Mibbian of the Week: xXxWickedAngelxXx

A member of Mibba for several years now, xXxWickedAngelsxXX is normally known on Mibba as Kat or Wicked. Kat is self-proclaimed 'abnormal' thirteen year old that lives in the US state of Texas. A fan of Harry potter fanfictions and fantasy fictions, Kat has written nearly a dozen of stories of her own. She is also an avid music fan of a wide array of music. When not on Mibba, Kat likes to spend some time outdoors. Here’s what Kat had to say:

How did you come up with your Mibba username? What were your inspirations for it?

xXxWickedAngelsxXx comes from a song, “Love The Way You Lie,” the non-rap version. (I prefer the version by Ariana Grande.) Anyway, the line was, "Even angels have their wicked schemes, but you take that to new extremes." And so, WickedAngels was born. The xXx part I came up with.

What types of stories/poems do you write on Mibba?

I mostly write fantasy. It's my favorite because you can have anything happen without it having to be "realistic."

What types of stories/poems do you read on Mibba?

Romance, action, adventure, fantasy. You know, the usual.

If you had to name your favorite story/poem on Mibba, what would it be?

A Writer's Vows by The-Wordsmith13. A poem. A very, very good poem.

What draws you to the above named story/poem? Why is it your favorite?

I'm actually not that into poems. I don't write them, and I don't usually read them. So, only occasionally do I look at the poems list. This happened to be one of those times. I saw the name and saw "writer" in it. I thought, "I'm a writer. This has to do with me." Yeah, I know, it's dumb, but that's what I thought, and so I clicked it. This led me to one of my favorite poems and one of my new best friends!

It's my favorite because it seemed to apply to every Mibbian, since most of us are writers. That's what Mibba is for, right? To write!

What is your all-time favorite story/piece of literature?

Hmm....that's a hard one. It would probably be something by L.J. Smith, my absolute favorite author. Probably...Dark Visions

Do you have a favorite obsession? If so, what is it?

Reading and chocolate. No question about it.

If you could meet any one person (or any small group of people), who would it be and why?

Eh...I don't swoon over movie stars or anything like that. I'm fine with who I've already met.

What are your favorite things to do when you’re not on Mibba?

I like to read, sing (though I'm not really good at it), or I'll grab my friends, and we'll go down the street to my friend's house to play basketball.

What are some of your favorite musicians/bands?

Okay, get ready for a list.... VersaEmerge, 30 Seconds to Mars, The Nearly Deads, Jessie J...yeah, there's at least fifty more on my profile.

What is your favorite literary genre?


If money and skill were no objects, what would you like to do with your life?

I'd grab my friends, go to every Six Flags and Hurricane Harbor across America, travel where ever we want to... You name it, we'd do it.

What else should the world of Mibba know about you?

I love animals, all of them, but am mostly fond of cats. I love sports and camping and hiking and shopping.

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