Mibba Friends

We are all affected by the friendships we make, in one way or another. In the spirit of giving thanks, the Mibba Magazine is introducing the Mibba Friends column. This column is devoted to showcasing the stories of the relationships you have formed on Mibba and giving you a chance to tell these friends how much they mean to you.

Username: mellon fleshthing.

Friend Username: kunoichi.

Relationship: It's a bit complicated. I met her about three years ago online and we've become extremely close.

Some people call her Chuey or Sissy, others by her username or one of her other nicknames, but I call her my Chanbby. The girl I met nearly three years ago has grown up so much, going from typing in a mix of chatspeak and normal words on a Warriors RP site, to one of the best authors I've ever read, and one of the most maturely amazing girls I know.

When we first started off chatting, we just clicked instantly. We both talk about meeting up soon and, if that actually occurs,I'm scared to know what we'll talk about! Chantal has given me so many fantastic laughs and flaily moments, ones that I'll never forget. She's helped me through rough times, I've helped her, and we've both said our wonderfully cheesy lines to one another.

I think the way she's affected me the most, however, is that she taught me that I shouldn't give up on having friends. When I met her, I was going through a rough time with one of my old best friends and I was really just looking to talk about nothing and have fun on that stupid site. She offered that to me, and so much more. She's not just my friend anymore, if anything, she's my sister. I was abandoned there so that we could become best friends later down the line, right?

In short, though, all I have to say is this: I love my Chanbby so much, even though I still can't really pronounce her name properly.

Username: CarlisleStalker

Friend Username: Brina

Relationship: Real life friend.

“Sabrina’s crying outside of the gym,” I overheard one of my friends say.

“Really? It’s no big deal anyway. It happened a year ago!” noted another friend.

It was spirit day, and one of my best friends was crying? This couldn’t be happening. This was supposed to be a happy day. I wasn’t going to go and check on her and comfort her. This was her personal life. I didn’t want to interfere and possibly make it worse.

It happened a year ago. Her father’s stroke. He was alive. But he had slipped into a coma and now the entire left side of his body isn’t the same as it was before.

How does this relate to me? Well, hold on there reader, you’re getting ahead of the story. My mother had a type of stroke a year ago. Not as severe, but still, it was scary and we could only visit and talk to her for five minutes a day. She is still recovering to this day, and she’s getting better. She wears headphones when a place is too loud for her, and she used to have to wear sunglasses all of the time because of the light. No doctors really knew what caused the hemorrhage. They found blood in her spinal fluid. Bad sign.

This relates to Sabrina’s father because it has made me realize the gift of life. Both of our parents could have died right then and there. But for some reason, God didn’t let that happen. I wish that this incident would have made my friend find and believe in God. I am still working on that part, though.

My friend, Sabrina, and her father, taught me to appreciate things and to learn to be comfortable with ‘special’ people.

Thank you, Sabrina. You’re a great friend.

Username: Famous Friend.

Friend Username: Melly Belly.

Relationship: Best friend online.

Melly has changed my life in a good way over the past two years. I never really thought that meeting friends online would have such a positive impact on me, but it did. Melly is one of those friends that you can confide and trust in. She made me realize that there are a lot of things in life to look forward to, and to always be happy for who you are. She kept me sane when I thought I was going completely mad.

What I learned about Melly was that it doesn't matter how many friends I have. I can have hundreds of friends and still feel lonely, or I can have one or two and feel like I have millions. What really matters are the conversations and their content.

She taught me that it's worth taking risks to know a person. Before I was very shy and I was afraid of talking to people because I thought they would think I was weird, but I've realized that we are all weird in our own way, and that's what makes us all connect.

Don't be afraid to take chances; that one person you might be afraid to talk to might end up being one of your best friends and that person can have a positive impact in your life, just like Melly did in mine.

Username: MyHotelRomance

Friend Username: Ladyshrei

Her name is MyHotelRomance, but to me, it's Sami. She's one of my closest online friends, and one of the best. I dunno how long ago we met, but I found her profile through another friend's comments. Seeing she loved Tokio Hotel, just like I do, I added her. We talk about who-knows-what. Awkward things, happy things, sad things. If I'm feeling down, I tell her. If something good and happy happened, I tell her. I share my story ideas with her, and ask for her opinions on them, as well as story layouts. She makes me feel proud of my fan-fiction, the way she always tells me how great it is, and the comments she leaves. She's a great best friend, even if she is across the country from me. So thanks, Sami, for being there.

Much love.

Username: Electric Goat

Friend Username: Stella Astaire

I've been a Mibba member for about a year now and in that time, no one has meant as much to me as a friend I made named Sean. She's more commonly known as Stella Astaire. There are a thousand good things I could say about this girl. Never, ever does she look on the dark side of things. She always chooses love over hate and light over dark, and I'd like to think she's rubbed off on me in that way. Not only is she an incredibly talented and smart writer, but she's a beautiful young woman as well. I know that the future holds many wonderful things for Sean and I can only hope to be a part of her life as she goes through them.

Love you, Sean.

Username: She Floats

Friend Username: Broadway.

So, Jill was my first friend on Mibba and is one of my favorites, for sure. (: It started because I commented on a story of hers, and she was nice enough to thank me. She's really there whenever I need an ear and she's such a sweetheart.ck

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