Re-Introducing Clubs: Fandom Clubs

When the Clubs forum first opened, fandom clubs were the first to go up. Fandom clubs for TV shows, music genres and graphic novels were popular and soon expanded to other media and art-forms. Currently, there are six fandom clubs, encompassing music, television, and illustration.

Anime Fandom Club

Even though the Anime Fandom Club is on its third try, it seems to be going strong. With features like “Anime Review Corner” and “Anime Spotlight”, this club's main focus is sharing a love of anime as well as discussing new, old, and on-going animes. Often you can find members talking about their favorite shows, characters, and 'ships, as well as all things in the anime world – like cosplays, spin-off games, and fanart.

The Asian Drama Fandom Club

The Asian Drama Fandom Club is one of the oldest clubs on Mibba and is filled with so many little touches. Formed to bring together 'the people of Mibba who love to view dramas from all parts of Asia', this club appreciates its members as much as it appreciates the TV dramas they love. With fun bits like “Drama Queen/King” (a section that shines a light on active club members who help spread the word), “Dramatically Newsworthy” (a section of their group devoted to discussing current news in the Asian drama world – from news on the shows to news on the actresses/actors who star in them), and their “Drama Review Masterlist” (which features lots of Asian drama reviews posted right here on Mibba), it's easy to see how they stay active.

The K-Pop Fandom Club

The K-Pop Fandom Club is the oldest club here on Mibba. For the past three years, members have been keeping Mibba's K-Pop fandom alive and vibrant. With weekly posts that highlight all things K-Pop, fans can discuss anything related – the music, the artists, current news, and even K-Pop fanficion here on Mibba. Taking their love of K-Pop a step further, this club even features a weekly Korean language lesson in their 'Korean Word of the Week' section.

The 100 Fandom Club

Fashioned after the CW television show The 100, The 100 Fandom Club is a home for counsel and delinquents alike. Whether the show is in season or off, this club is usually awake and active. This club stays consistent with monthly challenges and prompts, as well as weekly topics. Their monthly newsletter - “Transmissions From the Ground” - helps them pull-together all of their activities and keep members informed of all the latest developments.

The Avenged Sevenfold Club

Nearing 300 pages long, the Avenged Sevenfold Club is our most active club. Though it's no surprise, with Mibba having such a big A7X following, there's certainly a lot to be said for a club that can keep things fresh after over two years of activity. Probably a big contribution to its success (other than the band's popularity) is the club's members' commitment to the club and passion for the band. With most of the thread consisting of casual conversation about the band – from new music to day-to-day gossip – this club isn't as organized or planned as other clubs. Perhaps that's the key to its success.

Love Live! School Idol Festival Club

The only club built around a video game, the Love Live! School Idol Festival Club is one of Mibba's newest. Though just a week old, this club has been busy. With promised events such as 'Girl of the Week', 'Spoils of the Week', and 'Set of the Month', full descriptive posts, and lots of game-related goodies, this looks like a great place for people who are already fans and new comers looking to learn the ropes.


While fandom clubs were certainly the first clubs formed, they definitely weren't the last. If a club focused on a specific TV show or music group isn't what interests you, there are lots of other clubs you can look into. Take a look at our reading clubs, for example, and you just might find something more suiting.

<<Part I: Re-Introducing Clubs

Big thanks to exploding boy. and losing control. for editing.

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