Introducing the Fictional PAC

Most people have a place to go when they need help for the plethora of problems life can throw at you. Whether it's a friend, a sibling, a parent, or even the Twitter feed of your favorite celeb, it's always great to have a person (or place) you can turn to when you need it. But what about those of you who only exist in the mind of some writer or reader?

Living in a fictional world doesn't mean you're exempt from angst, heartache, uncertainty, or hard choices. Things can still go wrong, you can be faced with tough decisions, complex circumstances, or need help navigating through rough emotional patches. For those times when you just need a helping hand (or even just a listening ear), the Fictional PAC is here.

The Fictional PAC is an advice column that specializes in helping those of you who don't reside here in the "real world". If you've found yourself bound inside someone's novel, play, or epic poem, and you need help along your journey, we're here for you. You've got questions and we have answers.

Whether a friend has betrayed you, you're facing a complicated and harrowing new monster, or you just don't know who to take to prom, the Fictional PAC can help. Just drop us a note in our Mibba thread (The Fictional PAC) and look for a response in our weekly check-in here in the Mibba Magazine. And if you're a person (fictional or "real") who sees a cry for help you'd like to answer, send your advice to Audrey T via a private message and it may be featured in the next issue!

Remember, just because you’re not real, doesn’t mean your problems aren’t.

* The Fictional PAC is brought to you by
the Council for the Validity of Real Feelings in Fake People

Special thanks to isak valtersen and losing control. for editing!

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