
Title: Sand
Author: KatieMosing
Type: Fan-fiction
Genre: Romance, Teen
Rating: PG-13


“Mia!” A voice behind Liam called for the girl and he turned around to meet the voice. The small girl jumped into the arms of a girl that looked to be just barely younger than Liam.

“Thank you so much for helping her,” the girl smiled, “I really appreciate it.”

Liam looked at the woman for a moment, admiring her green eyes, brown hair, and small frame. “It’s not a problem,” he smiled, reaching his hand out to the girl, “I’m Liam.”

The girl smiled at him and took the hand not carrying the young girl and placed it in his, “Chelsea. And this is Mia.”


Sometimes, it can be really nice to have something unique and original to read that widens your mind and expands your imagination. But have you ever had those times where you just want to read something cute and special? It's been the common denominator for me lately, because pleasant and cliché reads combined with the author's personal style of writing is what I've been looking for.

Sand is just the perfect melody to my harmony. While there are several words to sum up this story, the two most defining ones would be simple and cute. Liam Payne, whose fan-fiction this is revolved around, is shown as a normal guy who loves to talk with his friends and be at the beach. Chelsea is a mother and a nurse, busy with school and work. While, yes, many stories have much different and more detailed characters, this is something we can all relate to and what we see often: a normal guy, a normal girl, and a cute passion that they both share.

It wasn't boring, though - while it was simple, there were some vague qualities that you can pick out that add that personal touch to the story. Chelsea is a single mother, even though she's young - but is she a bad person? Most definitely not! Liam isn't worried about the paparazzi or any other predicaments that any other celebrity would be concerned about. But, still, it shows something from the author what she likes to think of when it comes to these kinds of relationships.

KatieMosing writes naturally with a wonderful vibe to her story: she doesn't use a lot of description, but yet, you can still picture all the scenes perfectly in your mind from the lovely way she writes the dialogue and character reactions. It's fast-paced, but guided along enough for you to perfectly understand what's going on. It has moments when you want to fall over in happiness because of the immense cuteness that is contained in this story.

I would definitely recommend Sand to anybody looking for something easy to read, but genuine and overall lovely!

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