Character Interview

  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    Kevin Slater of And You're A Star.

    Tell me about yourself.
    - "My name's Kevin, and I like food. And cartoons. And parties!"
    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    - "I found this chick at my school who sings real good and I think she's gonna be a star. And I'm gonna make her a star, heh."
    How would you describe your ideal job?
    - "I wanna be a roadie. That'd be cool - to drive all around the country and hear music and stuff."
    What goals do you have?
    - "I got 22 goals, exactly. That's my list. My Y2K list. I made it 'cause I wanna do a bunch of stuff before 2000 comes - there's a lot of stuff on there, like crashing a party and makin' a movie."
    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    - "I don't plan anything. That's the fun of it, ya know?"
    How do you personally define success?
    - "Makin' people happy."
    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    - "I helped a kid make a zombie movie and it turned out way cool."
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    - "Every time I can cross somethin' off my list, I think of it as a pretty huge accomplishment. I love that feelin'."
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    - "I wouldn't change anything. I ain't got no regrets. 'Cause livin' your life like that just ain't worth it."
    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    - "People. I like people. They're nice."
    Are you a team player?
    - "Well, I'm not a loner. I like bein' around people."
    What motivates you?
    - "All the things I've done already with my list. It reminds me that life is awesome."
    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    - "Totally. When I got somethin' I wanna do, I go for it."
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    - "Oh, well, I discovered this girl Keisha singing at our school, and I learned how to surf, and I made a school holiday, and I threw a killer party. I did all that by really tryin' at it."
    What are your short-term goals?
    - "All those things on my list. I guess they're pretty short-term; I only got four months to do 'em."
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    - Kevin laughs. "Who the hell knows? I don't. I hope I'm happy, though."
    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    - "Somewhere I'm happy."
    Do you handle conflict well?
    - "I think I do. Cody doesn't think so, but that's just him."
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    - "I haven't really encountered any problems yet." (At least, not until later in the story...)
    Do you handle pressure well?
    - "Yeah, I think I'm a pretty chill cat."
    What is your greatest strength?
    - "People tell me I'm nice. One girl even called me a sweetheart."
    What is your greatest weakness?
    - "I guess I don't really...I'm not real good at thinkin'."
    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    - "I don't like school for the learning, but I like the classes I got my friends in."
    Is money important to you?
    - "Eh. It buys me food, so..."
    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    - "Not much."
    January 1st, 2011 at 03:22am
  • dreaming dawn

    dreaming dawn (100)

    United States
    Tell me about yourself.

    Alexander Romanous:

    What is your most important accomplishment to date? - The fact I am alive.

    How would you describe your ideal job? - I have my ideal job. Being the owner of a bar/club is rewarding enough for me.

    What goals do you have? - I have none.

    How do you plan to achieve these goals? - Why do I need to accomplish goals that do not exist?

    How do you personally define success? - The man.

    Describe a situation in which you were successful. - Surviving the fall of Rome and the betrayal of that bastard.

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? - The fact I am alive?

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? - To kills that bastard. But, since I doubt I would do it over again... eh.

    Would you rather work with information or with people? - With information. Humans are to dim witted to work with. Hence why I let Drystan and Cedric handle them.

    Are you a team player? - Hell no.

    What motivates you? - Life.

    Are you a goal-oriented person? - When I have them.

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. - Does not comment.

    What are your short-term goals? - What is with these goals questions?

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? - Doing what I do every day. Why would it change?

    Where do you want to be ten years from now? - Seriously?

    Do you handle conflict well? - Yes, but I prefer not to conflict anything.

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? - Rogues. Stupid little fuckers.

    Do you handle pressure well? - Arches an elegant brow.

    What is your greatest strength? - That I am a Lycki? Or what you humans refer to a werewolf.

    What is your greatest weakness? - Shakes his head. Really now. But, I guess it would be the whole alone factor or at least that is what Cedric says.

    What were your favorite classes? Why? - What is classes? Gives a puzzled look.

    Is money important to you? - Yes.

    How much money do you need to make to be happy? - Enough to keep me living in my current state of happiness. Which is a lot.
    January 1st, 2011 at 04:01am
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    Ja'trell Jones

    Nickname(s): Trill, Naeem

    - gender - Male
    - age - 18
    - height - 6 feet 3 inches
    - weight - N/A
    - hair color/style - Dark brown hair; braided
    - eye color - Dark brown
    - makeup - none
    - clothing style - street.
    Race/ethnicity: African American.

    Physical abilities/limitations: Strong. I wake up in a different place than where I feel asleep. Sometimes I wake up and I've been awake for over an hour.

    Tell me about yourself.
    My name's Ja'trell and I live in Baltimore, Maryland. My mom is a crack head who kicked me out of the house when I turned eighteen and now I have to take care of myself and my little brother.
    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    Whenever I find a real job that doesn't cost me my life.
    How would you describe your ideal job?
    Real Estate.
    What goals do you have?
    To get out of the drug game.
    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    Saving up as much money as I can make, buy my own house, and invest in some properties.
    How do you personally define success?
    Not getting shot at. Making good money.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    Not dying before I wake.
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    Keeping my "job" and family at ends.
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    Made sure my mother thought twice before putting my father out.
    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    Are you a team player?
    If I'm not, I die.
    What motivates you?
    Knowing I have something to live for.
    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    It's do or die.
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    Made decent grades, but that didn't do much of anything. I guess you can say I achieved them by being smart and dedicated.
    What are your short-term goals?
    Getting out of the drug game.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    Hopefully still alive and with all my parts.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    Having what I used to have and more.
    Do you handle conflict well?
    That all depends on what kind of conflict it is. If it's conflict regarding drug money, then not at all, if it's conflict between family, then it's okay.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    Getting put out of my house.
    Do you handle pressure well?
    I have to. It's a part of my life.
    What is your greatest strength?
    My intellect and having connects.
    What is your greatest weakness?
    Regarding the people I love.
    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    Physics. I'm very good at science.
    Is money important to you?
    It's right next to everything. If I don't have it, I don't eat, I don't live.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    Enough to make my brother happy.
    January 1st, 2011 at 06:37am
  • FreyaBalance.

    FreyaBalance. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Going with my Character from my Harry Potter fanfic :-) (from the last story, there are 6 in total xD)


    Given Name: Meira Amaris Skylar

    Nickname(s): Mei

    - gender: Female
    - age: 17
    - height: 5" Yes I'm short... leave me alone.
    - weight: 7.5 stone
    - hair color/style: Dark red, Long and wavy
    - eye color: golden
    - makeup: black eyeliner
    - clothing style: Shirt + jeans with walking boots
    Race/ethnicity: Vampire/Witch, Caucasian

    Physical abilities/limitations: As a vampire I can run fast, lift heavy objects, see things better, hear better... but I can't stand being around blood.


    Religion: Don't have one.

    Place of birth: A Mansion in the middle of nowhere. Hidden from Muggle eyes.

    Place and time of story: Starts 6 years ago and then each year is told in the story

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: Mother = Witch, Caucasian. Father = Vampire, Caucasian
    - socioeconomic level: Wealthy
    - religion: Non
    - habits: Mother = staring at her crystal ball. Father = tap dancing to try and make people laugh
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): Good
    - living/deceased: Both Living throughout, but Mother dies in the beginning of the last book.

    I do mention family but you don't really meet them in the story, all you need to know is they hate me.

    Family structure/life:
    All her family are deceased except her muggle sister.

    All his family are alive and well.


    - What was their life like before the story began?
    Testing, the Ministry of Magic hated my parents being together and my fathers family hated them being together...

    - What was growing up like for them?
    Normal childhood, though I was homeschooled

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood?
    Good, I enjoyed it with my parents

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome?
    Proving to the Ministry that I wasn't a menace

    - Has their life worked out like they expected?
    Not really. It turned out a lot better.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now?
    Always been difficult.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice?

    - Do they have regrets?

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today?
    My best friends. Harry, Ron and especially Hermione.

    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way?
    My craving stage... I almost killed myself drinking my own blood.


    Outer Goal (physical): To become a full human being

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): To control my lust for blood

    Defining characteristic: Strong-willed, intelligent, bright, I can have a bad temper if you push me the wrong way. Flirty.

    Hopes/desires: I have a loving family
    Fears/phobias: Human Blood
    Dirty Secrets: I want to be with Harry thanks to that Horcrux... pushing my emotions forward a bit more... (OOC: Id you've read my story you'll understand what I'm on about xD)

    More thinking or feeling?: thinking

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: saying she isn't human when by her attitude she is

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: selfless

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: Loves = animal blood, blood twisters (sweets her mother makes). Hates = Human Blood.

    Education or important learning experiences: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardary

    Most hated activities: Defense Against the Dark Arts in her 5th year.

    Most enjoyed activities: Divination

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: The blood bites that almost killed me.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? Myself, I tend to make jokes whenever I can to make my friends laugh, I sucessfully do so.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? My Mother.


    Attitudes toward:
    - self: Good, but hates the vampire within
    - others: Respect those who respect you.
    - friendship: Amazing
    - sex: I haven't had sex... yet. (OOC: She's a pure thing xD)
    - love: I'm in love, and a vampire's love is hard to destroy.
    - family: I love my father with all my heart.
    - marriage: Something I am a bit on and off with.
    - country: I love my home.
    - the world: Treats it with respect.
    - religion: Avoids the entire subject.

    Superstitions?: None.

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview? (examples: "What goes around comes around." "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse." etc.): I have a tendancy to raise my right eyebrow.


    Closest friend(s): Hermione Granger, Harry Potter & Ronald Weasley.
    Job/career/occupation: None
    - Attitude towards job: N/A
    Noted accomplishments: N/A
    - Famous/infamous? Famous
    Clubs/organizations belonged to: N/A

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: My father is in a band, he's famous in the wizarding world for it.

    Hobbies: Divination


    - Inheriting $1 million: Money isn't everything.
    - The death of a loved one: If they died for the fight for good I make a promise to make sure they didn't die in vain. If it was on natural terms and I cared about them a lot then I'd cry for a few weeks and probably then carry on living my life how they would want me to.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: Not bothered about them cos nothing can really kill me.
    - Being fired: Shrug and look for a new job, its not that hard to charm someone into giving me a job.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: Friends will receive a huge hug. Enemies will receive a glare but if they intend to fight me they won't stand a chance.
    - Having or raising children: A good experience I want to have in the future.
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: distraught
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: a sweet smile and a thank you
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: Get over it quickly because I don't get ill. Ever.
    - A flat tire on the expressway: Carry the car to a garage. (super strength and super fast speed) Wait... why would I even need a car when I can run faster then one.
    - An interracial relationship: Brilliant!
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: Not really bothered. Had bad past esperiences with the news and I'm fed up with it.
    June 8th, 2011 at 10:02am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States

    Given Name: Charlotte Lynn Lefevre

    Nickname(s): Charlie (that's what I go by); Charlie Scene

    Appearance: Me!
    -gender: female
    -age: 20
    -height: 5' 3''
    -weight: 114 lb.
    -hair color/style: blonde with random colors; usually straight, but occasionally curly, because my friend Hayley forces me to curl it
    -eye color: crystal blue
    -makeup: minimal; usually just a bit of eyeliner
    -clothing style: When I'm lounging around, I wear something comfy, like a graphic tee and a pair of shorts. But when I'm rocking it out on stage, I wear a band tee and some skinny jeans!
    -race/ethincity: white/French
    -physical abilities/limitations: No physical limitations. I'm pretty physically fit.



