Rule Reminder: Poem Guidelines

Posting poetry is one of the many perks that Mibba has to offer. In order to post, Mibba asks that the user follows the guidelines. If a user does not know the guidelines they can look in the Knowledge Base or they can ask either one of the Administrators or Poem Editors. There are two lovely people on Mibba who specifically pay attention to the poetry sections, they are Maddi; and luminos. They read through the poems making sure that the rules are followed, and messages the user if they aren't.

However, because there are only two editors sometimes things get missed, so we ask if you spot anything that you think may be breaking the rules please report them to the proper staff member. Do not use the report button, as of right now that button does not work. The best way to report anything on Mibba is to PM the staff member either linking them to the possible rule breakage or with a screenshot of it. Also, please remember to not approach a user who has broken the rules, leave that up to the staff members.

So, I am going to go over the Poetry Guidelines. Some users may not know where the guidelines are actually located. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and there should be a darker blue navigation bar. The second to last link is the Knowledge Base. This is where any and most information about Mibba can be found. Once the page has loaded select Poems, and then from there click on Poem Guidelines.

Poem Guidelines

1. Correct grammar and spelling is a must, majority of the time.

Any violation of this rule must be due to artistic purposes and not just plain sloppiness.

2. Only original poems may be posted.

Plagiarism is not tolerated on Mibba. A user should never take credit for another person's work, so any and all poems posted must have been written by the user.

3. The correct language, type, and rating should be selected.

In depth information on poem types and ratings can be found here.

4. Only poetry can be posted in the Poem's section.

This means no prose (stories, scripts, articles, etc.) may be submitted as a poem. Submitting something that is not a poem may result in content deletion.

5. Title rules must be followed.

Titles are to be properly capitalized. All words in a title should be capitalized with a few exceptions: If it isn't the first or last word of the title do not capitalize small words such as an, the, in, for, of, and, to, a, but, as, if, or, not, and prepositions shorter than four letters.

Incorrect: the whisper of willows.
Incorrect: The Whisper Of Willows
Correct: The Whisper of Willows

6. Decorations are not allowed in titles.

Incorrect: ~~Perfect Morning
Incorrect: **Perfect Morning**
Incorrect: P3rf3ct M0rn1g
Correct: Perfect Morning

7. The author's note section is intended for authors to make relevant comments about that specific poem.

Advertising other works of writing is not allowed, unless it is related to that poem. Please remember correct spelling and grammar is necessary.

8. All poem layouts should be readable.

9. Search Tags must be relevant to the poem.

Irrelevant search tags will be deleted.

As you can see the rules for the Poem section aren't too scary. However, if anything that I have said has confused you, or I didn't go over something related to the Poem's section that you were curious about let me know by comment or PM. Alternatively, you can also message one of the amazing Poem Editors.

If you would ever like to become a Poem Editor message one of the Admins (Nicole, Katie, or Audrey.) and let them know about your interest in joining staff or if there are any positions open/are taking applications.

If you have any questions about any section of the site let me know and I'll go over it in one of the future Rule Reminder Articles.

Special thanks to psychotic secrets; and DreamerHarlotSinner for editing.

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