Featured: 3 Ways to Increase Your Productivity

The year is still fresh and I’m sure that I’m not the only one who really wants my resolutions to keep going as well as they are right now. I want to find myself in June still devoutly working towards reaching my goals without stopping or breaking a sweat. If you find yourself in the same boat, here are three ways to go about achieving those goals!

Plan Your Day

Having a schedule can help you stick with it. Every evening whenever you find spare time, sit down and plan for tomorrow. Include appointments, meetings, things you need to get done, things you need to buy, people you need to text or email, etc. The more detailed you are, the easier it will be for you to constantly check and uncheck things as your day progresses. Of course, adhering to a schedule takes practice and commitment just like any other habit. The more you use this technique, the better you’ll get at it! This will increase your productivity because you’ll have a precise notion of what needs to be done and how much time you have to waste, or lack thereof.

Be Offline

Stay away from computers, cellphones, tables, and any other technological gadget—unless you need it to complete whatever it is you need to work on. They will serve as a distraction and delay you. Think of it like this: if it takes you 15 minutes to read five chapters of a book, it’ll take you 30 minutes if you keep on checking your phone to see if someone has replied back. 15 minutes of productivity thrown out of the window because of a text you could’ve read once you were done!

Picture the Finish Line

It’s so easy to start working on what you’re supposed to, and then become a victim of procrastination. One minute you’re diligently writing a business report while the next, you’re liking a funny cat video on Facebook! Whenever you feel like your focus is drifting off, picture how much better it’ll feel when you can check this task out of your schedule—better yet, when you can use the extra minutes completely to yourself.

Whatever you do, always remember that time is something we can’t add or subtract—only manage!

Special thanks to losing control. and silent hearts. for editing!

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