The Werewolf and the Twin

Title: The Werewolf and the Twin
Author: kigle
Type: Fanfiction
Genre: Romance | Teen | Fantasy
Rating: PG-13

“I've never been exactly normal; in fact, I'm pretty weird, I'll admit. Even in the wizarding world I was weird, and trust me, if you know anything about the wizarding world, you'll know that's quite an achievement.”

The Werewolf and the Twin tells the story of Ariel Vanderwik as she adjusts to being a transfer student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. While at Hogwarts, Ariel encounters English accents, odd candies, and a quirky set of twins. She soon learns that the students of Hogwarts are a lot like the ones back home, but unfortunately, fitting in is the least of her worries. Ariel has a secret to keep, a deadly one at that.

The story seems a bit cliché at times, but if you can get past the rich orphan and over-achieving witch, The Werewolf and the Twin is an excellent read. Though it has an occasional grammar or spelling error, the story has a very compelling plot and is sure to hold your attention. Kigle does an excellent job of taking the familiar characters to new places and sparking new adventures. In The Werewolf and the Twin, she added all the elements of an interesting read: romance, adventure, and lots of conflict.

This Harry Potter fanfiction is still being written and updated semi-regularly. The Werewolf and the Twin is perfect for fans of the Harry Potter series and anyone who is looking to read a story about adventure, friendship, and a little bit of romance.

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