Adding/Editing Chapters

Quick Link: My Mibba >> Stories

To access your story’s chapters, click the chapters button underneath the title of the story you’d like to add a chapter to. This will take you to your story’s chapter page. Here you can add a new chapter or edit old chapters. If your story has existing chapters, they will be listed here. [1a+1b]

Adding new chapters:

To add a new chapter, click the aqua New chapter button located in the top-right corner of the page. When you do, you’ll be redirected to the add chapter page. [2]

There you’ll see a few forms to fill in:

  • Title: Here you should place the title of the chapter, if there is one. This piece is mandatory (you won’t be able to post the chapter if it’s not filled in). If you don’t have a special chapter title filled out, feel free to add the chapter number instead.
  • Description: This piece is optional, but it can be used to leave a small bit of information on the content of this chapter. Users also use it to place the chapter’s publish date (to let readers know when updates were made) or as a place to put content warnings (in case there’s anything there that may be specifically upsetting/triggering to readers – for example: graphic rape, murder, or abuse).
  • Chapter: Here is where you paste the content of your chapter. Since Mibba uses bbcode, be sure to include the proper coding in the text if there is any special formatting used.
  • Author’s note: The author’s note is ONLY to be used for things relating to the story. Here you can include important information for users and links to images/videos that pertain to your story.

Once you’ve filled in the necessary information, just click “submit” and you’re done.

Editing a chapter:

To edit a chapter, click the edit button located under the title of the chapter you’d like to edit. This will take you to that chapter’s info page. There you’ll be able to edit the chapters title, description, content, and the author’s note.

Deleting a chapter:

To delete a chapter, click the delete button located under the title of the chapter you’d like to edit. Once a chapter is deleted it cannot be retrieved on Mibba again. Be sure to save your work before deleting it on Mibba.

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