A Moment

Title: Hanging By a Moment
Type: Original Fiction
Genre: Romance, Drama, Teen
Rating: PG-13

In today's day and age, an arranged marriage is something not many people want, but Harley doesn't have a choice. If Harley wants to go to school and become a doctor, she has to marry Landon so her grandparents will pay for her education. Landon has a girlfriend and tells Harley the first time he meets her that he plans to leave her at the altar. At first, it seems like a great plan to Harley - her grandparents will still pay for her education and she will not have to marry - until she gets to know Landon and falls for him.

Because they're done so frequently, arranged marriage stories can be pretty hard to write and keep interesting. One thing an author can do is to give it a realistic quality to help readers connect with it, for example they could make the characters very relatable, or define the character's emotions properly. This story does that. While the basic plot isn't something we haven't seen before, the story sucks you in and sets itself apart from the rest. It is well written and detailed without going overboard, and it is perfectly timed to bring you through the plot without dragging on.

Another great thing about this story is that it finds a way to incorporate poetry. Although I'm not a poetry person, the writing is enjoyable enough to hold my interest. It flows wonderfully and fits in flawlessly with this piece.

Overall, Hanging By a Moment is a great, short read and a nice break from the long-winded stories we often get ourselves hooked on.

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