Rule Reminder: Blog Guidelines

Blogs can be one of the most personal places on Mibba. People can talk about their problems, their opinions, their writing, anything that they may want to talk about without going to the forums. Think of a blog like it is a public diary. There are a few rules that come with posting a blog, and the people who make sure those rules are followed are called Blog Moderators. Blog moderators peruse the blog section reading everyone's blogs and the comments being posted to make sure that rules aren't being broken. When a blog breaks a rule, the blog is deleted and the content is sent back to the author and told what was wrong and what they can do to repost the blog.

If someone forgets the rules, is new to Mibba, or simply never checked into the rules they can be found in the Knowledge Base. Select Blogs and then click Blog Guidelines.

Blog Rules

1. Public ridicule, Bashing or condescending marks are not allowed.

Like all over Mibba, bashing someone/thing is not allowed. A person cannot bash: a book, author, band, musician, actor, actress, celebrity, family, friends, enemies, teachers, etc. Basically, insults are not allowed on Mibba. Venting is allowed, just cannot bash people during those vents.

Public ridicule is where you are mentioning a person (nameless or not) and are mocking them, making fun of them, bashing their opinion, or bashing them for something they have said. It's embarrassing to that user and is simply not allowed. If a user is having a big issue with another it may be a better idea to notify one of the administrators.

In heated debates it can be hard to hold one's tongue and not let a sassy sarcastic comment slip. However, if a phrase is obviously condescending it can and will be reported if spotted by staff. Examples of some of these phrases:

You need a dictionary.
Can't fix stupid.
If that's what you think, hun/darling/sweety.

2. Swears are not allowed in blog titles.

Swearing is perfectly acceptable in the content at the author's discretion. However, they aren't allowed in the title and neither are their censored counterparts. A small list of words not allowed can be found in the blog guidelines.

3. Offensive slurs, of any kind, are not allowed here on Mibba, with the exception of discussion of the words/their use or use within the content of a story.

4. Must be a blog.

Poems, stories, and articles are not allowed in blogs. There are places those pieces can be posted, Mibba has an article section, story section, and poetry section so those should be utilized.

5. Blogs should be at least 100 words of original content.

Blogs must be at least 100 words; anything under 100 will be deleted and returned to the author. Spam won't count towards the word count.

Copied and pasted material or material the user did not write will be ignored when checking the word count. (questionnaires, lyrics, slogans, quotes, chain mail) Repeating lines in a blog or typing gibberish is also considered spam.

Advertising products or sharing links that a user directly profits from is not allowed.


1. Do not insult, harass, or verbally abuse another user.

All discussions must remain respectful. Do not leave insulting or condescending comments. Users also cannot insult another person's opinion on their blog.

2. If asked, please stop.

If a user asks a user to stop commenting the commenter should listen and should not take the conversation to that user's profile. Doing so can be perceived as harassing that user.


  • Mibbians can post as many blogs within a day with any kind of content as long as they don't break any of the rules. So if they want to only post surveys and gif challenges, they are allowed to do so.
  • Please use readable layouts. There is not a default layout button, so if a user's layout is an unreadable it may not get read.
  • Although swearing is allowed in contents of blogs, any profane language directed at a celebrity, book, movie, etc constitutes as bashing and is against Mibba rules.

Also, if you see anything that you think may be breaking the rules report it to one of the administrators or appropriate staff via PM. Never approach anyone who is breaking the rules, leave that that up to the Mibba Staff.

Special thanks to broken bells. and aubs for editing.

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