The Mibba Book Club

Mibba's first site-wide book club officially launches today. With lots of help from Mibbians, Mibba's staff, and the Mibba Magazine members, we were able to whittle down our list of nominees and chose a book we hope many Mibbians will enjoy.

How It Works

Every month we'll host Mibba's Book Club. Mibbians will nominate books, Mibba's staff and Magazine members will help bring that list down to a few choices and then Mibbians will make the final decision through a vote. Once a book is chosen, either a member of Mibba's staff or a member of the Mibba Magazine will create the month's book club thread which will be stickied in the Books forum and announced on your My Mibba page.

During the month, Mibbians can read and discuss the novel in the thread, in their blog, through fan fiction...however you'd like to get involved. And once the month is over, the thread will be locked and unstickied and Mibbians will be directed to the novel's Book forum thread for any further discussion. Then we'll start on the next book.

Book nomination will take place during the last week of the month. We'll sticky a nomination thread in the Books forum where Mibbians can let us know which books they'd like to discuss next. Once the staff/Magazine members create a short list of the books nominated, we'll post a poll where all Mibbians will be able to cast a vote.

Right now, the Mibba Book Club will focus on one book per month. As we go along and try to work out the kinks that're sure to be found, we'd like to expand the idea and have different site-wide book clubs for different genres. This would help to make sure that there's at least one book that can interest every Mibbian, no matter their genre preference.

Book Club Rules

There are only three rules for the Mibba Book Club:

1. Read the book.

2. Spoilers should be written in white text until the discussion date. Once the book club thread goes up, Mibbians can start discussing the book. But since everyone reads at a different pace (and some Mibbians may have read the book beforehand), we need Mibbians to type any spoilers in white text until our official 'discussion date.' The discussion date will be posted in the first post of the thread, and will usually start mid-month. After that date, you can freely discuss the book without worrying about spoilers.

3. Mibba's rule about bashing still applies (as always).

Fine Tuning

Since this is a first for Mibba, we're guaranteed to hit some bumps. To help us perfect this site-wide book club idea, we'll keep an open 'fix-it' thread in Mibba's Suggestion forum (Mibba Book Club: Fix It). If something has gone wrong, if something isn't working or if you think of ways we can improve the book club, be sure to leave a post in that thread and let's discuss it!

Getting a Book

During the book picking process, we'll try to pick books that can be easily found by all Mibbians - whether that be at a book store, your local library or online. Right now we're looking at Amazon as our best source for books since it can be accessed world-wide and by anyone with access to the internet. For anyone who wants to buy a book and read it on any device (cell-phone/laptop/computer/e-reader), you can download Amazon's Kindle app for free.

If you have other online resources for gaining access to books, just let us know in the Mibba Book Club: Fix It thread and we'll check it out.

Our First Book!

Our first book club novel, which won by just three votes in the poll, will be John Green's The Fault In Our Stars. The book club thread is up and running. Join the discussion now!

Thanks to everybody dies; and Fandango for editing.

The Mibba Book Club: The Fault In Our Stars

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