Official Beta Readers Are Here

One of Mibba’s many goals as a writing site is to give users a place to have their work edited for various different types of grammar, spelling, and other writing errors. While Mibba has always had threads dedicated to finding editors, there was never a staff sponsored place to get help with grammar… until now.

To help users get grammatical feedback on their work, Mibba has officially launched site beta readers! As of now, the beta readers consist of twelve very talented people, who are dedicated to helping Mibbians improve their writing through a unique process.

Official beta readers are focused on helping users learn from their mistakes instead of just fixing those mistakes for them, so in that regard, the editing process used by site beta readers is a little different to what some users may be used to. The official site beta readers use a five step editing process, which allows the beta and user to work together in correcting the user’s work.

One of the unique things about the site beta reading system is that, instead of beta-ing an entire story, work will be beta-ed on a chapter by chapter basis. This means that a user may not always get the same beta. Also, users can only make one request at a time and must wait for one request to be completely filled before making another request.

If you are interested in requesting a site beta, check out the Requesting a Site Beta thread for more information. Do not contact a beta reader personally, and instead led the beta reader come to you through use of the thread. Be sure to follow all the steps provided in the thread to get the most out of the beta-ing process.

Please remember, Beta Readers are there to provide users with feedback on writing style and grammar only, not character or plot development, ideas, or any other facets of writing. If you are looking for that type of feedback, check out the Story Brainstorming and Mentoring thread.

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