protect my family from the danger!”
    Sarah: “Whatever Superman.”

    - What was growing up like for them? It was full of love, though when his dad died he became the man of the house and worked hard to protect and keep things in order.
    Jake: “Which I did a great job I must say.”
    Me: Yeah you did, and I truly mean that.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? It was good.
    Jake: “I had no true problems til dad died.”

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? He finally admitted he loved Sarah!
    Jake: “I’m never gonna live that down!”
    Sarah: “Well it took you long enough, Bubba!”

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? Me: Jake?
    Jake: *hugs Sarah to his side* Better than I expected. *kisses her temple*

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? Jake tries to keep the difficult from everyone else.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? Me: Jake was forced to admit he love Sarah, and chose to join the Navy.

    - Do they have regrets? Jake: “Not telling Sarah how I truly feel sooner.”
    Me: “You were being thick-headed about it!”
    Jake: “I know! God! BUGGY! She’s picking on me again!”
    Me: Sarah that’s not true! *sticks tongue out at Jake*
    Jake: “She stuck her tongue out at me!”

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? His father’s death.

    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way? Me: Taking so damn long to admit his feelings! He wad running like a little girl from them! It was hard to believe he was in the Navy.
    Jake: “That’s not fair! A shot I can handle! Heartbreak I can’t!”
    Sarah: “My Bubba is a huge teddy bear!”


    Outer Goal (physical): To not punch in Josh’s face.
    Jake: “Bastard got my sister pregnant!”
    Me: “So you would be angry if you got Sarah pregnant?”
    Sarah: *moves around uncomfortably in her seat throwing me looks*
    Jake: *grumbles* “Point taken.”

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): To keep his family safe and happy.

    Defining characteristic: His love for Sarah and his family.

    Hopes/desires: Jake wants to make everyone in his family proud and feel safe.

    Fears/phobias: Letting everyone down.

    Dirty Secrets: Me: *whispers* He’s a giant teddy bear!
    Jake: “I’m trying to act macho here!”
    Sarah: “Sure, Bubba.”

    Introvert or extrovert?: Depends on the situation.

    More thinking or feeling?: Jake: “I think a lot, but act on impulse.”

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: I have no idea.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: Me, Jake, and Sarah: “Selfless.”

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: *eye roll* Jake’s a vacuum.
    Sarah: “You can say that again.”
    Jake *looks up, mouth full of food* “Wha?”

    Education or important learning experiences: Jake: “Don’t run from good things.”

    Most hated activities: Leaving Sarah’s side. *eye roll* He’s a dork.

    Most enjoyed activities: Jake: “Late at night, when I’m with-“
    Me: “Jake! Innocent eyes and ears out there!”
    Sarah: “He’s got a point.”
    Me: “UGH!”

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: Jake got the ring his father proposed to his mother with. Plans on giving it to Sarah.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? Jake finds anything Sarah does cute, so he always laughs at her. He enjoys bickering with his sisters.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? Jake: “My father is my hero, he’s the type of man I want to be, other than the sleeping with my wife’s sister.” *mumbles* “Good thing my wife wont have a sister.”


    Attitudes toward:
    - Thinks he has to protect everyone he loves.
    - relies on first impressions
    - Friendships shouldn’t be broken, it’s important.
    - Don’t get him started on this subject, didn’t you read the questions ^^^ up there? *eye roll*


    Closest friend(s): Ellie and Sarah

    Job/career/occupation: Air Force pilot

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: Jake: “AVENGED SEVENFOLD! Those guys are the shit.”
    Me: Don’t get me started on that. *smirk*

    Hobbies: Jake: “Two words: Bed and Sarah.” *smirk*
    Me: JAKE!


    - Inheriting $1 million: Jake: “What the fuck would I do with it all?!”
    - The death of a loved one: He would try to get something good out of himself in memory of the person.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: Jake: “What can we do to help?”
    - Being fired: Jake: *slams hand on table* “WHY?!”
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: He would grumble, good or bad, and then walk away.
    - Having or raising children: Jake: “KIDS?! Sarah! I wants one!”
    Me: He loves kids.
    Sarah: *coughs awkwardly* “We’ll get a puppy.”
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: Jake: “I would fuck them up!”
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: His face would be like that >>> o.O
    Jake: “Would not!”
    Sarah: *nods* “It’s true.”
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: Jake: o.O
    - A flat tire on the expressway: Jake: “GOD DAMN IT JOHNNY FUCKING CHRIST!”
    - An interracial relationship: Jake: “Sarah I love you.”
    Me: That doesn’t answer the question.”
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: o.O
    November 28th, 2010 at 08:13am