The Sweetest Surrender

Title: The Sweetest Surrender
Author: serendipity;
Genre: Romance | Drama
Length: Chaptered
Type: Fanfiction
Rating: R

Within a moment’s decision, Penelope reached up and grabbed his neck and forcefully brought his lips back to hers. She didn’t care that she was in Louis’ kitchen, more than likely putting on a show. She didn’t care that Harry was on a different continent, and she also didn’t care that he had once told her that he’d prefer she never got mixed in with one of his bandmates like that.

Everyone sees the turning of the New Year differently. Some see it as a time to start over and begin anew. Some see it as a chance to finally accomplish a goal they’d been wanting to complete. Penelope sees it as a chance to visit with her best friends and have a few drinks.

The young girl planned to spend her New Year at Louis Tomlinson’s New Year’s bash, accompanied by her best friend, Harry Styles, but Harry had different plans.

Electing instead to visit with Taylor Swift in New York, Harry left Penelope to reign in the New Year alone, but not before insisting that she still attend Louis’s party. With a few of Niall Horan’s encouraging words, Penelope agrees to attend and when the blonde boy offers to pick her up, she knows she’s in for a wild night.

The Sweetest Surrender tells the story of Penelope Banks and the New Year’s Eve that started it all. What was supposed to be a night between two friends turned into something more, and when the clothes hit the floor, everything changed. Harry had told her never to get into anything with one of his band mates, and up until that moment, she had listened. But, she hadn’t listened long enough.

The Sweetest Surrender is an excellent One Direction fanfiction that has enough drama to keep anyone hooked. Though it currently stands at just two chapters, those two chapters will leave readers begging for more.

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