Using the Drafts Feature

Mibba’s Drafts feature allows you to save your work without posting it. This works for setting up new stories, adding chapters to a story, poems, and other types of works. This is beneficial if you have to stop working on something suddenly, if you are working on a computer that you can’t save work to, if you need time to work on corrections, or a variety of other reasons.

Where to Save Your Drafts

Mibba makes saving a draft easy. Whether you are saving a new story, a chapter for a story, or a poem, the button to save your draft is located in the same place: the upper right corner of the “new” page.

How to Use the Drafts Feature

Start a new submission like you normally would. Once you have what you want to save put in, click the “save as draft” button. Once Mibba saves the submission, it will show below the save button.


The saved draft will show you the title of the submission along with the date and time (both set to GMT) it was saved.

Your submission is now saved to Mibba and will be there when you are ready to come back to it.

Note: The drafts feature saves all entries in those three “new” pages with the exception of “Genres” and “Characters” on the “New Story” page.

How to Retrieve Your Drafts

When you are ready to begin working on your submission again, simply follow the steps as if you are starting a new one. Mibba will automatically list the drafts for that type of submission. Click on the draft, and you will be prompted to load that draft.


Your pop-up box may look different from mine, but the contents should be the same. After clicking “Okay,” your saved draft will load. From there, you can edit your work and then post it or save it as another draft. (Mibba will not save the draft as the same one.)

What to Do When You Are Finished with a Draft

Once you are finished with a draft, you can delete it. To do this, you click on the “x” in the upper right hand corner of that draft’s box. Again you will be prompted to delete the draft.


Drafts for Other Types of Submissions

On your “My Mibba” page, you have a “Drafts” tab.


It takes you to your saved drafts.


Here, you can save any sort of submission, be it a story chapter, a blog post, an article, or anything you can think of. The only difference with this part of the Drafts feature is that you cannot post the submission from here. This is still a very useful option, though. With it, you can save a title and the body of text.

This portion of the Drafts feature works very similarly to the Story, Poem, and other sections. Type in the Title and Contents, and you just click submit. Your work will be saved to your Drafts page.


With Mibba’s Drafts options, you always have a place to save your work.

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