Mibba's Thoughts: Writing Distractions

One of the hardest parts about writing is getting easily distracted during the process. In this week's edition of Mibba's Thoughts, Mibbians discuss what distracts them.

Everything. No exaggeration. It takes me forever to update because when I try to write a remember all these things I need to look up, or I remember something to tell my mum, or I find a Rubik's cube and have to solve it.
It's awful. I wish I could just sit down and write.


Mibba can't distract me, fortunately, because I do all my writing on a laptop and we don't have wireless. This means that the only things that can distract me are the view outside the window and the music I'm listening to (usually only if it's novel to me and I'm still all OMGYES over awesome parts). Like right now, I'm listening to The Real Slim Shady by Eminem, which I only ever listen to when it comes on shuffle, and I'm finding it really difficult to write this because I feel the need to listen to it properly.

Oh and my hair. I swear I need to tie my hair back while writing. I'll hit a block and just sit back for a second while I figure out what to write next, and I'll see a split end or something and end up sitting there for about ten minutes snapping hairs until my laptop overheats (which it would have done anyway) and starts screaming at me.


Sometimes everything. Sometimes nothing. It really all depends on the day. One day everything will be distracted and another nothing will.

-The Door Knobs Bite

I tend to get distracted by future writing. If I have a scene planned down the road, it distracts me from what I'm currently writing and makes it incredibly hard to concentrate on the task at hand. That, or I'll get distracted by another story idea I have.

-Katie Mosing

To join in on the conversation, visit the What Distracts You? thread!

Special thanks to silent hearts. and sheepcat; for editing!

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