Creating/Adding Collections

Quick Link: My Mibba >> Stories >> Collections

Mibba’s collection feature is a way to group your stories according to any criteria you choose (whether it be by genre, rating, theme...).

Creating a Story Collection:

  1. Go to your My Mibba page.
  2. Click your Stories tab.
  3. Click the Collections tab.
  4. Click the New collection button in the top-right corner of the page.

Once you click the New collection button, you’ll be redirected to the add collection page. On that page there are just two forms that need to be filled:

  • Title: Create a title for your collection. If it’s a collection of your short stories, you can label it something simple like “Short Stories” or something unique like “Long Walk Off a Short Cliff” – it’s up to you.
  • Description: To help readers, you may want to include a short description of the kinds of stories that can be found in the collection. If you choose to do so, you can do it here.

In addition to filling out those two forms, you can add existing stories into the collection through the Stories in this collection form. Just click the '+' sign on the right of the stories you’d like to add to the collection and it’ll appear on the list on the left.

Once you’ve done this, click “Submit” and you’re done.

* You can also add a story to a collection on the story's info page.

Quick Link: My Mibba >> Poems >> Collections

Creating a Poem Collection:

  1. Go to your My Mibba page.
  2. Click your Poems tab.
  3. Click the Collections tab.
  4. Click the New collection button in the top-right corner of the page.

The poem collection option works the same as the story collection option.

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