    -religion: non-practicing Christian

    -place of birth: Baton Rouge, Louisian

    -place and time of story: Various places in the US (beginning)/California (latter part of the story)-2010/2011

    Parent's Profiles
    (this is all for my mother because I don't know who my father is)

    -race/ethnicity: white/French
    -socioeconomic level: right at the poverty line
    -religion: atheist (wait, does that count as a religion?)
    -habits: drugs, alcohol, abuse
    -quality of relationship with children: She never really had one with me. I don't think she really cared for children.
    -living/deceased: I really couldn't tell you for sure. As far as I know, though, she's living.

    (my half-brother Brett)
    -race/ethnicity: white/French
    -socioeconomic level: N/A
    -religion: N/A
    -habits: If I remember correctly, he loved race cars and always pretended he was a race car driving zooming around the track.
    -quality of relationship: I loved my little brother. He was the only good thing my mother ever gave me.
    -living/deceased: Unfortunately, my little half-brother died in a car crash at the age of two, due to my mother's intoxication behind the wheel. My mother, coincedentally, walked away without a scratch.

    Family Structure/Life:
    For my entire life it's been just me and my mom. I have no idea who my dad is, and I'm sure my mom doesn't either.


    -What was your life like before the story began?
    I grew up in the boondocks of Louisiana, in a run-down house with my mom, Alice. She was a drug addict, an alcoholic, and was relentless in her physical and verbal abuse. At the age of eleven, I discovered Avenged Sevenfold and fell in love with drumming, which was my saving grace. Soon after that, my friends and I started our band, Dancing Dead. When I was thirteen, I moved out of my mother's house and into a juvenile state home, because I stole a car from a dealership lot. I was a ward of the state until I turned seventeen, at which point the state no longer funded my stay and I was forced to leave. From that point on, I alternated living with my very good friends Hayley Ryan, Emmy Ross, and Jillian 'Dice' Jacobson.

    -What was growing up like for you?
    Growing up for me was...difficult. As a child, I was either ignored or beaten by my mother, and as an adolescent, I was constantly in and out of jail.

    -Did you have a good childhood?
    God no. I had an awful childhood. What kind of kid would wanna live with my mom?

    -What struggles or hardships have you had that you've overcome?
    Well, unfortunately I inherited the drinking gene from my mom, and started drinking around the time I turned thirteen. By the time I was sixteen or seventeen, I was borderling alcoholic. I also received kleptomanism (is that a word?) from my mother. But I have nearly learned to overcome both problems with help from my friends.

    -Has your life worked out like you expected?
    Not really. I never really expected my band to make it big, but we did. We're freaking rockstars! Not how I expected my life to turn out. It's actually a lot better than I expected.

    -Has your life been difficult or easy up until now?
    Difficult, because of my mother and my upbringing.I basically raised myself.

    -Were you forced into your current path, or are you there by choice?
    A little of both, I guess. Part of it is because of the way I was raised and taught to view the world, and part of it is because of the choices I've made along the way.

    -Do you have any regrets?
    Not really. Seize the day, I always say. What happens happens. You can't change the past.

    -What special circumstances have made you into what you are today?
    My friends, definitely. I don't know where I'd be without them. And another huge factor would be my 'relationship' with Zacky. It's changed me in a way I could never have expected.

    -Did anything happen in your past that you cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply scarred you in some way?
    -Being raped by the father of my child. That was definitely something that scarred me and reshaped how I see people, especially men.


    -Outer Goal (physical):
    To put on a happy front and make everyone think I'm okay even when I'm not. Also to never cry in front of anyone. To do so showd weakness.

    -Inner Goal (psychological/emotional):
    To find someone who loves me, despite the demons in my past and my flaws.

    -Defining Characteristic:
    My outgoing personality. I love people, I really do. Unless you're a total prick, I'll be your friend.

    -Hopes/Desires: To find someone who loves me and is willing to be a father to my daughter Krissy

    -Fears/Phobias: I don't really have any phobias. I do have fears, though. Like finding out my mother was right when she said I was a worthless slut that no one would ever love.

    -Introvert or Extrovert?

    -More thinking or feeling?
    Feeling. I never think before I do anything.

    -What do you see as the biggest contradiction(s) you live out?
    I'm a total people person, but I have very few close personal relationships.

    -Tends to be self-centered? Selfish? Selfless?
    A bit of all three. When it comes to my life, I tend to be a little selfish, because I was taught the 'every man for himself' mentality as a child. But when it comes to my daughter or my friends, I'm selfless. I'd do anything for them.

    -Favorite/Hated Foods and Drinks:
    I love anything with sugar or caffeine, especially sour gummy worms. But I hate coffee.

    -Education or Important Learning Experiences:
    I don't have any book smarts, but I have plenty of street smarts. And getting pregnant at nineteen and having to raise my daugher by myself has taught me that I don't always come first.

    -Most hated activities:
    I don't really have many hated activities now that I've graduated high school.

    -Most enjoyed activities:
    Drumming, most definitely. That's my life. Oh, and horror movie marathons with my girls and the Sevenfold boys!

    -Deepest Secret or Wildest Fantasy:
    I wanna meet The Rev. I don't care if he's dead, I wanna meet him. That man is my hero.

    -Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes you laugh?
    Anything really. I'm very easily amused.

    -Who is your hero, or who do you admire or emulate?
    The Rev. Ever since I heard my first Avenged Sevenfold song when I was eleven, I've wanted to be just like him, drumming-wise.


    Attitude towards:
    -self: At the moment, I'm self-hating. I won't say why.
    -others: Depends on the person and their personality. It also tends to vary day to day.
    -friendship: Just a few good close ones will do ya.
    -sex: At first, sex was nothing to me. It was casual. I lost my virginity at the age of thirteen. But now I see what a mistake that was. Sex is meant to be shared with someone you love, not just anyone.
    -love: I used to think love was overrated. But now it's something I want more than anything.
    -family: Without your family, you ain't nothing. And a person doesn't have to share your blood to be your family.
    -marriage: Marriage is something I originally never saw myself in, but now that I'm a mom, I'd like to settle down and get married.
    -country: Too many kids out there are anti-American for no reason. You live in the best country in the world, so be grateful.
    -the world: Yea...I don't really keep up with world events.
    -religion: I think that everyone should be able to practice whatever religion they want. Simple as that.

    Political Philosophy:
    Um, liberal?
    -Public causes supported/protested:
    I strongly protest abortion unless it's for a good reason. Wait, is that a public cause?
    -Politically Active/Apathetic:
    I'm politically apathetic. I'm not even registered to vote!

    The penny thing. Other than that, nada.

    -Catchphrase that defines your worldview?
    "Music isn't a hobby, it's a lifestyle."


    -Closest Friends:
    Hayley Ryan, Jillian 'Dice' Jacobson, Emmy Ross, Matt Sanders, Brian Haner Jr., and Johnny Seward. The last few are fairly recent additions. The first three have been for life.

    I'm the drummer for a metalcore band called Dancing Dead.

    -Attitude towards job:
    I love my job. I wouldn't give it up for anything!

    Famous, baby. Oh, yea.

    -Clubs/Organizations you've belonged to:
    Haha, really? Nah, I'm kidding. I was in band in high school. I was a snare drummer.

    -Favorite Music/Group and Favorite TV show/Movies:
    Avenged Sevenfold tops the list for music, followed closely by Hollywood Undead. Why else would they call me Charlie Scene? My favorite show is Family Guy. Peter Griffin cracks me up. I'm easily amused, remember? My favorite movie would be the Hannibal Lecter series.

    Drumming, listening to music, playing with my daugher. S'bout it.

    -Inheriting $1 million:
    That would be pretty damn beast!
    -The death of a loved one:
    It would kill me on the inside. I've already lost so much, losing someone I love would just break me.
    -A natural disaster (hurricane/earthquake/etc...):
    I've lived through a few hurricanes. It's no biggie.
    -Meeting an old friend or enemy you haven't seen for years:
    Well, I recently saw my mother for the first time in seven years, and it wasn't pleasant.
    -Having or raising children:
    I have a daughter, and at first it was difficult being a single mother, but I've pretty much gotten the hang of it now.
    -Being raped/mugged/violated in some way:
    I was raped by the father of my child not very long ago, and it jarred me so badly that I took my daughter and ran from California to Ohio.
    -An unexpected kindness or compliment:
    Lately, the world had done nothing but wrong to me. A little act of kindness would make me see that it's not all bad.
    -A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer:
    What happens always happens for a reason.
    -A flat tire on the expressway:
    I'd call my friend Hayley and have her husband Matt come and get me!
    -An interracial relationship:
    Whatever people wanna do is fine with me. You fall in love with a person, not a color or a gender.
    -Five minutes on local or national TV:
    One word: EPIC!
    June 11th, 2011 at 03:45am
  • amaranthine.

    amaranthine. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)

    Given Name: Sonja Alexandra Vilkas

    Nickname(s): Hurricane

    Appearance: I'm a little shorter than average, fairly thin, and I have amazing hair! It's long, and dyed black (but naturally brown), but the underneath is pink. I have lightish brown eyes, and I'm a little bit tanned.

    Race/ethnicity: I'm half Lithuanian and half Czech. I lived in Lithuania all my life though.

    Physical abilities/limitations: No limitations really - I'm quite athletic.


    Religion: Well, I would say none, because religion is banned these days, but ever since I met Dave I have been convinced that there must be a God up there somewhere. I don't know what religion it is though; we were never taught about the differences between religions.

    Place of birth: Vilnius, Lithuania

    Place and time of story: Berlin, 2100

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: Mum: Czech, dad: Lithuanian
    - religion: Atheist - well, that's what they told me. Turns out not much of what they told me was true.
    - habits: Dad was a little obsessed with cleanliness, and mum was always a bit overprotective...only now do I realise why.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): It was good, until I had to point a gun in dad's face.
    - living/deceased: Deceased

    Family structure/life: Family life as I was growing up was really ordinary. Dad was a doctor and mum worked in an office. I was the oldest child, with two younger brothers. We were normal. That was, until that day they never came back....


    - What was their life like before the story began? Until I turned seventeen, it was normal. After that, for the last three years, not so much. My parents died, I was being tracked down by the Dreamers, I ended up in a mental asylum. Then I came out, met the Dreamers, and fighting and protesting and resisting has been my normal life for nearly three years.

    - What was growing up like for them? It wasn't bad. I didn't know anything different. Now, though, I see how hollow it all was; how much was kept secret from me.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? At the time, I thought it was pretty good. I had a good relationship with my parents and brothers, I was both clever and athletic, I had an almost-boyfriend for a couple of years when I was sixteen.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? Too many. After overcoming insanity, I heard that my mum had died, and then was forced to kill my own father. I've regretted it every day since. And after that, I gave up on all emotion. I refused to love anyone ever again. And no one is gonna change that.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? Hell no! Four years ago, I expected to be some kind of scientist or, failing that, a physics teacher. Now I'm a member of an underground resistance group, with no parents and fighting every day of my life.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? Difficult. Too many things have gone wrong.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? Both. If my parents hadn't died/disappeared, I wouldn't be here, but, looking at it, I definitely prefer it this way. At least in this life I can finally fight for what I believe in.

    - Do they have regrets? Killing my dad, abandoning my brothers...too many.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? Being hunted by the Dreamers caused me to go insane, and then killing my dad caused me to give up on all emotion.


    Outer Goal (physical): To kill Soulless and fight the government; to make imagination legal again.

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): To detach myself from all emotion and become the greatest fighter ever. And to redeem myself for everything I've done wrong. (But don't tell anyone that!)

