Mibbian of the Week: SassMastaFromDonny

SassMastaFromDonny is among the many friendly faces you can find on Mibba. This sweet girl is a frequent reader, commenter, and writer, but it doesn't stop there. Diana is constantly reaching out to those in need, whether it be words of encouragement or just some advice. In this week's Mibbian of the Week, we get to meet the girl behind all the kind words!

When did you join Mibba and how did you come across the site?

I joined Mibba back in August this past year, so I haven't been around for too long. Two of my best friends from school, Kate (onlythegooddieyoung) and Rebecca (Moments-of-Courage) started a co-write story on here, and they wanted me to read it, so that's how I was introduced to Mibba! I have written on other websites before, but this has become my main one.

What is your favorite thing about Mibba?

I love how on Mibba I can create layouts for my own stories, poems, and blogs. I really enjoy making them, and it's a feature that other writing websites don't have.

What is your favorite thing about writing?

I think my favorite thing about writing would have to be the way that I can live through my characters. Not to say I'm unhappy with who I am or the way my life is, but when I'm writing, I become someone else. I can be rebellious and bold if I want. I can be a queen of a secret paradise island, or I can be the best linebacker in the NFL.

What is the hardest part about writing for you?

Writing dialogue would definitely be the hardest part of writing for me. It's challenging for me to step into my character and know exactly how they talk and what they're going to say in different situations.

How long have you been writing?

I have been writing poetry since elementary school, and I wrote one or two short stories in middle school, but I only started writing my first longer story in August when I joined Mibba.

What is your favorite piece that you have written?

My favorite poem is definitely Never Stopping, and my favorite story is One Step Beyond Failure, even though I started it very recently.

On Mibba, are you more of a reader or a writer?

I'd like to think that I'm a good balance of both. I'm subscribed to a number of stories that I enjoy reading very much, but I also have a few of my own stories that I try to update as soon as I can.

What are your favorite things to read?

Well, on Mibba I read mostly fanfictions about One Direction with the exception of a couple original fictions, but outside of Mibba I read so many different things - everything from Vogue magazine, to ESPN articles, to autobiographies and novels.

Do you have a favorite Mibba story or author?

This is honestly such a hard question because there are a lot of fantastic writers on Mibba. But, my favorite story would have to be Life, Inc. by Rosemary (rosie2310), and my favorite author would either be Micah (Iris) or Katie Mosing.

Is there anything you would like to say to all the Mibbians out there?

I would definitely like to say that it has been such a great time being a part of Mibba. I look forward to reading new updates of the stories I follow, and I look forward to posting my own pieces and getting feedback. I have met some incredibly wonderful people here, and I hope to meet many more!

Thanks to Audrey T. and fandango for editing.

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