Gaming Review: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Comments

  • Aria T'Loak

    Aria T'Loak (150)

    United States
    I've only gotten lost the few times that the map/clairvoyance spell has glitched on me. And the mountains are frustrating as hell, though I usually end up bunny-hopping my way over them. sort of

    I think the absolute worst thing about the game is the massive lag. When you get into higher levels and collect more stuff, the game file gets bigger. The bigger that game file is, the worse the lag is. I'm at 14MB right now and it's sometimes so bad I kind of glitch my way around and through things. Fighting is practically impossible. Granted, I think that's only on the console versions of it. And it might even be fixed with an update, which I do not currently have. <.<

    But all the same, nice review! It's a great introduction to anyone who hasn't played the game yet. They can get frustrated with its other little problems if they actually try to play it, hehe. lmfao
    February 25th, 2014 at 03:37am
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    Sorry for mixing up the facts. And yes though I agree that playing the previous games gives players a better understanding I was saying that if they didn't want to then they could still play the game.
    If you had read my comment properly, you would have got that I wasn't saying people had to play the other games to understand or enjoy Skyrim. I simply stated that while not essential, it does in fact help. Sorry you didn't see that part.

    As to being rude, I apologize, but I thought comments were supposed to be personal opinions and while sure, I can see why you think it might have been rude, it was an honest comment. I really can't understand how you got lost, or how you found the maps confusing and I stated that, as well as giving tips on how to possibly rectify getting lost or being confused by the maps in the future. That was obviously ignored in favor of retorting with how rude I was instead of simply taking what I had to say as advice from a fellow gamer and moving on. I'm sorry you felt offended by what, or how, I said it, but that wasn't intended. This is exactly why I never post on these types of things because I apparently can't say anything without people getting upset over apparently ill-worded advice. Ignore it all then, sorry it came out wrong.

    And please don't thank me for stating my "opinion" when you've just pointed out how offensive I apparently am. That hurts.
    February 22nd, 2014 at 04:07am
  • fkyou

    fkyou (100)

    I think "The Elder Scrolls" is so much fun to play, but like some one else said, it could really use more details like the freezing of your character :)

    I liked your review :) and it's true, the bar on the screen is a little bit confusing at the beginning (that's why I got lost and walked for hours xD)
    February 21st, 2014 at 04:25pm
  • childishinsanity

    childishinsanity (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ Brian Haner Jr
    Yes, pre-ordered the Imperial Edition. Want that glorious Molag Bal statue! Although I won't be able to play the game for atleast six months as I won't be getting a PS4 until December at the earliest. Oh well. Will you? I know some people hate the idea of ESO while others love it. I didn't warm to it until until recently.
    February 21st, 2014 at 03:17pm
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    Brian Haner Jr:
    The series is "The Elder Scrolls," not "the previous four Skyrims." And while not essential, playing the previous games does actually help, they link up, whether by subjects mentioned by NPC's, books, Legends, or quests. The book in Skyrim, "The Oblivion Crisis," is a direct reference to the Oblivion game, as are others for the other games, etc. Playing the previous Elder Scrolls games gives the player a better understanding of Tamriel.
    Sorry for mixing up the facts. And yes though I agree that playing the previous games gives players a better understanding I was saying that if they didn't want to then they could still play the game.
    Brian Haner Jr:
    I really can't understand how you found the maps difficult, or how you got lost. There's even a Novice level Illusion spell, called Clairvoyance, that, when held, will show you the exact directions to the currently selected goal. If you're in the wild, exploring and have no quest selected to follow, simply go to your menu, get your map out and fast travel to a previously found location. It's pretty much impossible to get lost. If you're having troubles with the directions, get out of first person. Playing it in FP narrows your view and often makes it hard to see obstacles and random crap that pops up and gets in the way. Third person is a far superior way to enjoy the game anyway.
    I found your comment a bit rude because after all I am writing from my own experience while playing Skyrim. It's a review. You could write a review telling people that you found no problem getting around. Well I'm sorry to tell you this but I did in fact have trouble with it, however there's no need to be rude about it.

    And yes, this article was actually aimed at "casual"/new gamers. Why? Because the purpose of this column is to introduce new people to the different games that are out there.

    However thank you for commenting on this review and stating your thoughts :)

    @ childishinsanity
    It just depends on each purpose on what they found easy or hard when it comes to gaming, everyone has their own skills that they're good at tehe Thank you for your comment!

