Featured: 10 Things You Can Do for the Earth

Our planet is the only known planet in the solar system that harbors life. The magnetic field that Earth has protects us from the harmful radiation of the Sun. Different civilizations have prospered and evolved in its lands forming what we know today. As time passes, the environment that we live in deteriorates gradually. Different environmental issues emerge from the shadows and may affect us in more ways than we can imagine. But with our combined efforts, we can help the planet recover even if it’s bit by bit.

1. Plant a tree

Although this may seem small and does not have any significance now, it will in the future. As all of us know, trees get the CO2 we emit and produce Oxygen as a waste product. Trees provide us shade when the sun is too hot and fruits that we can eat. They also serve as habitats to some animals such as birds.

2. Recycle!

According to Delicious Living, “recycling 1 ton of paper saves 17 35-foot-tall trees, enough oil for a drive from Dallas to Los Angeles, enough energy to power the average home for six months, and landfill space as large as a full-size pickup truck.” If the used papers you have at home have a clean side, you can use it again! But if the used papers you have don’t have a clean side, you can use it for projects or for art. Just remember to use less paper.

3. Reduce and Reuse!

Some things we have at home are reusable like plastic bags. The unused plastic bags you have at home can serve as garbage bags and storage. So instead of throwing it away, you can reuse it instead! Also, there are cheap foldable bags found in some shops or in the market so when you go somewhere, make sure to bring a foldable bag so you can reduce the use of plastic.

4. Save Light

Although turning off your light bulbs when you don’t use them seems unhelpful, it can actually help you lessen your electric bill. It’s better if you use compact fluorescent light bulbs because they have longer life span than normal bulbs. They generate less heat than most light bulbs so you’ll feel somewhat cool during the summer. But if you have a fear of darkness like me, try switching off your light bulbs before you go to school or somewhere else, and turn it on again when you’re using it then turning it off before you sleep.

5. Think Green

Some companies and appliances are going ‘green’. For example, ‘green’ appliances use less energy than normal ones. Clean and tune-up your appliances so they aren’t overworked and break easily. Also, maintaining your car is another way to cut back on gas.

6. Drive slowly

Studies show that driving at 60 mph will save you 4 gallons of gas per mile instead of driving over the speed limit. Did you know that using your car’s “cruise control” could get up to 15% better mileage? Think about all of the money you’ll save when you follow the speed limit or use cruise control!

7. Walk, Hike, Bike, and Exercise!

Exercising is one of the components of feeling and looking good. Through exercising, you can lose your unnecessary fats in a matter of hours. If you’re going somewhere near, you can just walk or ride a bike instead of using your car. That way, you can save gas and reduce carbon emission and lose weight at the same time.

8. Go Organic

There is a lot of produce in the supermarket that’s organic. Refrain from buying food that uses chemicals and pesticides to be safe. Another option is to plant some vegetables in your backyard or garden! In that way, you’ll be assured that what you’re eating is safe because it came from your own backyard. Also, planting helps reduce Carbon Dioxide in the air. The scrap from the vegetables after you cook can be turned into fertilizer for plants too.

9. Share and Teach

A good way to help Mother Earth is to share what you know on how to help the environment with other people. There are many ways to share what you know. You can go to some nurseries or day-care centers and teach the kids there about the environment and what you can do to save it. Or you can teach your classmates about the environment. Ask your teacher if he can spare a little time so that you can share your knowledge with them.

10. Volunteer! Be Active!

Lastly, the best way to help our planet is to be active and volunteer. Start locally first. You can join your local community’s tree planting or trash collecting event. After that, if you feel like doing more, you can join some organizations that help the environment like the World Wildlife Foundation and Greenpeace.

Helping the Earth is not one man’s job alone. It’s everyone’s job to nurture, care and preserve the environment. Day by day we continue to take advantage of our planet, not knowing of the consequences that may happen in the future. It’s better if we start to open our eyes to the problems that our environment faces and do our part in helping it. Even if you start small, remember that everything you do that aims to help the environment no matter how small contributes to the betterment of the planet.

“Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints and kill nothing but time.”

Thanks to tabula rasa and harry styles for editing!

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