Sunday Morning Topic: Thanks for the Help

Hey there, Mibbians and passersby! I’m here again as LDW Choice with the weekly Sunday Morning Topic! I welcome you all to stop and discuss. If you have any suggestions for an upcoming week’s topic, please feel free to recommend or suggest it. All suggestions will be considered.

About a week and a half ago, I went to the people of Mibba. I posted on the forums asking for help in writing this article because I’ve found that it is becoming harder and harder to write this column. Much to my surprise, I got an alarming amount of responses to my request for help, and for that, I’m grateful. What I did was ask anyone and everyone if they would mind answering a few questions for me so I could use their answers in my next article. I wasn't expecting anyone to answer all of my questions at the same time. But everyone who responded did.

For this week, I would like to dedicate the article as a thank you to all of you who helped me out. By responding to my help message, you proved that Mibbians can come together and help each other out when they need it. I’m sure many of you have big and full lives outside of the virtual world of Mibba, but you still made the time to brighten someone’s day by commenting and suggesting improvement. I have searched high and low for a place on the internet that can do just that, and now I’ve finally found it.

To wrap up, I’d like to thank those of you* who contributed to the article help message, even though most of you said you don’t read the Mibba Mag.

* Loki’s Lotus , dancingskiingwriter , amaranthine , The Master , FairyFeller , Spencer Reid , David Bonk , Aubs , battalions , The Rumor , Jim Moriarty , and Miss Grammar.

If you’d like to help with next week’s topic, comment and let me know your thoughts on Which do you prefer to write, Fan-fiction or Original Fiction?

See you all next week!

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