L'Ange et Démon

Title: L'Ange et Démon
Author: awake my soul; and amimarievee
Type: Lyrics
Rating: PG-13

Right from the beginning, the battle between love and hate - the heart and the head - is virulent in this piece. Composed of three verses, a chorus and a bridge, these lyrics paint a picture of hopeless devotion. With the first line 'Heartfelt words full of lies' you can already see the careful and well-chosen use of vocabulary. The mixture or loving words contrasting with negativity is present in every stanza and really makes this piece powerful.

The heavy symbolism works well with the themes in this poem; most prominently love, life, death and struggle. In particular, the chorus feels very impactful. It gives the perfect summary of this poem and also tells a strong story, just with four lines.

The devil in me is the devil in you

(all the lies you told are true)

The angel in me is in love with you

(but I'm trying not to believe in you)

As well as being very emotive, this poem is extremely relatable. Once you come to the end of the piece, you are left with the feeling of having been on a journey with the protagonist. It's a journey that many of us will be able to identify with in some way. The ability to make a poem beautiful, specific and universal is a unique thing and the two poets here have really done well with that.

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