Featured: Find Your New Favorite Book

As fun as reading is, it's not always easy to find a good book to read. With the millions of novels out on the market, finding the perfect one is next to impossible -- not to mention all the ones we overlook because they aren't on the bestsellers list. Luckily for us book lovers, there are many sites that allow readers to find the perfect book -- from the popular to the overlooked gems.


GoodReads is an extremely popular literary site that allows members to create an account, write reviews on books, find new books to read and track their ratings and the books they've read. This unique site provides members with lists of popular books that week, ones that are moving up the charts and books that are suggested for them. Another great feature of the site is members can read reviews on books that other members have written, which is a great tool for seeing an outsider's perspective on a book.


Whichbook is a unique site that allows users to find books based on a charting system. The site uses a tool which has users rate different "moods" on a scale, based on what they are interested in at that moment. The scale levels range from happy to sad, gentle to violent, conventional to unusual and many more. This unique tool makes this site both exciting and innovative.


Gnooks is a fairly basic book gathering site, aside from its one claim to fame feature. The site has a literature map, which allows users to type in the name of an author. The tool will then create a map of that author and other authors like them, giving users an idea of some other authors they may like.

Book Adventure

Book Adventure is a site specifically directed to kids and teens in their first through twelfth years of school. The site allows users to browse through books based on their age, reading difficulty level and interests. The site is easy to navigate, which makes it a great tool for younger children.

Special thanks to sheepcat; and Fandango for editing!

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