    @ The Real Mitt Romney
    I haven't played Oblivion, if I did it was only briefly. I could see how moving objects could be annoying XD and agree haha, thank you for your comment!
    February 21st, 2014 at 03:01pm
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    @ childishinsanity
    I have to ask, are you getting TESO?
    February 21st, 2014 at 02:32pm
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    It is the fifth installment of the Skyrim series, but even if you haven't played the previous four Skyrim’s, you can still play the fifth one.
    The series is "The Elder Scrolls," not "the previous four Skyrims." And while not essential, playing the previous games does actually help, they link up, whether by subjects mentioned by NPC's, books, Legends, or quests. The book in Skyrim, "The Oblivion Crisis," is a direct reference to the Oblivion game, as are others for the other games, etc. Playing the previous Elder Scrolls games gives the player a better understanding of Tamriel.

    I really can't understand how you found the maps difficult, or how you got lost. There's even a Novice level Illusion spell, called Clairvoyance, that, when held, will show you the exact directions to the currently selected goal. If you're in the wild, exploring and have no quest selected to follow, simply go to your menu, get your map out and fast travel to a previously found location. It's pretty much impossible to get lost. If you're having troubles with the directions, get out of first person. Playing it in FP narrows your view and often makes it hard to see obstacles and random crap that pops up and gets in the way. Third person is a far superior way to enjoy the game anyway.

    I'm currently playing over it all again, fourth time now and with all the DLC's in place, and you're right about getting swept up in it all and losing time. I wracked up 600 hours easy on my first play through alone, it'll be double that, no doubt, with the DLC's in place.

    Over all, I think this article is okay for someone who's never heard of the series or for casual gamers. But as someone who games all the time, and who's been a follower of the Elder Scrolls series for a long time, I feel you didn't really get anything across that wasn't written on the back of the case anyway. This isn't bad, I'm sorry if it comes across this way, I just feel this article is for people that have never heard of the game(s) and possibly won't realize just how epic this game actually is, in standing and size. It's not a walk in the park.
    The Real Mitt Romney:
    it's the mountains you have to take an hour to get around that annoy me lmfao
    You actually walk around them? Shocked

    Mate, get a horse and "Pony-Glitch" your way up the mountain haha. Better yet, get Shadowmere and just go where you please. He's better than normal horses in that he can actually kill dragons for you and won't run away and die on you. And if he does for whatever reason die(this one time, I stupidly fast traveled to the CoW while riding him and popped up on the bridge and bam, as soon as I moved we went for a bit of trip down to the rocks below. It wasn't pretty haha) wait a few days and he'll pop back up in the black pool. Of course, he is glitched though, and sometimes he'll wonder off on his own and because he is so terribly OP, finding him is impossible. It happened to me, it sucked haha.
    February 21st, 2014 at 02:27pm
  • childishinsanity

    childishinsanity (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I found the maps and compass perfectly fine and never got lost. Rarely the waypoint would glitch out when I went a different way and often said I would need to go back through a ruin or cave but it was simple to overcome the glitch by simply putting down a custom waypoint. Otherwise had no problem with the maps. A great improvement from having absolutely nothing but vague directions in Morrowind.
    Good review though. Nice to not see glowing praise for Skyrim and that you pointed out something you didn't like about it. I adore The Elder Scrolls series but they always have some issue with them or ways to improve on and have masses of glitches. The world of Skyrim could've felt far deeper and real through simple things such as leaving footprints in snow or your character showings signs of cold during snow storms (they had a similar thing in Morrowind of all characters raising their arms to shield their eyes in sandstorms) but it is minor.
    Well done with the review though.
    February 21st, 2014 at 02:12pm
  • The Real Mitt Romney

    The Real Mitt Romney (250)

    Hong Kong
    I thought the maps were pretty good compared to Oblivion. I'm not sure if you ever played it, but the marker where your character was on the map would change dramatically with a few steps Facepalm it was a weird glitch. Maybe it was just me who experienced it or really noticed it, but it was obnoxious. IMO the maps in Skyrim aren't awful, but it's the mountains you have to take an hour to get around that annoy me lmfao

    My only real complaint about the game is moving objects around. I like to decorate my houses Shifty and since moving things were generally touchy it annoyed me to death.

    But awesome review Happy face
    February 21st, 2014 at 01:39am
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    @ cruciodarling.
    Yes the maps were rather frustrating haha D: and thank you! :)
    February 21st, 2014 at 01:17am
  • punk ariel.

    punk ariel. (100)

    United States
    I really like this review! :)
    I personally love Skyrim but I agree, the map and directions were not really that great. I would usually end up getting lost in the middle of a journey or a quest and I would have to spend hours trying to figure my way back.
    But all in all it really is a game worth trying if you like roleplays and all that fantasy stuff, so I agree with this
    February 21st, 2014 at 01:08am