Featured Suggestion: Contest Improvements - Comments

  • Sonshine.

    Sonshine. (100)

    United States
    @ Kurtni
    Thanks, and I will! (:
    September 3rd, 2012 at 09:00am
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    @ Sonshine.
    You may want to copy your post and paste it in the suggestion thread to get more user feedback, because you make some good points =]
    September 3rd, 2012 at 04:30am
  • Sonshine.

    Sonshine. (100)

    United States
    I do like some of these suggestions, and others I think would be a bit time consuming. For example, let's say that we did have a points system. That would take an awful lot of time to organize. If a contest wasn't completed on a set date, maybe two days later, would there be a penalty in points, or would all points be given back? Rhetorical question, just making a point! In the same breath, I think the points system would be great because it does bug me when I join a contest, and the host doesn't show up for weeks on end. Then when they finally do, their usual excuse is, "Sorry, I've had like six contests going on and I can't keep up." Why have that many contests going if you knew you couldn't keep up?

    I don't understand the Section Design and Functionality part, though. Usually the host tells you those things within the rules, or the writing prompt/general idea of the contest. The drop down prompt list idea does seem a bit interesting as well.

    The host rating system would be like the point system as well. A lot of playing around with. Then there's the matter of only the higher rated hosts being chosen. If I never hosted a contest, would that mean that the chance of my contest being popular would be low, just like my stats, or would that not matter until I failed to complete a contest? Rhetorical question again. A lot of my questions a bit, "What if...," at the moment.

    But I really liked this article, and it really made me think about the Writing Contests forum. I thought it was good now, but some of these additions would be great! Definitely something all Mibbians involved in writing contests should consider! Great job! (:
    September 3rd, 2012 at 03:46am