How Willow Died

Title: How Willow Died.

Author: the dalliance.

Type: Original Fiction.

Genre: Tragedy.

Rating: R

Children are going missing, police are frantically trying to find them and there’s a strange man lurking around- a man no-one sees as unordinary. Except Willow. She sees him watching her. But it can’t just be coincidence. Surely he wants something? After falling for his tricks, Willow is soon to be the next entry in the missing persons archives. But is she really missing? Or is there something more behind the man cloaked in mystery?

How Willow Died is a unique take on a subject which can be seen as quite a risky topic to approach. The summary, being short and lacking of information, does not provide the reader with much of an insight as to what the story entails. The reader has to explore further to gather enough information to decide whether or not they like it. This may put off many readers, although that would be a shame. From the very first chapter you see that this is not just going to be another story about kidnapping.

Straight away, the layout grasps the readers attention. The way the author has created her own newspaper reports really draws the reader into the story and is the perfect introduction to the it. The chapters are a good mixture of story and newspaper reports and, although in the process of completion, the story shows potential to become something great although what‘s already there is very effective. The dalliance’s writing style is addictive and unique, writing as though the speaker is addressing the reader personally and putting you in the kidnappers shoes.

There is the occasional typo and spelling mistake but otherwise the story is well-structured and well-designed. I am glad I took the time to read this story and would highly recommend it to anyone who likes stories with short chapters, an interesting story line and a strong narrative perspective. I give this story 3.5 stars out of 5 as I wished there was more and sometimes found myself being easily distracted away from the storyline. But the layout and the use of news paper reports suit the storyline perfectly. This is a well thought-of and a well-structured piece of writing. The author certainly has an unique talent for writing.

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