Mibba's Thoughts: Dream Job

When we're little, everyone asks us what we want to be when we grow up. As we grow, sometimes that dream job changes, though occasionally it stays the same.

In this week's edition of Mibba's Thoughts, Mibbians discuss their dream jobs.

I am actually trying to achieve my dream job starting these next few weeks. I want to be an interior designer/decorator/visual merchandising. I am going to start studying in the next few weeks to see if I am 100% into this.

I have also been wanting to be in the music business management, but I will have more luck with interior designing.

-st james.

I would love to have the ambition to be a psychologist but I don't think I'd really enjoy worrying about 200 other people's problems when I can't even handle my own. I'd like to be a fashion designer but I hate sewing and I can't draw for shit. I'd like to be a model but I don't feel like being -90 pounds to fit into a dress.

There's a lot of things I'd like to be, lots of dreams...lots of things I don't really care about and know I'll never be.

-isadora in bloom

I've given my dream job much thought, and honestly, it's not as crazy as it used to be. I want to be a tour manager or a music producer, or both for that matter. I wanna tour because I don't feel comfortable staying in the same place for very long, and my life philosophy is that I'd rather own little and see the world than own lots but only see my backyard. And a music producer because I have a very keen ear. A lot of music discussion I have with my friends (not to sound ignorant, but) aren't taken very seriously on my part because I have such knowledge on the topic of music.

-Matt Nicholls.

Actually, I'd love to be a University Professor, preferably teaching either Psychology or American History--they seem to be my strong suit and I genuinely enjoy learning about both subjects. For the longest time I wanted to be an English professor, or even a writer--I practically prayed to be the next F. Scott Fitzgerald or Ernest Hemingway--but then I realized that I'm not very good at it, and I tend to struggle a bit in that subject and becoming an English major seems like a lot of work.


After really rethinking for a long time, I've decided I'd love to be a geologist. It's a science that interests me on so many different levels, and it'd be nice to know that I don't spend hours reading books on fossils and rock formation for nothing. Also the unnecessary amounts of time reading up on the different time periods of Earth and what happened within all of them. I've realised just how much the topic interests me and I'd love to really get involved in it.

-Chaos Walking

To join in on the conversation, visit the Dream Job thread!

Special thanks to Goddess_Of_Muse and house of cards. for editing!

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