Mibbian of the Week: hectic glow.
Hectic glow. is an incredibly sweet Mibbian, who is very active on the site. In this week's Mibbian of the Week, we take a closer look at this wonderful user!
When did you join Mibba and how did you find the site?
Don't laugh, but I can't really remember exactly when I joined this wonderful site, but I believe I joined late 2007 to early 2008. So six years. I can't believe it's been so long. It was a real change for me since I had come from Quizilla, a god-awful place, and I couldn't believe all the things this site could do. I was like a kid in a candy store.
What area of Mibba are you most active on?
Well... I guess you could say [the story section]. I am constantly creating new stories. But I have yet to complete one. I'm cursed!
What's your favorite thing about writing?
That would have to be the ideas I get. When I get them, I have to run to find pen and paper to write it down.
What's your least favorite thing?
Writer's block. Many say it doesn't exist, but I beg to differ. I always seem to write myself into a corner or lose inspiration so easily. It sucks and I hate it.
What advice would you give to someone who is just beginning to write?
Just write for yourself. Many times I give up a great story because I'm not getting enough comments or recs, and it causes me to lose inspiration. My advice to you is to write because you love it and not because of those who read it. It will help a lot.
What is your favorite thing about Mibba?
The people. No doubt about it. Everyone is so friendly and sweet and they're so easy to talk to. I love it here.
What is your least favorite thing?
The bugs. Mibba's not perfect and sometimes it's glitches and deletes some stories and stuff. Back everything up. It's a must.
If you had to describe Mibba to someone who had never been on the site before, what would you say?
That's a toughie.
It's a great writing community where you're welcomed in like family. You'll meet a ton of great new people who understand what you're going through and like what you like. There's no judgment and stories are great here. So many wonderful writers.
Is there anything you'd like to say to all the Mibbians out there?
Live long and prosper.
Special thanks to Airi. and Fandango for editing!
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