    Defining characteristic: My aversion to emotion and to relationships and love.

    Hopes/desires: To live in a world tolerant of imagination and dreams.

    Fears/phobias: My past and getting close to anyone.

    Dirty Secrets: Other than those guys in Lithuania, no one knows about how I killed my dad. And I kept my real name a secret from Arjan for a while.

    Introvert or extrovert?: Both...I'm outgoing when I want to be and I can be a good leader, but I'm a bit self-obsessed and I keep a lot of secrets.

    More thinking or feeling?: Thinking. I gave up on feeling anything.

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: I insist I'm protecting other people when I refuse to get close to them, but in reality it's more for my sake.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: Yes and no. It's complicated. I'm pretty self-obsessed and cold, but the whole reason I'm fighting is for other people's sake. I don't care what happens to me as long as I can go down fighting.

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: I'm not picky; we don't get a lot of choice down here. But I don't like fish. It smells bad.

    Education or important learning experiences: I went to school but had to finish a year early because, well, I was hearing voices in my head and know? As you do. That meant I missed uni as well, because by that time I'd joined the Dreamers, which is way more important.

    Most hated activities: Killing people, talking about my past, being in sticky situations that I'm not able to talk my way out of (i.e. anything involving Erik.) Oh, and spending any time with Casper and Tobias. I just generally dislike them.

    Most enjoyed activities: Doing dangerous tasks for the Dreamers to inconvenience the government, participating in resistance movements, training (firearms practice, fighting and athletics) and, on the rare occasion that I switch off, listening to music and watching films or reading. Not that that happens often.

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: Deepest secret: I shot my dad. Wildest fantasy: that I could live in a world where it's not a crime to dream, and be normal, and happy, and forget my past.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? Ironic situations - which I end up in rather too often. And getting one up on Tobias. Seriously, my humour is twisted--why can't I just laugh at Michael MacIntyre like everyone else? It's way too long since I laughed...I used to laugh all the time.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? Anyone who has ever fought for their rights - Martin Luther King, all the WW2 resistance members, the leaders of womens rights movements...Nightshade. God, I feel so sorry for her...


    Attitudes toward:
    - self I'm abnormal, I'm messed-up, but I'm also pretty proud of it. It's better than being a non-Dreamer.
    - others I can survive without other people. That's one hell of a contradiction: I don't like them, but I'm risking my life for them. Kind of, anyway - I'm risking my life for freedom, anyway. Yeah, that proves my messed-up-ness.
    - friendship I have a few 'friends' - we laugh and joke and help each other out, but I don't really need them. I don't worry about them or try and save them.
    - sex Well, I believe you'd have to be in some sort of relationship to have sex. And I don't do relationships.
    - love It destroys people. I don't care what anyone says about imagination - love is what destroys our world. Love only ever means loss and betrayal.
    - family I used to support it until my dad turned on me.
    - marriage Marriage means love, so not for me.
    - country I support people and ideas; not countries.
    - the world It's pretty horrible actually. All this lying and oppression and lack of freedom...I hate it.
    - religion I like it actually. It makes life feel like it has more of a point, although, if there is such thing as God, then I'm going to Hell. And besides, the government don't approve of it, so of course I'm going to love it.

    Political philosophy:
    - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical: Liberal essentially. Some may say I'm radical, but I just want freedom of speech, and the right to believe what I choose to believe.
    - politically active/apathetic: Active technically; I'm part of an anti-government resistance group.

    Superstitions?: None in particular, though I still have lucky numbers and lucky guns and stuff. Well, I suppose having a lucky gun is a little more unusual.

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview?: Leave everything behind. That's the main one. Oh, and if you're going to die, then make it an end to remember.


    Closest friend(s): I'd have to say Carl, though we're not really that close. And recently, I've spent a lot of time with Arjan - not through choice, though - and I've told him a little too many secrets. And we kissed. Not something I intended or wanted.
    Job/career/occupation: Dreamer? Rebel? Does that count as a job?
    - Attitude towards job: Best thing I've ever done with my life.
    Noted accomplishments: I've done a fair few impressive tasks; led a raid on a Soulless base...and things are going to get better.
    - Famous/infamous? I never thought I was famous until Sim came over all the way from the USA and said he'd heard of me. That was impressive. And if I win that vote to become leader of the Berlin Dreamers, then that'll put my name on the map.
    Clubs/organizations belonged to: Dreamers.

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: I like rock and metal, but my favourite band changes daily. I'm still inexperienced in TV and films, but I like the action movies and the horror movies, but there's some pretty good comedy out there too.

    Hobbies: Listening to music, training, sports, fighting practice...I don't switch off much.


    - Inheriting $1 million: Hell yeah! Well, that's a bit overrated. I don't even need money these days.
    - The death of a loved one: When it happened, it caused me to distance myself from all emotion.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: A hurricane? Well, that would be a twisted sort of way.
    - Being fired: Well, I've never had a job, so I don't know. If I was exiled from the Dreamers though...well that's when you truly become a Nothing.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: If it's a Soulless, then it normally ends up with my gun pointed in their face as we exchange a few cold, sarcastic, witty comments. A friend...well, they'd freak out even more than I would. Back at school, no one would have expected clever, innocent Sonja to become a rebel.
    - Having or raising children: I wouldn't do it in the first place.
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: I would go and find the b*****d who did it and give him all I've got.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: It catches me unaware. When Arjan does it, I don't know how to respond. I'm not a nice person, and I know it, so it shocks me when other people are. God, that makes me sound heartless.
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: That would scare me. But then again, if I was dying, I would make it the greatest end the world has ever seen and, with nothing to lose, I would fight until the very last second.
    - A flat tire on the expressway: I'd swear a bit, and then change it. Well, I'd tell Arjan to change it.
    - An interracial relationship: Well, I don't like relationships, but it's no worse than any other kind of relationship.
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: Hmm...that's tricky. I guess, though, the police already know who I am, so I'd just spend the time trying to persuade as many people as possible to join the Dreamers and tell them all the truths that the government have been covering up for thirty years.
    June 12th, 2011 at 06:18pm
  • halcyon.dreams

    halcyon.dreams (100)

    **Character's POV**


    Given Name: Audrey Summer Cobain-Versace

    Nickname(s): Aud-ball (Nikki calls me that! I hate it…), 'Drey

    - gender: Female
    - age: 25 (Born July 4th)
    - height: 5'6"
    - weight: 120?
    - hair color/style: changes from time to time, I like to keep it long. Naturally blonde, but i like to dye it dark brown.
    - eye color: blue
    - makeup: minimal. I wear eyeliner from time to time.
    - clothing style: must wear high end name brands, haute couture. need to keep my status as fashion icon :)


    Religion: n/a

    Place of birth: backstage at a Motley Crue concert in Hollywood

    Place and time of story: currently in New York, present.

    Parents' profiles
    Olivia Versace
    - race/ethnicity: Italian-American
    - socioeconomic level: Celebrity. Upper class.
    - religion: n/a
    - habits: always imposes in her children's lives.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): really good. she didn't always have the closest relationship with me, since my dad took care of me for the first 7 years of my life. but we're good now.
    - living/deceased: living.

    Kurt Cobain
    - race/ethnicity:
    - socioeconomic level: Celebrity. came from working class parents.
    - religion: n/a
    - habits: was a drug addict.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): Amazing. He took care of me for the first 7 years of my life, he did all he could for me but continued to raise me in a humble manner even when he became famous and rich.
    - living/deceased: deceased.

    Nikki Sixx
    - race/ethnicity: Italian-American
    - socioeconomic level: Celebrity. came from a middle class family.
    - religion: n/a
    - habits: it's hard to take him seriously most of the time. He always pulls pranks on us or is cracking jokes.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): Awesome. I'm so grateful for the fact that he's considered me to be one of his children. He's got a big heart and loves us all, he's a really amazing dad.
    - living/deceased: living.

    Brothers/sisters/significant-other relatives

    Rosalie Versace-Contini
    Oldest of the children. Married to Mauro Contini, has 3 children with him: twin girls- Florence and Lucia, and a son- Calogero
    - age: 28
    - race/ethnicity: Italian-American
    - socioeconomic level: Upper class. Celebrity.
    - religion: Catholic
    - habits: loud and opinionated…like mum...
    - quality of relationship: Really good. She's always been super supportive of me and we get along well.
    - living/deceased: living

    Daniel Versace
    Second oldest of the children. Engaged to Chanel Moët-Ostero (Austère).
    - age: 26
    - race/ethnicity: Italian-American
    - socioeconomic level: Upper class. Celebrity.
    - religion: n/a
    - habits: opinionated. short tempered. always imposes in other's lives…like mum...
    - quality of relationship: Awesome. I love my brother to death. We are the closest of all the siblings.
    - living/deceased: living

    Chanel Moët-Ostero (Austère)
    Daughter of Claude Moet III and Vivienne Austère. She comes from a wealthy aristocratic family. Her family is from Champagne, France and own wineries across the country and established the famous champagne house, Moët & Chandon. (Producers of Dom Perignon champagne.)

    Nikolas Versace
    Youngest son of the Versace's. Studying at Columbia University.
    - age: 20
    - race/ethnicity: Italian-American
    - socioeconomic level: Upper class. Celebrity.
    - religion: n/a
    - habits: very quiet and soft-spoken. has an artistic side.
    - quality of relationship: Really good. I love my brother my brother so much
    - living/deceased: living

    Sophie Versace
    Youngest of Versace's.
    - age: 18
    - race/ethnicity: Italian-American
    - socioeconomic level: Upper class. Celebrity.
    - religion: n/a
    - habits: sweet and kind and caring. soft-spoken. kinda of the peacekeeper of the family. very well behaved.
    - quality of relationship: Really Good. I love hanging out with my little sis.
    - living/deceased: living

    Family structure/life: At one point all the Versace's were living at the Versace Manor in New York, it's an eight bedroom home. We are loud and obnoxious. Very New York, Brooklyn style family. Short tempered. High maintenance.


    - What was life like before your story began?
    I lived in Los Angeles with my then boyfriend/fiance, Brian Haner jr. He's the guitarist for Avenged Sevenfold. We officially broke up in July 2010. So I moved back to New York.

    - What was growing up like for you?
    Well my dad raised me. So when people say 'you don't what it's like to live in poverty or to be poor' I certainly do. My dad didn't make it big with Nirvana right away, and being a young dad, he struggled quite a bit. We saved up on food stamps and would visit the food bank regularly or go to the soup kitchens. We'd go to the Salvation army for clothes. We could hardly afford to stay in our dumpy Olympia apartment. But eventually Nirvana took off, the money started coming in, but my dad continued to raise me in a humble way. He didn't want me to think of money as my world, and I honestly couldn't have asked for a better way of being brought up.

    - Did you have a good or bad childhood?

    - What struggles have you had, or hardships you have overcome?
    Definitely the death of my dad. He was my world, my best friend. I love him and miss him everyday. And the break up with Brian, he was my first love and it's always hard to let go of that.

    - Has your life worked out like they expected?
    To an extent, yes.

    - Has your life been difficult or easy until now?
    Difficult. I've worked so hard to get where I am today.

    - Were you forced into you current path, or are you here by choice?
    I wouldn't say forced, I mean I did have a choice. I think the musician thing was the choice, but being the director of Versace was kinda something that came with my life.

    - Do you have regrets?
    Way too many to mention.

    - What special circumstances have made you into who you are today?
    I think just seeing how this lifestyle destroyed my dad, I wanted to show everyone that I am stronger and I won't let world take me.

