Mibba's July Contest Winners

"New Mibba" Experience

Last month users were challenged to write an article,tutorial, review, poem, story or blog entry that focused on the "New Mibba" experience. The possibilities for this contest were endless with such a wide range of topics you could discuss and approaches you could take.

The finalists did an amazing job tackling the task at hand as they wrote original fiction and blogs. They are:

Innovation by Aquaria.

Oasis Is Home by Jaquie!

Our winner of the contest is Icamane the Mistress with her blog entry, Myself and New Mibba. In this entry she explains her experience with testing out the "New Mibba" before it went viral. She explains how special she felt in being a 'beta tester' and how she wanted the entire world to experience how awesome the site was. She also touches on how disappointed she felt when people started to threaten leaving. Her piece is easy to relate to and had myself nodding my head to her key points the whole way.

August "Dream Journal" Challenge

For the month of August, members of the Mibba Magazine and staff are asking you to participate in the Dream Journal challenge. We encourage you to spend a couple of weeks keeping a dream journal in Mibba’s blog section. This is the first part of the contest, the second part consists of choosing one (or more) of your dreams and use them to create a short story or poem. For full details and to enter be sure to visit the contest thread on our message boards. Happy writing!

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