MM Reviews: SHYNE

Title: SHYNE
Author: tigermilk
Type: Fan-Fiction
Genre: Romance | Fantasy | Drabble
Rating: R

SHYNE is a fan-fiction featuring male models, Ukranian Yuri Pleskun, and American, Cole Mohr. This story is told in intriguingly short doses - each chapter sits at exactly 100 words each- and jumps around, following no chronological time order. Set in modern day Europe, including realistic characters and scenes, this story isn't just for Yuri Pleskun fans, but for everyone! One of its greatest qualities is that no prior knowledge of the models is needed; it can easily stand alone as an original fiction.

The story itself is told through the eyes of a woman named Katie, offering us glimpses into her life throughout the story. The short chapters convey anything from romantic scenes to tidbits of utter sorrow. As the story progresses, and despite the fact that the timeline is not linear in the slightest, you learn more and more about Katie's marriage to the model and the struggles they face. For instance, many chapters show their encounters with parenting their two children, Dylan and Heather. Other chapters show us Yuri's best friend, Cole's, feelings for Katie may be much more than friendly.

Tigermilk's ability to illustrate realistic characters and situations through chapters that are only 100 words is astounding and remarkable. This story is both heartwarming and heart-wrenching all at once. If you're one for romance and gorgeous men, this story is definitely for you! Aside from slight mature language and implications, this story is great for anyone, no matter the genre!

Special thank to tabula rasa. and Fandango for editing!

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