    - Did anything happen in your past that you cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way?
    My dad's death has left me with some pretty deep scars, I mean, everyday I wish he were still here with me.


    Defining characteristic:
    Her eyes. She has her dad's blue eyes.

    Would like to be married someday…children. Living in the country.

    Deathly afraid of spiders

    Dirty Secrets:
    Too dirty to mention.

    Introvert or extrovert?:

    More thinking or feeling?:

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?:
    She wants to live a humble life, but her social status and current high maintenance lifestyle keep her from that.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?:
    at times self-centred.

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks:
    loves Pizza and Dr. Pepper, Doritos, fresh fruits. mostly a vegetarian.
    not a big fan of meat.

    Education or important learning experiences:
    Attended Juilliard in New York, majored at drama.

    Most hated activities:
    doesn't like getting dirty or doing hard rigorous work.

    Most enjoyed activities:
    loves performing and acting.

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy:
    involves Leonardo DiCaprio and baby oil...

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh?
    She herself has a dry sense of humour, but loves Adam Sandler's movies, guy movies.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate?
    Her dad. She looks exactly like him and wows people with her hidden talent of screaming/singing like him.


    Attitudes toward:
    - self: Loves self, has self-respect. But at times is self-absorbed.
    - others: Loves her friends and takes care of them
    - friendship: She values it immensely.
    - sex: Can't live without it ;)
    - love: Wishes for it.
    - family: Loves her family, and hopes to have one of her own.
    - marriage: Wants it.


    Closest friend(s):
    Her brother, Daniel and his fiancee, Chanel. Caleb Followill from Kings of Leon.
    Head of Versace. Musician. Actress.
    - Attitude towards job:
    Loves everything.
    - Noted accomplishments:
    Barbra Streisand and Liza Minelli raved about her performances on Broadway. Won several Grammy's. Won an Emmy for portraying Jacki Kennedy on The Kennedy's. Won 2 Academies for Blue Valentine and I'm Not There.
    - Famous/infamous?
    Most Famous.
    - Clubs/organizations belonged to: War child.

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films:
    -Music: Queen, Motley Crue, Guns N Roses, Nirvana, The Cranberries, White Lies, The Killers, Kings of Leon.
    -Movies: Streetcar Named Desire, basically anything before 1961. Anything Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra, Fred Astaire, Marilyn Monroe, Humphrey Bogart, and James Cagney.
    -T.V: Glee, Fawlty Towers, NY Ink, Mr. Bean, Coronation Street, cooking shows and stuff on TLC.

    Loves shopping, hosting parties, staying home watching movies and having Chinese food with Caleb.


    - Inheriting $1 million:
    No big deal. Already is a millionaire.
    - The death of a loved one:
    Takes it really hard.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.:
    For other countries, is first to donate money and set up charities for them.
    - Being fired:
    Never had a job where she could get fired.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years:
    "Who are you?"
    - Having or raising children:
    Wants children.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment:
    Repays immediately.
    - A flat tire on the expressway:
    Calls Caleb.
    - Five minutes on local or national TV:
    No big deal. Does it all the time.

    Character from Love Will Tear Us Apart and She Will Be Loved
    June 13th, 2011 at 05:35am
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    Story: I Can't Hang
    Given Name: Kyle Gabriel Strickland

    Nickname(s): N/A

    Appearance: I got cursed with the awful ginger hair. It's all curly and bright orange, and unfortunately I got all those freckles too. I'd say I'm pretty skinny. I hate my nose, though. It's all pointy-uppy and everything.

    Race/ethnicity: My mom and dad both had Irish blood in 'em. I also got a big chuck of German blood in me.

    Physical abilities/limitations: I don't do a lot of sports. Never did. But I'm not no slob, neither.


    Religion: My parents don't care about religion too much. I mean, they think there's a big guy up there watchin' us, but they're not real pushy, which is cool. Better for me, 'cause I'm an Atheist.

    Place of birth: My mom was born in Maine and my dad was born in Albany, New York.

    Place and time of story: Manhattan, New York; 2010

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: Mum: white, dad: um, white.
    - religion: Kinda Christian, I think.
    - habits: My mom and dad weren't really nosy in my life. They didn't hover over my back or nothing, asking what I was doing or who I was doing it with. I wasn't real close with them. They're friendly but they didn't seem too interested in me.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): Pretty good. We got along.
    - living/deceased: They're both still alive.

    Family structure/life: We didn't talk much. We weren't real up on each others' personal lives and everything; the dinner table wasn't bubbling with conversation. They were a lot more traditional when I was little but as I grew older and got more mature they sorta backed off, and I kinda broke away from them.


    - What was their life like before the story began? Aw, hell. It was nice. Oy, I was super smart and all the kids at school looked up to me 'cause of my smartness. And I have a right to brag, so shut up. I didn't really have a lot of friends, though. I didn't go out every weekend or go to parties. I never really talked to no one.

    - What was growing up like for them? Growing up was pretty cool. I grew a lot, mentally and physically. I was a real independent kid. And I think my folks knew it too, since they left me alone.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? It was good. Wasn't real perfect, but it was average.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? Well, first of all, I died. That kinda threw a fly in the ointment of my plan of taking over the world. And secondly, the first angel I met was a total dick to me when he was taking me up to Heaven, which I was totally convinced didn't even exist. That's a shock to the system, right?

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? Are you shitting me? Hell no. I was expected to live at least a few more decades before I croaked. And then I thought I'd just rot in the ground. Didn't think I'd be gettin' a second chance or nothing.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? It was easy, 'till I died and all. Then it was a total rollercoaster.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? Forced. 100% forced. I mean, it's good that I got to be in Heaven and everything, but sometimes I wish Brady wasn't the angel who took me up.

    - Do they have regrets? Slipping off that damn rooftop. Holy crap, if only I'd'a watched where I was goin'....

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? Being let into Heaven and becoming an angel definitely made me rethink a couple'a things. Dying, first of all - that too. I'm a little more open-minded after that incident. And being stuck in a hotel room with Brady and St. James let me experience true hell.


    Outer Goal (physical): It'd be nice if I could make a few more angel friends. It's just creepy to have your only friends be a 19-year-old and a 27-year-old.

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): To finally come to terms with what's happened, completely.

    Defining characteristic: Brady called me stubborn. I guess that counts.

    Hopes/desires: To redeem myself and really act like I deserve to be an angel.

    Fears/phobias: I don't...I don't really show a lot of emotion, you know? I don't really like it. Nobody ever really sees my sensitive side. It does exist, though. Really.

    Dirty Secrets: I kinda care about Brady more than I let on.

    Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert. Hands down, man. I hate people. Why the hell would I waste my time talkin' to 'em?

    More thinking or feeling?: I think more. When you let your gut think for ya, it screws everything up.

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: I'm a little late when it comes to realizing when I've messed up.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: I don't associate with other kids my age. They're too stupid. And Brady and James weren't really my cups of tea, neither. I've been called selfish.

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: I used to like ramen noodles a lot, but I really got sick of 'em. After eating them for a month straight, they make me wanna puke. I like donuts, though. Can't see myself getting sick of those.

    Education or important learning experiences: I went to junior high up until 8th grade. Then I kinda died. I knew a lot more about the world than my stupid peers. And dying - man, that was a learning experience. I learned...that I'm not really as smart as I thought I was.

    Most hated activities: Anything involving positive emotion, really. Or talking about anything deep with people who don't understand how the world really works. Or talking to bible-thumpers.

    Most enjoyed activities: Arguing. I love doin' that. I also like busting Brady's balls. It's so much fun to watch him writhe around in self-loathing.

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: I don't have a deep secret! What are you, crazy? Secrets are for wussies. And I'm not a wuss. Only wusses are soft like that.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? I've been called a dick for this, but I love laughing at other peoples' pain. 'Specially when it's the pain of someone I hate, like Brady.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? Anybody who's got a brain. All those science dudes who talk about the universe on the Science channel. Now they know where it's at.


    Attitudes toward:
    - self I think I'm pretty awesome. I mean, I think I'm smart.
    - others Hate 'em. Next question.
    - friendship I never needed friends. I don't need to rely on others for happiness.
    - sex I'm 14. I'm not some man-whore who swings around and fucks other people for the hell of it.
    - love Blah, blah, blah. It's all bullshit. I'll believe it when I'm in it. That goes for platonic love, too.
    - family It's alright.
    - marriage Whatever floats your boat.
    - country I like America. I don't give a shit if other people hate us; they're jealous. I'm glad I live here.
    - the world As a planet, it's pretty nice. Its people are dumb as shit, though.
    - religion Hated it. I thought it was total crap that gives people false hope. It was pointless - there was no man in the sky who was gonna grant your wishes. At least, that's how I thought until I met him once and for all...

    Political philosophy:
    - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical: I like capitalism, and I hate people who use stupid name-calling in their arguments. I'm a conservative. But I hate how we're all labeled as rednecks. Not cool.
    - politically active/apathetic: I can't vote and I never really voice my opinions, so I'm not that active.

    Superstitions?: None. It's all lies.

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview?: I hate everyone upon this cursed earth.


    Closest friend(s): I didn't have any friend when I was still alive. I hate to admit it, but Brady and James are probably my closest buds now.
    Job/career/occupation: Student.
    - Attitude towards job: I hate the teachers and their preaching; I hate the students. But I like the learning.
    Noted accomplishments: Straight A's since third grade, baby. I'm the number-one star on the academic and debate teams, too.
    - Famous/infamous? People knew me 'round school as bein' the smart kid. And I argued with teachers' logic, so that made me sorta famous.
    Clubs/organizations belonged to: None.

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: I always liked Led Zeppelin. They're real chill and make you think at the same time. I hate all that screamer shit or whatever the hell they're calling it, though. I hate Jersey Shore, which is what Brady watches all the time, and I hate TV in general.

    Hobbies: Nothing, really. I like to read books about the universe.


    - Inheriting $1 million: Move, bitch. I'm going to Spain.
    - The death of a loved one: I'd get teary-eyed for a while and then move on.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: Ooh, so terrible. Boo hoo. Unless it affected me, I wouldn't care.
    - Being fired: There's always more jobs.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: Oh, this'd be rich. They'd be all, "Hey, Kyle! How are you?" and I'd be all, "Oh, hey...yyyou! Um, it's you, with the face..."
    - Having or raising children: Children...those soulless monsters....
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: Fuckin' A, I'd fight the hell back!
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: Laugh and smirk. Then say, "Thanks." I've done it a million times over the size of my brain...
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: Hell, I'm already dead. Whatever.
    - A flat tire on the expressway: I'd call a cab. Or just make Brady fix it.
    - An interracial relationship: I don't care.
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: Been there, done that. It sucks. The anchorman is about as genuine as a TV dinner, and it makes your voice sound funny. Nothing special..
    June 15th, 2011 at 12:57am
  • InspirasiGirl

    InspirasiGirl (100)

    United States
    Basic Attributes.

    Given Name: Rory Hunter

    Nickname(s): Ryder

    - gender: Female.
    - age: 17.
    - height: 5'8.
    - weight: 130+ lbs.
    - hair color/style: Black, straight, long until cut short.
    - eye color: Cerulean.
    - makeup: Black eyeliner, mascara, neutral color eye shadow.
    - clothing style: Anything dark that hugs her body.

    Race/ethnicity: Caucasian.

    Physical abilities/limitations: N/A

    Parent's profile.

    Abigale Hunter
    - race/ethnicity: Caucasian.
    - socioeconomic level: Semi-wealthy.
    - religion: Undecided.
    - habits: Eating nutella.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): More than great.
    - living/deceased: Living and healthy.

