Mibbian of the Week: interstellar spaces

Janie (known to us as interstellar spaces) is a new addition to the Mibba community, only having been with us for a couple weeks, who can be seen hanging out around the poems and graphics sections of the site! In this week’s edition of Mibbian of the Week, she’s here to tell us a bit more about herself.

How long have you been on Mibba?

I'm a newbie, actually, joined last week. I found out about the site last week when I was jumping between graphic design forums and saw someone mention Mibba's gorgeous story layouts. Now, I've been sucked in.

How often do you log on? How long would you say you spend on the site when you do log on?

I'm not obsessed (yet). I log on everyday for two hours, but I come on frequently.

Which part of the site are you most active in?

I'm quite the lurker, but I find the writing contests and graphic design portions to be very interesting. I always gravitate towards them. I love all the contests, but I know that I would never finish because I'm super flaky. LMAO.

You said you found Mibba through graphic design forums. Is graphic design something you like to dabble in, or are you more of an admirer?

I like to consider myself an amateur graphic designer. Way back when I was using Wattpad, I made covers and typography for myself and others. Now, I'm doing posters, logos, and typography (still) occasionally when I'm bored or need money.

How often do you read stories and poems? How often do you comment or recommend the things you read?

Again, quite the lurker. I usually read more than comment, so I come on here to read mostly. Still figuring out how comments and posts work too (just discovered smilies today, lol), but I try to comment when I remember to.

What draws you to the that things you read?

Typically, aesthetics (I'm very vain) and a good summary. If it's got a pretty layout, I'm already in love. I'm a firm believer that you can have an okay plot but amazing characters. I love science fiction (if you couldn't tell from my username) and space, and if you can include black holes and space travels, I'm down.

Tell us about a few of your favourite stories/works by other Mibbians

Oh gosh, I have haven't been on here long enough to really have a favorite. Adam 2.0 by rains.in.spain was the first story I read here, and it's an amazing story with great characters. mothstrappedinabath also has mesmerizing poetry that I adore always. I'd check her out.

Are you working on anything on Mibba right now?

I'm working on lots poetry, and possibly a story. I'm also thinking of hosting a few contests? I have no idea. Again, a newbie.

What do you like about writing poetry?

I like the freedom that comes with poetry. It's a good way to let your emotions flow without restraint and syntax holding you back. When it's been a stressful day, I'll go out back and write some free-verse, and by the end of the day, I'll feel somewhat better. Poetry's like therapy for me. I also like saying, "I'm a poet," when people ask me what I like to do.

What do you hope to get out of your time on Mibba?

Hopefully, I could better my writing/poetry abilities because I'm in dire need of improvement, and make some friends!

You're stuck only listening to one band for the rest of your life. What band is it and why?

Oh my, this is a hard question. It's like asking me to pick my favorite child. Well, my favorite bands are New Order and Interpol, but I'd have to choose New Order since I haven't listened to all of their songs (there's a lot of them, LMAO) so I'd have a lot to discover. They also have a habit of remixing old songs, so win-win.

Anything you want to say to your fellow Mibbians?

Eat your greens, and drink lots of water everyday, friendos.

You can also find Janie on Tumblr and Wattpad.

Special thanks to exploding boy. and Audrey T for editing!

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