Mibba's Thoughts: What Inspires You?

Writers can get inspiration from everything. From a certain song they hear or a paper bag floating in the wind, inspiration can be found all around us, and writers are particularly good at picking up on these things.

In this week's edition of Mibba's Thoughts, Mibbians discuss the things that inspire them.

Pretty much anything can inspire me. Beautiful scenery mainly, and especially when the sun is shining low in the sky to make it look even more stunning. The beach often gives me lots of ideas, and lakes. Water, in general, when it's lit up by the sun and has a really beautiful forest background is my dream for writing. I went to the Forest of Dean a few years ago, and that was one of the most inspirational and amazing places I've been for writing. I don't even need a plot, since the scenery itself is enough to spark my interest and imagination.

Plots themselves usually come to me by accident, or plant into my head after an event happens to me. I get some good inspiration from dreams too.

- Chaos Walking

My writing moods (or creative moods in general) always seem to be amplified when I'm listing to some kind of Classical music. Vivaldi's Four Seasons works best for most ideas and essays, I've found, whereas Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata has been doing wonders for my current story.

- addictedsevenfold.

Fresh cups of tea, raindrops dripping down window panes, my 'inspiring' playlist (which features Ben Howard, Mumford & Sons, Coldplay, Alex Clare, City and Colour, Gabrielle Alpin, Noah and the Whale, Of Monsters and Men, Laura Marling and a whole load more) the inspiration tag on Tumblr, staying up late, just staring out of windows, picking books from around my house and reading from random pages, this blog, going for walks and mid-afternoon naps.

- rose dust.

My dreams inspire me a lot. I have written many stories based on them. Also past memories that fascinate me. I have daydreamed A LOT ever since I was a little girl, so that too. Nature and music probably inspire me the most. Especially rainy forest imagery and post-hardcore music.

- JeremyTheThirteenth

To join in on the conversation, visit the Things That Inspire You thread!

Special thanks to Fandango and Goddess_Of_Muse for editing!

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