Mibbian of the Week: Lady of the Moon

Twenty year old Lady of the Moon has been a Mibbian since April of 2009. Nick named ‘Lady,’ she hails from Maine in Northern New England. Lady calls her hometown beautiful and states, “It’s a rather pretty, remote place, even in the winter.” Being an avid reader and writer, she has original fictions posted on Mibba. A self-proclaimed dreamer and romantic, Lady of the Moon is definitely a Mibbian to make friends with! I very much enjoyed reading her answers to the Q&A, and I hope you will too!

How did you come up with your Mibba username? What were your inspirations for it?
I wanted something different, something that really no one else would think to have. I’m also into paganism somewhat, and wanted something to reflect that. Being different is a good thing.

What types of stories/poems do you write on Mibba?
I write extremely messed up/dark romances. I don’t really write poetry, even though I love poetry, but I do have a poem posted that is based off of the Sleeping Beauty story. Disney’s version, not the actual fairy tale by the Grimm Brothers.

What types of stories/poems do you read on Mibba?
I’m so picky, that sometimes I’ll thumb through the recent story page for about a half hour in an attempt to find something. I’m an original fiction lover, and if I find a Harry Potter story that is based around one of my favorite characters from the series, I’ll read it. Occasionally I’ll read a “Criminal Minds” story too, but I have to be in the right mood. Mostly though, I look for the off the wall romance stories, because I’m a romantic at heart.

If you had to name your favorite story/poem on Mibba, what would it be?
I honestly can’t think of any right now, but one from my favorite Harry Potter fan-fiction stories that I’ve read on the site was “The Dark Lord’s Mistress”, a co-written story by authors sytherinchicks123 and DarkAngel1105.

What draws you to the above named story/poem? Why is it your favorite?
It was a different twist on the familiar story of Harry Potter, and instead of becoming boring, it became quite entertaining. I was happy I found it one afternoon when I was looking for stories.

What is your all-time favorite story/piece of literature?
Hmm, this is a hard one. I’d have to say it’s a tie between Anne Rice’s “Vampire Chronicles” and Dante’s “Divine Comedy”.

Do you have a favorite obsession? If so, what is it?
Haha, I have an obsession with someone, an actor. Ioan Gruffudd. I find him absolutely beautiful. I completely adore him in “Titanic”, even though he’s on the screen for like ten minutes, not even, and “Amazing Grace”. He’s just amazing.

If you could meet any one person (or any small group of people), who would it be and why?
Hmm, this is a tough one, but I’d probably go with Anne Rice. Mainly because I fell right in love with her novels, and she doesn’t hold anything back, at all. It’s amazing. Also, she seems like she’s a really down to earth person, and so insightful. I love the things she posts on her Facebook page, she just seems like such a nice and interesting person.

What are your favorite things to do when you’re not on Mibba?
Write, and read. It’s practically my life right now, but beside that, either seeing my friends, or being with my family. I do crazy things with both of them, and the things we do are rather hilarious.

What are some of your favorite musicians/bands?
I go through phases, like with who I want to listen to. But mostly, I love Pearl Jam, Loreena McKennitt, Green Day, The Beatles, and Simon and Garfunkel. I also love some movie soundtracks, the first three “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Titanic” being at the top of my list. I also love Mozart, Beethoven, and Tchaikovsky just to name some old school composers.

What is your favorite literary genre?
I love the classics, along with some modern fiction. Along with suspense, and a different take on romance.

If money and skill were no objects, what would you like to do with your life?
Travel the world, in a heartbeat. That, and find out more about my Polish heritage.

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