Rosaleigh, NY

Title: Rosaleigh, NY
Author: grow a pair | blades. | pelican park. | daikirai desu.
Type: Original Fiction
Genre: Romance | Drama | Mystery
Rating: R

Father sighs over the phone, and I can tell he’s disappointed with me. He’s seven hundred miles away from me but I still feel the guilt settling in my stomach. I thought, after four years, I’d be able to escape this, but apparently it’s going to stick with me for as long as I live, no matter where I am.

Every town has its secrets, but some are worse than others. All over the world, from the biggest city to the smallest town, secrets fill the streets. Big cities like New York City are plagued by tragic rapes and murders. Small towns like Glen Carbon are filled with whispers about political corruption within the city council. No matter the secret, the citizens are affected just the same, and Rosaleigh, New York is no exception.

On the outside, Rosaleigh appears to be an average town, filled with average people. There are bakers, police officers, school teachers, and fire fighters. There are children, teenagers, and toddlers. Rosaleigh has everything that makes up an average town, including the secrets, and those secrets could prove to be the townspeople’s downfall.

Rosaleigh, NY is a brilliant original fiction, written by four incredible authors. Told using four unique and interesting characters, the authors tell a believable story of a fictional small town. Each of the characters has a unique side story, which all come together to create a bigger picture.

Though the story has just begun, it is obvious that is going to be an incredible tale of drama, mystery, and betrayal that could rival the best of them, and I cannot wait to watch the story unfold.

Rosaleigh, NY has the mystery and allure to entrance any reader, and I highly recommend this beautiful work.

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