    Family structure/life: Moved into duplex, Rory lives on the top floor.

    Brief Life Story.

    -What was their life like before the story began?
    It was normal.

    -What was growing up like for them?

    -Did they have a good or bad childhood?
    She had a very good childhood.

    -What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome?
    Leaving her significant other.

    -Has their life worked out like they expected?
    No, definitely not.

    -Has their life been difficult or easy until now?
    She was a pretty troubled teen, her life is even more trouble now.

    -Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice?
    Unfortunately, she was forced into where she is now.

    -Do they have regrets?
    Surprisingly, no.

    -What special circumstances have made them into who they are today?

    -Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way?


    Defining characteristic: Bad-mouthed, rebellious, intelligent.

    Hopes/desires: To go back home with her lover.
    Fears/phobias: None.
    Dirty Secrets: None.

    More thinking or feeling?: Thinking.

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: She believes that there's no imperfection if there's no perfection, and that only you can make anything perfect if you tried hard enough.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: It weighs evenly.

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: She hates dark drinks aside from root beer.

    Education or important learning experiences: Home studying for a year during pregnancy.

    Most hated activities: Any sport aside from volleyball and soccer.

    Most enjoyed activities: Parties, shopping, and photography.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh?: Anything stupid.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate?: Shakespeare.

    Philosophy & Morality.

    Attitudes toward:
    - self: Good.
    - others: Hospitality is the greatest, she just choose to play first.
    - friendship: Cherishes it.
    - sex: Hopefully she learned her lesson.
    - love: She adores it.
    - family: Her theory is that everyone's is different, and no one understands no matter how similar their problems are.
    - marriage: She hates the thought of heartbreak in the near future, whether she's causing it or feeling it.
    - country: It's so boring yet not at the same time.
    - the world: She's always wanted to travel the world.
    - religion: N/A

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview? (examples: "What goes around comes around." "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse." etc.): The world is an ugly yet beautiful place.

    Life & Lifestyle.

    Job/career/occupation: Working in a pastry shop.
    - Attitude towards job: Free food, when no one's looking.

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: Rap/Metal music genre and Horror/Thriller films.

    Hobbies: Running, snapping pictures, kicking balls.
    June 16th, 2011 at 01:46pm
  • who owns my heart

    who owns my heart (100)

    United States
    Tell me about yourself.
    Um... Princess Brigetta. Surely you've heard of me.

    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    I've already a princess... But you know, I don't think I have many accomplishments... besides passing over half the Government tests. I've been praised by them twice... and I'm enrolled in the best school in the world. However, I don't know.

    How would you describe your ideal job?
    Well... I hope to be queen one day...however, that is not possible. I still don't know what I want out of life. I'm only twenty-three.

    What goals do you have?
    Um... did you not hear? I want to be queen, and honestly, I know exactly how to do it. I'm just scared to make a move on Orion.

    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    I have to get up confidence and ask Orion out. As soon as I marry, the sooner I see the throne.

    How do you personally define success?

    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    There are so many... I do not know which you are referring to.

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    Knowing I am a much better at ruling than my sister.

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    Being born after my sister. If I was born first, everything would be simpler and I would not have to marry.

    Would you rather work with information or with people?

    Are you a team player?
    Of course.

    What motivates you?
    My people.

    Are you a goal-oriented person?

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    I got an A on my project. Hard work and determination never fails me.

    What are your short-term goals?

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?

    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    Still on the throne.

    Do you handle conflict well?
    Yes. I'm trained for it.

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    My friend breaking into the Hall of Records. I managed to pay off enough people to get her out of trouble.

    Do you handle pressure well?

    What is your greatest strength?
    I am not sure...

    What is your greatest weakness?
    I'm too nice. I'm a bit of a pushover, and that's not good at all.

    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    Are, darling. It's "what are", and to be honest? Art class. The idea of having no right or wrong answers enthralls me, and everything everyone makes is so beautiful.

    Is money important to you?
    It buys a lot, yes, but not happiness.

    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    June 16th, 2011 at 09:01pm
  • Daffodillyric

    Daffodillyric (100)

    United States
    Ariana Dietrich, from She's Got Style

    Tell me about yourself.
    Well, my name is Ari. I have curly brown hair, blue eyes, and am usually found wearing cowboy boots and fluffy dresses. I like exciting things, hate boring things, and enjoy debating things with my friends.

    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    I finally got a boyfriend who's not a skeeze. That's a pretty good accomplishment, I think.

    How would you describe your ideal job?
    I want to be a marine biologist, honestly. I want to be an specialist on river otters. I've wanted this ever since I heard that they're endangered.

    What goals do you have?
    To make a difference in the world

    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    Either by becoming a successful musician or author or by saving the river otters.

    How do you personally define success?
    Saying you're going to do something and actually doing it.

    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    I told myself I was going to get straight-A's this year so my parents would give me money for my college tuition. I studied incredibly hard and got straight-A's, raising my GPA by ten points. Success.

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    The risky things I've done. Anything that wasn't easy and gave me a thrill of adrenaline is satisfying to me.

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    I'd have avoided a few of the fights I had with my parents and friends.

    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    People. If I had to choose between being a computer person for a big company or a cashier at Walmart, I'd rather work at Walmart. It's more entertaining around people, you know?

    Are you a team player?
    I'm the team leader. Things don't get done if I don't take charge.

    What motivates you?
    Excitement of doing something new and potentially dangerous. Nothing gets me motivated like a good workout or life-threatening sport

    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    Sometimes. I like to set challenges for myself, to push myself.

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    Um...I said I'd get a boyfriend, which I did by finding a decent guy and making a move. It was risky, but worth it. I told myself I'd get good grades, and a little studying made that possible. I told myself I'd learn baseball last summer and I made the team when the school year started. Just because I practiced all summer.

    What are your short-term goals?
    Make today exciting somehow. Don't accidentally kill myself before bed. Repeat tomorrow.

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    Living in a distant, less boring town, working with the river otters or singing in a band on a stage somewhere!

    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    Travelling Europe, either with my significant other or with a sexy European stranger I met in my travels.

    Do you handle conflict well?
    It depends on the conflict. I can handle speedbumps, but a big wall is harder to scale, y'know? It just all depends.

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    Losing my virginity. Boy, that was stressful.

    Do you handle pressure well?
    No. My friends tell me I'm a bit of a hothead.

    What is your greatest strength?
    Being a strong and motivating leader, of course. Making my friends' lives exciting.

    What is your greatest weakness?
    I've been told I'm not good about talking about my emotions.

    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    I like PE, because I'm a big fan of sports. I also like Show Choir, though I'm not the world's best dancer, I really love to sing.

    Is money important to you?
    Well, money isn't everything, but it is nice to have it when you need it. I'm happy with my $20-a-week allowance.

    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    DUDE! I just said I'm happy with 20 bucks a week. Someone needs to learn to listen! lmfao
    July 12th, 2011 at 11:54pm
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    Jamal Malcolm

    Nickname(s): Jamalie (only by sister Essence)

    - gender - Male
    - age - 17
    - height - 6 feet 4 inches
    - weight -190
    - hair color/style - Dark brown hair; cut
    - eye color - Dark brown
    - makeup - none
    - clothing style - Button up shirts, Nike shoes, Long jeans
    Race/ethnicity: African American (Sudanese, Nigerian and Jamaican)

    Physical abilities/limitations: Extreme speed; ingeniousness; anger management issues

    Tell me about yourself.
    Name's Jamal. I keep a lot of my feelings to myself which backfires frequently. I also act out of anger a lot and hold a lot of secrets that not even the closets people to me know.
    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    Killing someone who was threatening my sister, although I know I was wrong for it.
    How would you describe your ideal job?
    Undecided. Anything where I'm happy and doesn't hold too much stress with it.
    What goals do you have?
    To make my daughter (Adanna) happy
    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    Making sure I stay alive and try not to get in too much trouble with Siti
    How do you personally define success?
    Doing whatever the fuck you want to do.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    Got my girl (Chinaza) back with me and made things right with my ex.
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    Staying around for my daughter.
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    Taking back me killing Bryant.
    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    Are you a team player?
    I have to be. For my job, there's usually more than one person doing what I do with me. If we don't do it as a team, we can die and the future of mankind will be jeopardized.
    What motivates you?
    Essence, Chinaza and our daughter.
    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    I don't live by goals a lot. I feel like I have only two priories. Do what Siti tells me to do and take care of the people I love.
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    I don't have many goals.
    What are your short-term goals?
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    Living in a safe, stress free environment with Chinaza and our daughter. And Essence not too far to bother me.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    Same as five years, only replaced by someone else for my job (well, retired)
    Do you handle conflict well?
    I handle it all the time. Yes, I do handle it well, I have to.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    The birth of Adanna (daughter) and the death of my best friend.
    Do you handle pressure well?
    Not at all. I crumble under it, then lash out physically.
    What is your greatest strength?
    Being responsible and taking care of people.
    What is your greatest weakness?
    Managing my anger and dealing with stress.
    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    I have none. I'm too smart for school to begin with.
    Is money important to you?
    Only when providing for my family, otherwise, riches don't matter.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    Enough to care for my family.
    July 14th, 2011 at 11:25pm
  • swell

    swell (150)

    Zindra, Escaping Reality

    - gender - female
    - age - 18
    - hair color/style - long black hair, naturally curly but straightened daily
    - eye color - brown
    - makeup - little
    - clothing style - structured, straight legged jeans, blazer jackets, fitting tops

    Race/ethnicity: Indian-american

    Tell me about yourself.
    I'm Zindra, I'm eighteen years old and in a few short days I will be graduating soon. I am attending Yale in the fall to enrol in pre-med, and will eventually become a doctor after I get my medical degree.

    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    My most important accomplishment to date was getting early admission to Yale, which I am extremely proud of.

    How would you describe your ideal job?
    My ideal job is to become a doctor, which is what I am studying to become and it is what my parents want.

    What goals do you have?
    To become a doctor, get married and have three kids.

    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    By never straying on the path my parents have paved for me.

    How do you personally define success?
    Wealth, the richer you are the better. It is the motto my parents have instilled in me.

    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    When I received early admission to Yale.

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    Getting into Yale, becoming the valedictorian in my year, achieving many awards for academic excellence.

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    I wouldn't change a thing. I'm content with the life my parents have paved.

    Would you rather work with information or with people?

    Are you a team player?
    I can be, but I prefer to operate alone.

    What motivates you?
    My parents.

    Are you a goal-oriented person?

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    I studied every night for the SAT's and received a high enough score to get into Yale. I received high scores in my exams and the principal of my school awarded me the honour of valedictorian.

    What are your short-term goals?

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    Studying for my degree in medicine.

    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    Married with children.

    Do you handle conflict well?
    I prefer to avoid conflict but when faced with it, I am able to keep calm and collected.

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?

    Do you handle pressure well?

    What is your greatest strength?
    Being able to handle pressure well.

    What is your greatest weakness?
    Not being able to have control over my life the way I want to.

    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    Maths, chemistry, anything that required me to think harder and push my brain limits.

    Is money important to you?

    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    Enough to care for my family.
    July 18th, 2011 at 10:31am
  • red bandit.

    red bandit. (100)

    United States
    -ignore- Oops
    July 27th, 2011 at 07:29am
  • cannibal.

    cannibal. (145)

    United States
    Tell me about yourself

    Zachariah Duvall, Ghost

    Most Important Accomplishment To Date?
    Being alive. When I was born the doctors didn't think my heart was strong enough for me to survive and they forced my parents to plan my funeral a few days later. Clearly, I'm still here seventeen years later.

