Member Spotlight: MamaZ

MamaZ started writing when she was just 8 years old. When her favorite uncle died, she wrote a poem for him as her own goodbye and has been hooked on writing ever since. She writes constantly, with the written word having taken over her life through writing and reading -- and she somehow manages to juggle all of this whilst also being in the National Guard.

She proclaims she is a concert junkie with her favorite bands being Avenged Sevenfold, HIM, Bring Me the Horizon and In This Moment. She goes to as many concerts as she possibly can and loves supporting her favorite bands.

Zacorra is one of the many Mibba members who came to the site from the great Quizilla migration. A search for a new writing site brought her to Mibba, and the ease of the site is what kept her coming back. She loves how friendly everyone is and how easy it is to make friends, especially ones with similar interests. Even if they don't have similar interests, she loves how easy it is to just chat and laugh with other members. In her time on Mibba, she has made many friends and impacted many lives.

kalisweetblood says "I absolutely love her. She's kind, witty, beautiful and an amazing author. Never in a million years did I imagine she'd think of me as admirable, I'm more than honored and I'll have to make her thank you cupcakes."

DiamondInTheRough.xo says "Her writing style inspired mine and her advice gave me the push I needed to finally post something after being on here for like 2 years at the time lol. She's one of the most amazing people I've had the absolute pleasure talking to, and one of my best friends on here, I love the girl to death!"

Zacorra is an extremely sweet girl who is always looking to make new friends, so check out her profile to learn more about her and get chatting with this lovely user!

Special thanks to Fandango and Airi. for editing!

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