Introducing Mibba Staff: Haylie Jaed

When the last staff recruitment was held, many were eager to join the Story Editors. One of those lovely new additions is Renée, a girl who has been working fervently since joining the ranks, helping keep that section of site nice and tidy. We get to find out a bit more about her in this article!

1. When did you become a member of Mibba's staff?

I've been a Story Editor for about two months now.

2. What made you apply for the position you have?

I actually used to have a similar position on a different writing website (until they closed down), and I always missed feeling like I was contributing to my home away from home as more than just a writer. So when the staff positions opened up, I figured I would try my luck again.

3. If you could have any other position of staff, what would it be and why?

As much as it would probably drive me crazy at times, I think I would be a Beta Reader. Editing is something I find I can really enjoy at times, and I like to help people better their grammar wherever I can. Plus, I really hate those chapters that are all in block format, so it would be nice to be able to make them easier on the eye for everybody! (Thanks, Beta Readers!)

4. What part of Mibba do you like but think could be better?

Oh, wow. This is a hard one, because there's nothing about Mibba where I ever stop and think, "If I'd designed this site, I would have done it this way." There's only one thing I can think of: I love the Stories section, but I would really like for there to be a button or something where we could add stories to a "Read Later" list. I can't count the times I've saved a story's link and then lost it in a computer crash.

5. When did you join Mibba and why?

I joined Mibba four years ago (has it really been that long?) after an online friend of mine suggested it. I was writing on a different website at the time, posting an Avenged Sevenfold story called Brompton Cocktail, and she said she'd never seen anything like it on Mibba and I should try my luck. I never did post that story here, but I started posting my others after the previous site decided it would mix up all my chapters and make it impossible for my readers to read my works. I never looked back.

6. What's your favourite thing about the magazine?

I really love the Articles section - I've learned so much from there, both about subjects I care about and things I've never heard of. But I also love the recommendations, because they show me stories and poetry I may never have seen otherwise.

7. What does Mibba mean to you?

Mibba to me is like a second home. I come here when I'm happy, when I've had a terrible day, when I'm bored, when I'm sick. There's always something to read, no matter what mood you're in, and that's something that I need in my life. Mibba picks up where my absent parent left off - it comforts me, encourages me, teaches me.

Obviously, Mibba means a lot to me.

8. What section of the site are you most active in?

It used to be the Stories section, but seeing as I haven't posted anything in months... I'm most active in the editing section of the site, where most people can't see me! I'm working hard to get some writing done though, so hopefully I'll be active in the Stories section again soon. Of course, I'm still there reading, just not as much at the moment.

9. If you could choose any piece of writing of yours - be it onsite or not - which are you most proud of?

I'm really proud of my original fictions that are stuck in my head, but seeing as they haven't been written yet... My story Lost is something that I'm still incredibly proud of. Again, it's an Avenged Sevenfold fan fiction, but I feel that it's fairly original in its plot, the characters came out exactly how I wanted them to, and the quality of my writing was consistent throughout the entire story. (In my other works, you can tell where I started to get bored!) It is by no means my most-read piece, but it's the one that got the most heart-felt, meaningful comments. I go back and read them whenever I start doubting my ability to write.

10. Tell us one thing you don't normally talk about.

Ah... Okay, this is a hard one. I guess... I don't usually talk about how I tried to drop out of school with only three terms left to complete. Final exams were coming, I'd fought with my best friend over the summer holidays, and I was having anxiety attacks on a regular basis. I felt weak and I just wanted school out of my life. Lucky for me, I had a stubborn mother and a vice principal who knew I was a smart girl - the school literally would not let me drop out.

I'm glad they made me stay, because it made me feel stronger in the end - and I never would have forgiven myself if I hadn't completed high school. Final exams were not as scary as I predicted, my best friend and I made up, and I refused to let anxiety and panic rule my life. In the end, I felt like a real winner.

11. If you could say something to every member of the site, what would it be?

There are several things that I would like to say, but I think it all boils down to one thing: please, stop the hate.

When I joined Mibba, blogs were journals, and they were something that I didn't typically read. If there was drama on the site, I didn't see it. These days, it feels like every week there's something new for people to hate on. I understand that people have a right to voice their opinions - but once it starts going too far, it's time to back off.

12. Last question - if a war broke out between the Story Editors, who would win?

This is a tough one, because I honestly don't know the rest of the team all that well. But if I had to pick somebody now, I would say margarine megurine.

Picture it like the The Hunger Games. She's the youngest of the group, so a lot of people underestimate her. She was also (besides Admin!Audrey) the very first person to welcome me to the editing team - so I think she's probably made friends with everybody. Therefore, nobody would want to go against her. And with everybody on her side, she wins!

Special thanks to house of cards. and Fandango for editing.

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