    Ideal Job?
    Being a telemarketer. Not only is it a good paying job but it's also annoying in my opinion. People feel the need to annoy me so having the chance to annoy them for once would be rater enjoyable.

    I don't really; I never gave it much thought. I would love to get married one day and be gifted with children. No one really accepts me for who I am and I'm not willing to change so I don't know if that will happen. Maybe I'll get lucky.

    How Do You Plan To Accomplish These Goals?
    Keep searching for the right girl I suppose. I won't find her if I just sulk around in my parents basement right? I need to get out in the world and really look for her.

    How Do You Personally Define Success?
    Being satisfied with one's life.

    What Is A Situation In Which You Were Successful?
    Living and getting through high school without being distracted too much by immature classmates.

    Accomplishments That Give You The Most Satisfaction In Life?
    Getting through high school with good grades. I'll be the first to graduate with something higher than a GED. Also making myself "numb" to the insults my classmates threw at me. I ignore them pretty well most of the time.

    If You Could Live Again What Would You Change?
    I would go back to the day I was born and relive everything. I would be the son that my parent's deserved. Growing up, I treated them horribly and I regret it everyday.

    Would You Rather Work With Information Or People?
    Both. I hate being alone and information is good to work with.

    Team Player?
    If I was ever given the chance I would have been.

    What Motivates You?
    Life and the pursuit of happiness.

    Are You Goal Oriented?
    If I focus and put my mind to it. I get discouraged easily.

    Most Recent Goals & How I Achieved them?
    I believe I already answered this question already. Look at the Accomplishments question and you'll see this. Not to be rude or anything...

    Short Term Goals?
    Get a good job, interact with people more, and officially start my life.

    What Do You See Yourself Doing In Five Years?
    Working most definitely and aside from that I wouldn't know. I usually live for today because I know with a weak heart every day could be my last.

    Ten Years?
    Look above, Friend.

    Do You Handle Conflict Well?
    Not really. I numb myself and block everything out. It may work well for me but it's still considered self destructive. I can't ignore my problems forever.

    What Are Few Major Problems You've Had To Deal With Recently?
    Finishing school. I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it.

    Greatest Strength?
    Patience; I have more than enough to share.

    My determination is a bit weak and I'm more sensitive than I let on.

    Favorite Classes?
    History and English.

    Is Money Important To You?
    If I want to have a stable life it is.

    How Much Money Would You Need To Be Happy?
    Enough to raise a happy family and maintain a stable job. I want to raise my children so they are better than what I was growing up. I want to give them the childhood I never had.
    July 29th, 2011 at 02:49pm
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    (I'm gonna let the character narrate this. Just for fun...)
    Story: Bus
    Given Name: Douglas Tater

    Nickname(s): Doug (that's what I go by), Tater, Tate, Spud, Tater Tits, Dougie, Potato, Tots, Fat Guy, Bus Driver, Asshole

    Appearance: Well, I'm fat. That's the first thing people notice when they look at me. And I've got hairy-as-hell arms too, along with a stupid neckbeard that won't go away. My nose is too big, my lips are too big, I've got bags under my eyes, and my hair won't lay flat on my stupid head. I'm not a good sight.

    Race/ethnicity: Psh. My parents were dead before I knew what the hell I was.

    Physical abilities/limitations: I don't run. My gut jiggles whenever I try to. I'm really good at scaring people, though.


    Religion: Eh...well...I'm not really sure what religion my family was. We went to church a few times when I was real young and Carrie was a baby, but that was it. I know my aunt was agnostic, though.

    Place of birth: Both of my parents were born in Minnesota.

    Place and time of story: Yuma, Arizona; 2011

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: Mom was white. Dad was, too.
    - religion: Not sure.
    - habits: I don't remember much about my parents. They were good to me, feeding me and taking care of me all the time and stuff like that. When I went into junior high, that's when Dad got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer - by the time I went into eighth grade, he was dead. Then I went into high school, ninth grade, when Carrie was in fifth, and Mom was losing it. She was always so overprotective of me and her. She worried herself to death. I wanted to help, but I'm not really a touchy-feely guy, so I just kind of sat back and watched while Carrie asked me what was going on. Then, one day when I was 15, we found her dead in her sleep. They both had pretty bad habits.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): We had it good. Until they died.
    - living/deceased: Dead and gone.

    SIBLINGS: Carrie Tater (sister)
    - race/ethnicity: She's white as wonder bread.
    - religion: Catholic.
    - habits: She was my baby sister and still is. When we were little and things were normal, she always knew how to get Mom and Dad to get her something, and she always knew how to get me in trouble. She's really smart and picks up on things that nobody else can notice, but she's really sensitive. I know she's got a lot of pain, not just from our childhood, but from the fact that her high school sweetheart and the father of her child cheated on her and dumped her. I still love her to death, though.
    - living/deceased: Living.

    Family structure/life: Jesus, I just told you - I don't remember anything about them, really, except for the fact that they were dead and loony a short time before they died.


    - What was their life like before the story began? It was shit before the story began, and it's still shit as it continues. I spent years working at Publix, as soon as I got a ticket to Yuma and moved out here when I was 20 - I worked there for eight years until I was 28 and got a shittier job working as a bus driver.

    - What was growing up like for them? It was nice, until eighth grade when Dad kicked the bucket. Then it was just weird...I was basically Carrie's dad, since Mom was too busy caught up in her own little world to be a proper parent. And I know it sounds like I resent Mom for that, but I don't. I'm speaking out of the feelings I had at the time - confusion. I just wish I had a half-decent childhood sometimes, especially when I was in high school.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? Ha. HAHAHAHA. Yeah. Sure, if you call having to raise your little sister while you tried raising yourself good.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? I don't know if "overcome" would be the right word, but I survived being an orphan and having to live for a few years with my aunt. One thing I just couldn't do that I really wanted was go to college to be a mechanic or car designer. And that was because we were shit-poor.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? Well, yeah. I never expected anything to go right, and it hasn't.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? Life has never been easy for me. But living on my own in a strange town is better than being stuck in my hometown, Duluth, Minnesota, where everybody knows how much of a loser I am already.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? I was pretty much forced. If I had the loot, I could go to college. I think I'm pretty smart and could spend my time doing something other than driving around stupid little brats for a living.

    - Do they have regrets? Um, being the only virgin in my high school. That's pretty big. But then again, so am I, and that's why I never got laid.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? Being an orphan, definitely. And having to basically raise my sister because my parents and aunt certainly couldn't. And being a bus driver doesn't make me all sunshine and rainbows.


    Outer Goal (physical): I just...I don't want to die alone.

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): Carrie told me to be more

    Defining characteristic: I like to think that my charmingly cynical wit makes me who I am. Other people just call it being a smartass.

    Hopes/desires: To survive for a few more years, at least until I see Carrie's kid Ezra get through life.

    Fears/phobias: I'm not scared of much except croaking and seeing nobody come to my funeral.

    Dirty Secrets: I'm sweet thirty-two and never been kissed.

    Introvert or extrovert?: I'm an introvert. Definitely. People suck.

    More thinking or feeling?: I like to think things through, 'cause if I went by what I felt, then there'd be a lot of dead children here in Yuma.

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: I hate being alone. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. But I've never been described as "friendly."

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: I'll stop being selfish when someone comes along and gives me a reason not to be.

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: I'll eat anything that fits my paycheck.

    Education or important learning experiences: I did good in school. I always had A's and B's, never getting lower than an 80 on a report card, and even in high school I took a few good honors courses. I had a scholarship, too. But even that wasn't enough to get my family to afford to send me to college, and then that's where I ended up taking CDL classes at age 28 to become a damn bus driver.

    Most hated activities: Interacting with overly happy people.

    Most enjoyed activities: Making self-depricating comments about how shitty life is.

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: I'd love to ride a tiger to Yuma Junior High and have it eat everybody.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? I laugh at the kind of stuff that other people would slap me on the shoulder and say, "Doug! That's horrible!" for. I'm a little...warped.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? Nobody...really....


    Attitudes toward:
    - self I could probably do without myself.
    - others Yeah, I could do without them, too.
    - friendship I'll believe it when I have it.
    - sex I've never had it and probably never will, knowing me.
    - love Cough. Another anamoly that I'll probably never experience.
    - family It was fun while it lasted.
    - marriage Don't care, don't mind.
    - country Well, I'd rather live in America than some other country.
    - the world It's alright. Now, its people, on the other hand...
    - religion I don't really have an opinion on it. When I was being all sulky and sophomoric in high school because of my parents died, I thought it was the root of all problems. Now, I grew up and realized that there are bigger problems in the world than the people who manipulate it for their own power, and I just kind of look at it like "Whatever" nowadays. I like to think there's a god, even if He hates me.

    Political philosophy:
    - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical: I'm more of a conservative, but mainly just on economic stuff and just a few social issues.
    - politically active/apathetic: I don't go out and protest like all of those dumb shits do, but I vote.

    Superstitions?: Nope. Luck's for idiots. And people with good luck.

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview?: Life sucks, then you die.


    Closest friend(s): Um...Carrie, uh...let's, and that gym teacher who gave me that ice pack a few weeks ago; we've started talking sometimes...and Ronnie, Anita, and Sharon, 'cause they're the only bus drivers I know...
    Job/career/occupation: Bus driver.
    - Attitude towards job: I hate it more than life itself.
    Noted accomplishments: Well...nothing, really...
    - Famous/infamous? I'm probably famous in Duluth for being a loser, and probably one in Yuma Junior High for the same reason.
    Clubs/organizations belonged to: None.

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: I don't watch TV. But I've always loved classic rock and stuff from the 60s, 70s, and 80s since my mom used to play it to calm herself down. My favorite band is Yes. I could just get lost in all of their songs. I like Led Zeppelin, too, and Van Halen, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Three Dog Night, and Journey.

    Hobbies: Nobody really knows it, but I love fixing cars.


    - Inheriting $1 million: Ha! Fuck being a bus driver, I'm gonna buy myself a pet tiger.
    - The death of a loved one: That shit happened all the time when I was a kid. I'm barely phased by it now.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: I wouldn't really mind unless it affected me or somebody close.
    - Being fired: On one hand, I'd be happy as shit. On the other hand, I wouldn't have a backup plan, so I'd be screwed.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: I'd make up stories about being an astronaut, depending on how much I cared about them. If I liked them to a degree, I'd probably be honest and say how much I hate everything.
    - Having or raising children: Eh...I don't particularly care for children, but it'd be different if it was my own flesh and blood.
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: I'd just sit on them. My fatass will do the trick.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: I'd stare at them and say, "Either you're high, or kidding."
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: I'd probably sulk for a bit and then accept it.
    - A flat tire on the expressway: I'd fix that sucker up in a few minutes.
    - An interracial relationship: I wouldn't mind.
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: Har har. Fat chance.
    September 13th, 2011 at 02:18am
  • totalizzyness

    totalizzyness (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Tell me about yourself.
    "I'm Renate Schenker, I'm 15, I live in Germany with my extended family."

    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    "I'm not sure, perhaps coming top of one of my classes in the BDM."

    How would you describe your ideal job?
    "Any job would do, I'm not allowed to work."

    What goals do you have?
    "Get out of here. Maybe find a nice boy to travel with, but I can't stand being here much longer, I hate being worthless."

    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    "I have no idea, the borders are pretty heavily guarded, I'm prepared to die trying though. I wasn't put on this Earth to pump out babies to benefit the State."

