Posting a New Poem

Quick Link: My Mibba >> Poems >> New poems

To Start a New Poem:

  1. Go to your My Mibba page.
  2. Click the Poems tab in the My Mibba menu bar. (Here you'll be able to view and edit all of your poems.)
  3. Click the the teal blue New poem button on the top-right corner of the page.

The 'New Poem' Page:

Once you click the New poem button, you’ll be redirected to the add poem page. There you’ll be able to input your basic poem information.


For Mibba’s purposes, there are thirteen types of poems. Before posting your poem to the site, you must choose a type for your story.

For a list of poem type definitions, visit Mibba's Poem Types and Ratings.


Since Mibba has users from all over the world, poems (as well as stories) can be submitted in any number of languages. Be sure to choose the language your poem is written (and posted) in.

Remember: while members are allowed to post poems in different languages, you are NOT allowed to use an online translator to translate your poem into other languages. The poem should be posted in the language in which it was written or translated by a human.

If your poem is written in a language not listed, contact one of Mibba’s Administrators to get it added.

Content Rating

While Mibba does not limit what you can write about, we do ask that all poems are appropriately rated.

For a list of poem rating guidelines, visit Mibba's Poem Types and Ratings.


Each poem should have its own title. There are a few rules story should follow:
Decorations are NOT allowed in titles.

This means no decorations at all. No hearts, stars, symbols…

~~A Knight’s Tale~~ = incorrect.
*Julia*and*the*Bee = incorrect.
*==Madeline==* = incorrect.
$tars and Guns [[A Love Story]] = incorrect.
Marissa <3 Jake = incorrect.

Tags are NOT allowed in titles.

Imprint: A Jacob Black Poem = incorrect.
Kissed (A Sleeping Beauty Poem) = incorrect.
Dear, Juliet. Count Me Out (Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat) = incorrect.
The Darkest Hour (/slash/) = incorrect.


Here is where you paste the content of your poem. Since Mibba use bbcode, be sure to include the proper coding in the text if there is any special formatting used.

Remember: All poems posted must be your original work. Posting the work of someone else (whether it be professionally published, a musician's lyrics, or the work of another online writer) is considered plagiarism. All plagiarized poems will be deleted and the users will be permanently banned from the site.


The short description should be just a sentence or two that describes your poem. It will appear on your profile’s poem page as well as on Mibba’s poem overview page. It’s the first thing people will see of your poem, so be sure to have use something that will lure readers in.

Author’s Note

The author’s note is ONLY to be used for things relating to the poem. Here you can include important information for users and links to images/videos that pertain to your poem.


Tags are keywords members will use to search for poems. They should include any words or phrases that can be used to describe your poem. You can add as many or as little tags as you’d like as long as they are relevant to your poem.


Every poem posted to Mibba can have its own layout, whether it is one of Mibba’s pre-made layouts (created and submitted by Mibbians), Mibba’s default layout, or a layout custom-made by the author. If you have created a custom layout and you’d like to use it for your poem, select the layout title from the drop-down list provided. If you’d like to use a pre-made layout, you must first post your poem and then add a pre-made layout here, by clicking the “use” button next to the layout you’d like applied. If you want to use Mibba’s default layout, leave this section blank.

Once you’ve filled in all the forms on this page, just click “Submit” and you’re done!

Remember: All layout should be rating appropriate, and cover images cannot contain nudity or excessive gore.

Editing/Deleting Your Poem

To edit or delete your poems, you’ll need to go to your Poems’ section (which can be found in your My Mibba section). On this page you’ll see a list of your poems. Below each poem listed, you’ll find just two buttons: edit and delete.

  • Edit: To edit any part of your poem, click the “edit” button below the poem title. This will take you to your poem’s information page.
  • Delete: If you’d like to delete your poem, click the “delete” button below the poem title. This will PERMANENTLY delete your poem from Mibba. Remember, once you delete your poem from Mibba, it cannot be retrieved, so please save your work elsewhere.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in Mibba’s Help forum.

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