NaNo Series: How to Follow an Outline

When writing a story, some people enjoy writing without an outline, while others can't write unless they have one. If you are one of those people who always writes with an outline or would like to start writing with an outline for the first time, following an outline can be difficult at times, but with a few tips and a little guidance, it can make your story writing easier.

Leave Room to Grow

An important part of writing with an outline is to make sure that your outline isn't too restricting. If your outline holds back your creativity, you may find that you have a harder time writing with one than without one. Your outline should guide you but not hinder you if you come up with new ideas along the way.

Don't be afraid to tweak the story or its outline as you go if you find yourself with new inspiration.

Refer to Your Outline Often

When writing with an outline, it is important to always go back and check your outline to make sure it follows what you have written so far. Outlines are extremely helpful, but having one won't do you any good if you don't check on it.

Look Ahead

When you're writing with an outline, you can easily look ahead to see where your story will go in the future. This is great for pushing your story in a certain direction and keeping track of where you need to go. Looking ahead in your outline may also present you with some great ideas for foreshadowing or other literary devices.

Change Your Outline If Needed

If you deviated from your outline in your writing, make sure you make note of that so you have it in the future. You want your outline to be an accurate telling of your story in shorter form. Having an accurate outline can help you when you are editing in the future, especially if there are plot holes you need to address.

Special thanks to Goddess of Muse and C418 for editing!

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