    How do you personally define success?
    "I have no idea any more, this world is so topsy turvey, people I used to know who were successful are now no longer here. Success doesn't matter much, here."

    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    "I can't think of one."

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    "I can't think of any."

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    "Unfortunately, I haven't gotten here through choices of my own. I could make different choices, but I'd still be here. I'm 15, my parents decide everything for me."

    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    "Information I suppose."

    Are you a team player?
    "At what? I play many sports, so I'm very good in teams, but I'm not a sheep! I won't follow orders given by my equals if I don't agree with them."

    What motivates you?
    "The idea there's a better life out there."

    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    "A little bit. It's hard to be fully motivated when there's a war going on, with a country who's prepared to kill it's own people!"

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    "What's with all the 'goals' questions? I'm 15! The most I've achieved is staying alive this long!"

    What are your short-term goals?
    "I don't know, surviving?"

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    "Realistically? Sat in a house surrounded by many children whilst my husband or lover is off fighting for his country. Ideally, I'd like to be in a beautiful country, with the man I love, living for ourselves."

    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    "Settled down maybe, a few children? Nothing too strenuous."

    Do you handle conflict well?
    "Depends what the conflict is."

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    "My brother moving up to Berlin to be an aide to the Führer."

    Do you handle pressure well?
    "Yes, I've learnt how to."

    What is your greatest strength?
    "I'm very headstrong, I don't allow my emotions to control me."

    What is your greatest weakness?
    "My life. Nothing is right, I have to deal with everything."

    What were your favourite classes? Why?
    "Any where I actually learnt something academic, I'm sick of learning how to be a housewife."

    Is money important to you?
    "Not really, there are more important things in life."

    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    "Enough for me to get out of here and survive."

    From this story: [link]
    September 17th, 2011 at 03:50pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Story: Tracing Lines
    Given Name: Sabina-May Alyssa Lee.

    Nickname(s): Sabina, Sab (friends only!), Liss (only one person has ever called me that, and no one knows where he is)

    - gender: Female
    - age: 22 (Born on the 17th August 1989)
    - height: 5'2. I’m a short person.
    - weight: I’ve never weighed myself, actually. I’m relatively skinny though.
    - hair color/style: My hair is always black. I usually have it sitting quite choppy, but it never goes above my shoulders.
    - eye color: Hazel
    - makeup: Foundation and powder are a must, although not too heavy, and I usually stick on minimal eyeliner before I leave in the morning. Oh, and a neutral-looking lipgloss.
    - clothing style: It depends. 90% of the time, I’m in standard protocol outfit. That means dress trousers, a white blouse and a blazer jacket. The rest of the time, I tend to wear leggings and oversized jumpers, unless I’m going out for the night.

    Race/ethnicity: American/Korean.

    Physical abilities/limitations: I’d like to think I’m pretty fit in the physical sense. I’m trained in multiple forms of martial arts, and I’d say I’m a pretty good fighter in most situations. Just don’t ask me to play tennis!


    Religion: I’ve never really been one religion only. My mother liked to pick and choose what she believed in, and I guess I do too.

    Place of birth: Washington DC.

    Place and time of story: Washington DC, USA, 2011.

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: My mom was American, my father was Korean.
    - religion: Mom didn’t really have a religion, but my father was Catholic.
    - habits: Mom used to smoke a lot. That’s all I can really remember of them.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): Mom was always so kind, we got along really well with her. My father was out a lot, however, so we hardly saw him.
    - living/deceased: Mom was killed, my father disappeared off of the face of the earth. Who knows whether he’s alive or not. I gave up caring long ago.

    SIBLINGS: Bronwyn Lee (sister), Antony Lee (brother), Jalana Clark (half-sister).
    - race/ethnicity: Bronwyn and Antony are the same as me, Jalana is the typical all-American girl.
    - religion: All Catholic.
    - habits: I wouldn’t know much about Jalana. We’ve never gotten on. Bronwyn liked to smoke after Mom died. She said it reminded her of old times. I don’t know if she still does, though. Antony had a really bad habit of picking at his fingernails. I remember we had to take him to hospital once because they got infected.
    - living/deceased: All living, or at least as far as I know.

    Family structure/life: Life was fine until my parents got divorced. I was 10, Antony was 13, and Bronwyn was 17. Both of my parents re-married, and I got two brand-new sets of people to pretend to like. I lived with my mom, who married a complete tosser. We moved to New York. Then my mom was killed, they blamed my dad, and he and his new wife made a run for it. Bronwyn moved to France after that, and I haven’t seen her since. Antony stayed in New York, and I moved back to Washington. There really isn’t much else to tell.
    Pets? : I had two dogs when I was younger. One was named Poppy, and she was a black lab. We had her from when she was a puppy, and I guess it was a present from my dad for hardly ever being there for us. Our second dog was bought a year after Poppy died, when I was seventeen. Her name was Midnight, another black lab. I don’t actually know what happened to her when I moved out. I miss her, I kind of hope she’s alright.


    - What was their life like before the story began? My lie was alright. I was a cop in New York for a few years. I was then offered a position in the FBI. Naturally, I took it.

    - What was growing up like for them? Touch-and-go. It was fine until I was about 10. Then everything just went to shit.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? Once again, it was good up until I reached 10.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? My mom was killed, apparently by my father. I guess you could call that a hardship, and technically, I haven’t overcome that yet.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? If you’d have told my fifteen-year old self that I’d be a police officer, I’d have laughed at you. So, no.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? Life is full of ups and downs. It’s never truly “easy” or “difficult”. You’ve just got to put up with the shit it throws at you.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? Choice, actually. I was always going to be a music teacher. I did one week of university, didn’t like it, and trained as a police officer. I could have turned down the FBI position, but it seemed like a good thing, so I took it.

    - Do they have regrets? Not finishing university. I could have become a police officer after I got a degree.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? I think the whole mess with my father inspired me. I always wanted to show him what-for, make him pay for what he did to the family. I guess that’s what still inspires me to continue on.


    Outer Goal (physical): I aim to be fit in every physical way.

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): I guess my brain just wants the truth about what happened.

    Defining characteristic: I’m a real hard-ass. I think that defines me. If you call being the “office bitch” a defining term.

    Hopes/desires: I’m going to find my father, and I’m going to find the truth. I don’t know if he killed my mother or not, but I will find out. Or I hope I will.

    Fears/phobias: I hate boats and water in general. Swimming terrifies me. And I hate flying.

    Dirty Secrets: I worked as a bar-maid when I was in New York, and you wouldn’t believe the amount of guys that I fucked in the store cupboard.

    Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert, I’d say. I’m pretty sociable.

    More thinking or feeling?: Thinking. Trust me, if I went by feeling, at least a dozen convicted murderers would have several rounds in their brain by now.

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: I have to diffuse situations where people are angry at each other quite frequently, but with my temper, it could quite easily be me in the opposite situation.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: My job is pretty selfless. I, however, think about myself before most people, so I guess my world is pretty self-centred.

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: I love curry, absolutely love it. I’ll drink anything that tastes good. I hate chips. Yeah, I know, I’m strange. And I really don’t like lager/beer. It’s too bitter for my taste.

    Education or important learning experiences: My education went pretty alright. I was never any good at maths, or chemistry, or biology, but I loved the creative subjects. I did human biology, which I thought I was really good at. In my last year of high school I took two new subjects, criminology and psychology. I think it must have been around that time that I was changing my mind about what I wanted to be.

    Most hated activities: Cleaning up crime scenes, anything to do with the male species, any form of paperwork.

    Most enjoyed activities: Singing, playing any kind of instrument, dancing, and running around with a gun is pretty cool at times.

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: My deepest secret is that my stepfather abused me for years. My wildest fantasy involves him and a meat grinder…

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? I’ll laugh at pretty much anything. My sense of humour, however, is really strange. I make jokes about things that other people usually avoid.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? I’ve never really had many role models. I guess my boss, and previous bosses.


    Attitudes toward:
    - self : It depends on my mood.
    - others : I generally like everyone, but some people in this world completely sicken me.
    - friendship : Shouldn’t be wasted, and is an amazing thing.
    - sex : Is also an amazing thing.
    - love : Oh, please! I’ve seen enough in my lifetime to know what love does to people.
    - family : The members of my family that I speak to mean the world to me.
    - marriage : It’s nice for some, but I can’t ever see myself being in that position.
    - country : I love America. However, I also love almost every other country on the planet.
    - the world : Is a beautiful place, and I would love to travel it someday.
    - religion : I’ve never seen the point in tying yourself down to one religion. I pick and choose parts from other religions. However, if I were to choose one with ideals closest to my own, I’d say that Buddhism has hit it on the head pretty good with their whole cycle of life.

    Political philosophy:
    - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical: Politics really confuse me, so I’m not entirely sure.

    - politically active/apathetic: Like I said, I’m not into politics. I do vote, however.

    Superstitions?: I’d like to think I’m not, but if I see a black cat, I’m not likely to let it cross my path. And I read my horoscope like it’s the Bible.

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview?: If you give to life, life will give back to you.


    Closest friend(s): Harry. He’s my partner in (solving) crime, and he’s possibly one of the nicest people I know. And my cousin, Aimee. We live together, so I guess that would make us pretty close.
    Job/career/occupation: FBI Special Agent.
    - Attitude towards job: I wouldn’t go as far as to say that my job is my life, but I do treat it with great respect. It’s such an amazing job to have, even though it’s really hard to do at times.
    Noted accomplishments: I helped bring down one of the most notorious rapists that Washington had ever seen. I’d say that’s a pretty big accomplishment.
    - Famous/infamous? I’m probably infamous in the office for being a cold-hearted bitch, but seriously, who cares?
    Clubs/organizations belonged to: I used to play the trumpet in a jazz band, if that means anything. And I’m currently learning Aikido, and that’s done in a club environment.

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: My favourite music group are Feeder. Their music is really amazing, and those guys were my musical idols when I was younger. I don’t watch T.V much, but I’ve developed an obsession with Criminal Minds lately. You’d think I’d be bored of that kind of stuff in real life, but I just can’t get enough. And I really do love Mulan as a film. I couldn’t even tell you why. I also really love P.S, I Love You. Just cause I said I don’t believe in love, doesn’t mean I can’t watch soppy movies.

    Hobbies: I sing, and I play piano, bass, violin and guitar. I used to have a trumpet, but it got damaged when I moved back to D.C, and I played flute when I was younger. I also love drawing, and I’m currently teaching myself to speak French.


    - Inheriting $1 million: I’d blow it all in a second, haha! Lamborghini Murciélago, here I come!
    - The death of a loved one: It’s happened before, but I reckon I’d still be pretty shaken up now.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: As long as me, or the people I care about, weren’t affected, it wouldn’t really bother me.
    - Being fired: I’d be devastated. I love my work
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: Ha, that happened when Antonio showed up again. I’d like to think that I kept my cool, but I know I probably showed how horrified I was.
    - Having or raising children: I don’t ever plan on having children. Kids and me don’t mix.
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: One of those three has already happened to me, and it’s the most awful thing in the world. I’m still not over it completely, and I probably never will be.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: I’d want to know what they wanted! Haha!
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: I wouldn’t cope. I thought I was dying when I had the cold, so that would be one of the worst things ever for me. Also, trying to tell people I know and love would be virtually impossible.
    - A flat tire on the expressway: That really wouldn’t surprise me, not with my car. I’d probably have to phone a tow truck, mind you.
    - An interracial relationship: Race genuinely doesn’t bother me in the slightest.
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: Been there, done that!
    September 18th, 2011 at 05:25pm
  • Neche Narcissist

    Neche Narcissist (100)

    United States
    Tracy Summers My New Dad Hunts Ghosts

    Tell me about yourself.
    “What do you want to know? My name’s Tracy and I’m 16.”

