Mibbian of the Week: muderdolls_queen

Friendly as they come, murderdolls_queen is quite the avid reader here on Mibba. After getting to know her better, she prefers for you to call her Laura. A 21 year old from England, she calls both Portsmouth and Dorset home at times. She quite enjoys meeting and talking with new people. I personally have been friends with her for a while now, and I very much enjoy our conversations. Laura has posted quite a few stories and journal, posting since joining Mibba in January of 2011, and is always on the lookout for new readers. After you read Laura’s responses to our Q&A, please feel free to swing by her profile page and maybe read a story of hers or say ‘Hello.’

How did you come up with your Mibba username? What were your inspirations for it?

My Mibba username is the same as my username for most things, [and] it's actually really stupid how I came up with it. I was about 14 or so, and I was really into the band Murderdolls. [T]hey had a song called "She was a Teenage Zombie". Well my friends said that this song was about me, so I became "the queen of the teenage zombies" which got shortened to "queen of the Murderdolls," and I ended up changing it to Murderdolls Queen. (Christ, that sounds so pathetic written down XD).

What types of stories/poems do you write on Mibba?

Well I've only written one poem on Mibba, and it was one I [wrote] when I was really down about my father's death (around his one year anniversary). [W]riting it really helped me out. I've written a few stories, the main two being a Frikey M-Preg and its sequel and my original fiction about a vampire prince who is in love and dating the werewolf prince, two very taboo things as homosexuality isn’t accepted by the vampire king and vampires and werewolves are at war.

What types of stories/poems do you read on Mibba?

I'm terrible really! I basically only read Frerards [Frank Iero/Gerard Way]/Frikeys [Frank Iero/Mikey Way] and other MCR fan fics! I'm also quite into the Fertile and Dom vampire fics; they are awesome :3

If you had to name your favorite story/poem on Mibba, what would it be?

I absolutely LOVE Ever (and it's sequels Ever After and Ever Eternity) by Suck For You. She is an amazing writer!

What draws you to the above named story/poem? Why is it your favorite?

I love how it's not sugar coated like most of the stories I read; it's dark in places and it shows what can happen to people, but it still has the happy endings that I just need ^_^.

What is your all-time favorite story/piece of literature?

I'm so boring! I just love Harry Potter to be honest, I've read each book about 15 times each, I can read the whole series in about a week now xD.

Do you have a favorite obsession? If so, what is it?

I've recently gotten really obsessed with Hama Beads. They are little beads that you put onto a peg board to make a picture, and then you iron them and they stick together. I've gotten horrendously obsessed with them at the moment.

If you could meet any one person (or any small group of people), who would it be and why?

My online friends. Most of them live in America, but one lives in Canada, one in Finland, and one actually only lives in London. But I'd LOVE to meet my online friends. They've been through so much with me and helped me through the roughest parts in my life when I've had no one else. I would love to meet them just to say thank you for everything they've done for me.

What are your favorite things to do when you’re not on Mibba?

I like making my Hama Bead pictures or playing Pokemon Games. I also enjoy just going to the pub and hanging out with my friends.

What are some of your favorite musicians/bands?

I love My Chemical Romance SO much! But I also love The Beatles, Lady Gaga, and Bodies Without Organs. I'm not a huge music listener to be honest, but what I do listen to, I listen to A LOT.

What is your favorite literary genre?

Fantasy I guess. I like to be able to read something and think to myself that it's not real, it's just make believe. I guess that's why I like most of the stories I read here on Mibba.

If money and skill were no objects, what would you like to do with your life?

I have a few things I'd like to do with my life really. I'd have liked to have been an ice skater, but I'd settle for a teacher or a nursery nurse ^_^.

What else should the world of Mibba know about you?

I didn't know how to answer this question, so I asked the two people sat in the room with me: my friend Rory and my boyfriend Chris. Both of them said that they should know that Chris is awesome. Mibbians should also know that I am friendly and they can send me a message whenever if they want to talk :D


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