Cheer Up: September 2010

Been feeling a little down this month? Sometimes it’s difficult to talk about and you just need a little pick-me-up to get you through the day. Cheer Up! is here to give you a little lift when you’re feeling down in the dumps.

If cute and funny is the thing that gets you smiling, check out I Has A Hot Dog. Filled to the brim with cute and cuddly dogs, this site is guaranteed to get you giggling.

Want to conduct a search, but regular old Google is just too boring today? Check out Google Gravity, a innovative and interesting little site which shows how everyone’s favourite search engine would react to the biggest force on Earth –gravity.

Know somebody with a fine beard? Check out Geekologie’s handy The Trustworthiness of Beards chart. I always thought the soul patch was shifty...

Ever wondered what happened to stock photos that didn’t quite make the grade? They went to Awkward Stock Photos; the weird and wonderful, yet borderline hilarious dumping ground for bizarre stock images.

Finally, if you’re the type who just needs a laugh to help pull you out of your funk, then My Life Is Average is sure to help you out. Chockfull of cute little stories of moments in life that make you realize that, yeah, life isn’t so bad.

If this hasn’t helped to put a smile on your face, your fellow Mibbians are always around to help. Post in the Mibba’s Crew To The Rescue thread and someone will be sure to help you through your troubles.

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