New Years: 5 Ways to Stick to New Year Resolutions

With the strong belief that this time around our resolutions for the new year will stick throughout its entirety, it’s very heart shattering to find yourself giving up on them almost completely by the time February comes. Resolutions require determination, planning and perseverance. Here are five ways for you to ensure that your resolutions last all year long without exceptions!

Write it Down

Take a piece of paper and write it all down. Pour your feelings, thoughts, goals, aspirations and everything and anything that pertains to your resolutions. Don’t censor yourself! Write regardless of good diction, perfect grammar and coherent sentences. As long as you understand what you’ve written, it’s already perfect. Feel free to stop at any time and return to it later on a different day, perhaps with a different mind. This can help you organize your thoughts and it will make sure that you don’t forget the things you are currently thinking of.

Be Specific

During the process of writing it down, pay attention to details. If you plan on improving your writing, you shouldn’t only write ‘I want to improve my writing.’ You should mention what in particular you want to improve or alter. This is important because throughout the year, you’ll be able to easily pinpoint your achievements and also remind yourself of your goals.

Plan Ahead

This is where a lot of people get sucked into the bottomless vortex of failed resolutions. They merely decide what they want for the year to come, yet they don’t think of how they are going to achieve things and get where they desire to be. Planning ahead is vital for you to maintain your resolutions with the same eagerness that you had in the beginning of the year. After writing down your specific resolutions, you need to brainstorm the small things you need to do daily that contributes to them. Regarding the resolution of improving your writing, you would have to plan when and for how long you’d write daily, and which milestones you’d like to reach by a certain time of year. Heading to war is foolish without strategising and so is fulfilling resolutions without planning.

Set Goals

Goals are necessary in order for you to be able to motivate yourself when inspiration is running low and to get things done regardless of your schedule. It’s up to personal preference when you set your goals, whether weekly, monthly or quarterly, but whatever your choice is you need to stick with it. Moving your deadlines around will stir anxiety and even stress. Do not set goals that are out of your reach due to your circumstances or else not meeting them could jeopardize the goals that come after it. Whatever you do, always remember that your goals must be realistic according to your lifestyle and abilities.

Reward Yourself

Work hard, play hard. Don’t allow the down moments to get to your head, and do allow the good moments to do such. Treat yourself when you have succeeded challenges and achieved your goals. Celebrate even the smallest accomplishments because at the end of the day, the big moments consist of little actions. I wish you all the best with your resolutions!

Special thanks to losing control. and cleopatra. for editing!

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