    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    “I made it to 16 alive… Nothing bigger then that.”

    How would you describe your ideal job?
    “On stage every night in front of a bunch of kids screaming my name.”

    What goals do you have?
    “Finish school, start a band.”

    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    “Just keep breathing…”

    How do you personally define success?
    “Success? Doing what you love and still having people who love you after it all.”

    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    “I’ll tell you when I get there.”

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    “I guess getting adopted… Is that an accomplishment? I guess so; my dad’s the best thing I can ask for.”

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    “Oh god… I don’t know. So many things… I guess umm… One thing I’d have control over it’d be telling my birth dad goodbye; I never did that.”

    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    “People! Always people.”

    Are you a team player?
    “If the team is cheering for me then sure.”

    What motivates you?
    “My family; my dad most. I just wanna make him happy. I owe him so much and the least I can do is make him happy anyway that I can.”

    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    “Naw; live is gonna throw some shit at you; my goal is to make it through.”

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    “Again with the goals?! Umm I planned to get a good grade on my last test; I stayed home and studied instead of going out…”

    What are your short-term goals?
    “Make it through tomorrow unharmed; you have no idea how hard that is haha. I’m a pain magnet.”

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    “On tour fronting some band.”

    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    “Still on tour; in a bus though with a few albums under the belt.”

    Do you handle conflict well?
    “Sure…? Idk in a fight I do well for myself but I heard getting violent isn’t really handling conflict well so… no haha.”

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    Oh God, my dad has a very… strange job. He deals with the paranormal and recently something bad followed him home… I’ve been dealing with that.”

    Do you handle pressure well?
    “Sure; I’m pretty mellow and care-free in case you haven’t noticed.”

    What is your greatest strength?
    “See the last response.”

    What is your greatest weakness?
    “I am very me-centered; if it doesn’t have to do with me or my family I don’t care about it. Or if I have to do something bad for my family or myself I will in a heartbeat without feeling bad.”

    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    “Choir I love singing.”

    Is money important to you?
    “Not really; I prefer enough not to go hungry but other than that I don’t need it.”

    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    “Like I said; enough to survive.”
    November 13th, 2011 at 10:38am
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    Tell me about yourself.
    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    Getting married to Tygra.
    How would you describe your ideal job?
    My ideal job is actually being a mentor to Wilykit and Wilykat.
    What goals do you have?
    I want to find a reason for fighting in this war against Mumm-ra and help Lion-O and the others to the best of my ability.
    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    By collecting the Stones of Power.
    How do you personally define success?
    Success is when you overcome your own weaknesses and become stronger by sticking to your strengths to compensate for your weakness.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    I managed to find my father after many years of not seeing him, though it wasn’t actually a success. It was more like luck because he happened to save me and the other Thundercats from the Lizards because he was just passing by.
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    Meeting Tygra and getting married ot him. Being faithful to him as given me the most satisfaction because as they say, “Love knows no bounds.”
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    Preventing my father from leaving on his mission with Grune.
    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    That’s a tough one. I’m sort of caught in the middle but working with information might work better for me.
    Are you a team player?
    Yes, I am. I always look out for the well being of others. Even if it means slapping some sense into them. Tygra and Lion-O often need me for that.
    What motivates you?
    My father, Tygra, my loved ones.
    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    Not really. I tend to lose sight of what I really want and get lost along the way.
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    One of my recent goals was…actually I didn’t have any kind of goal really, except to find my father but like I said, it wasn’t an accomplishment because he just appeared and saved us from the Lizards.
    What are your short-term goals?
    Finding myself, being happy with myself, and keeping my temper in check.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    Possibly being in a new home, rebuilding the kingdom of Thundera with my father, Tygra, and the other Thundercats.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    Maybe raising a family? Hopefully.
    Do you handle conflict well?
    It depends but for the most part no.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    Tygra’s egotism. He tends to get jealous of his brother for being next in line to the throne and he always tries to outdo Lion-O in everything.
    Do you handle pressure well?
    No. not really. I crack under pressure. I mean at times I can.
    What is your greatest strength?
    My greatest strength is fighting abilities. I’m quick on my feet and although I’m not as strong as my father in terms of power, I do know how to exploit my enemies’ weaknesses.
    What is your greatest weakness?
    My attachment to my loved ones. And my visions that I get at random times.
    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    Sparring or sword fighting, if you count that as a class in Thundera. Because it helped me vent out my anger.
    Is money important to you?
    No, not really.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    Just enough to get us by.

    Given Name:
    - gender
    - age
    - height
    - weight
    130 lbs
    - hair color/style
    Short dark black/gray hair
    - eye color
    - makeup
    - clothing style
    I wear a light chain mail and a grayish/blueish tunic dress. anything that’s comfortable nad easy to move around in really.
    Physical abilities/limitations:
    I am quick in dealing blows in a fight.
    I am the daughter of a high ranking general in the kingdom of Thundera. I am engaged to the first crowned prince of Thundera and am hoping that my father will return safely.
    My father is General Panthro.
    Place of birth:
    Place and time of story:
    In the Kingdom of Thundera and summer time.

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity:
    - socioeconomic level:
    Upper class
    - religion:
    - habits:
    He snores when sleeping, can’t swim and is often found working on the Thundertank.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren):
    We’re not as close as we used to be but we’re working on it.
    - living/deceased:
    He was said to be deceased but he is in fact alive.

    Brothers/sisters/significant-other relatives (profile each)
    - race/ethnicity:
    - socioeconomic level:
    Upper class
    - religion:
    - habits:
    He tends to get jealous and always tries to outdo his younger brother in everything. He likes to make sarcastic remarks.
    - quality of relationship:
    We’re very close even though we fight a lot.
    - living/deceased:

    Family structure/life:
    Well, we move around a lot (our home and kingdom fell because of an invasion) and we’re all constantly fighting the Lizards and other enemies but we’re all always watching out for each other. When one of us is in trouble, the others come to the rescue.

    - What was their life like before the story began?
    Very good, though she was constantly worrying about her father but she lived comfortably in the Palace of Thundera.
    - What was growing up like for them?
    Kori always got into trouble or rather she was a troublemaker. She was a tomboy and was often scrapping with Lion-O and Tygra, teaching them that girls can, indeed, be better than boys. But other than that, she was always under the watchful eye of her father (before he left) and her caretaker, Ivy.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood?
    Kori had a good childhood.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome?
    Kori had lost her mother when she was real little but the biggest hardship she had to overcome was her father, Panthro, leaving to go on the mission the King had assigned him.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected?
    No, not really. Kori found her father but she lost a lot in the process.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now?
    Her life was easy up until now.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice?
    It was a little bit of both but more forced because the lizards and Mumm-ra invaded her kingdom and destroyed it, leaving her and the other Thundercats practically homeless and on the run.

    - Do they have regrets?
    Yes. Her biggest regret was not trying harder to stop her father from leaving.
    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today?
    Her upbringing as a Noble Lady (or royalty), being engaged/married to Tygra, and losing her father made her into the person she is today.
    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way?
    Yes. Her father leaving Thundera has made her feel insecure and lonely, but in some way, it also helped her stand on her own two feet.


    Outer Goal (physical):
    To control her temper and become a stronger person.

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional):
    to become calm and level-headed.

    Defining characteristic:
    Her soft side that she shows to Tygra.
    She wants to find Panthro and become stronger. She also hopes to one day start a family with Tygra.
    She can’t stand being alone.
    Has a deep fear of losing her loved ones or dieing.
    Dislikes earthquakes and loud noises.
    Dirty Secrets:
    She had an affair with her Tygra’s brother, Lion-O and was involved with him at one point.
    Introvert or extrovert?:
    a mixture of both but she’s more introvert.
    More thinking or feeling?:
    she’s more feeling.
    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?:
    the fact that she is often trying to keep to herself but yet she opens up to those she truly trusts.
    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?:
    She can be a bit self-centered when it’s just her and Tygra but she is more selfless than anything because she is always going out of her way to help and protect others.
    Favorite and hated foods/drinks:
    Her favorite food is that’s seafood. Her most hated food is anything sweet or sugary. Her favorite drink is tea and her most hated drink is anything that contains alcohol or liquor.
    Education or important learning experiences:
    She learned about patience and loyalty from her father in her early childhood.

    Most hated activities:
    sitting still and doing nothing.
    Most enjoyed activities:
    sparring, martial arts, anything that keeps her active and keeps her focused.
    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy:
    Kori had once fantasized about being married to Lion-O but her heart belongs to Tygra. Her wildest fantasy is running off with Tygra.
    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh?
    Seeing Tygra acting shy or socially awkward.
    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate?
    Kori admires her father the most.


    Attitudes toward:
    - self
    She dislikes her temper and wants to be level-headed like her father.
    - others
    She often blows up at others if she feels that they’re being idiots but other than that, she’s sympathetic.
    - friendship
    Friendship is very dear to her and it goes hand in hand like loyalty.
    - sex
    Sex is a big issue with Kori. She sees it as a symbol of love, not just human (or Thunderan) nature to reproduce.
    - love
    Love is her biggest vice. She lets her love for Tygra or her loved ones control her judgement.
    - family
    This is very important to her. her family is her support, blood or not.
    - marriage
    Marriage is another act of love, only it comes from the heart. She views this as a partnership and long lasting love between two people.
    - country
    Thundera is/was run with an iron fist and was solely focused on a monarch. The last King of Thundera was somewhat strict and controlling, but not without honor and kindness of course.
    - the world
    The world is full of many dangers but it is also just as safe as it is dangerous.
    - religion
    She doesn’t believe in any kind of being.

    Political philosophy:
    - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical:
    Traditional and liberal.
    - public causes supported/protested:
    She protested her father going away to find the Book of Omens because of a vision. She also stood up to some prisoners who were being mistreated by the general public.
    - politically active/apathetic:

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview? (examples: "What goes around comes around." "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse." etc.):
    “Love stems from the support of those around us.”


    Closest friend(s):
    Cheetara, Wilykit, Wilykat, and Lion-O.
    Royal Seer
    - Attitude towards job:
    She dislikes seeing all the visions but it’s the only way she can help the Thundercats.
    Noted accomplishments:
    Finding her father.
    - Famous/infamous?
    Infamous for her temper.
    Clubs/organizations belonged to:
    The Thundercats.

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films:
    She likes woodwind music or the noises of nature.
    sparring, martial arts, reading.


    - Inheriting $1 million:
    She could care less about getting money but she would use it for a good cause.
    - The death of a loved one:
    She would probably go off the deep end or sink into a very bad depression.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.:
    If it was an earthquake, Kori would be very scared and paralyzed with fear.
    - Being fired:
    She would be glad of it but she can’t get fired.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years:
    Depending on the circumstance of meeting an old friend, she could be either happy or sad but meeting an old enemy would make her very….upset.
    - Having or raising children:
    This would make Kori very happy, especially Tygra was the father. She is very family oriented.
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way:
    Kori would become detached from the world and sink into herself.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment:
    She would feel very happy but also embarrassed at the same time.
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer:
    Sad but she would fight it.
    - A flat tire on the expressway:
    A little annoyed. She would be cussing up a storm.
    - An interracial relationship:
    It wouldn’t bother her. love is love.
    - Five minutes on local or national TV:
    She would be frozen stiff, not knowing what to say.
    November 13th, 2011 at 06:51pm