The List

Title: The List
Author: Da Real Barak Obama
Genre: Romance | Comedy | Tragedy
Length: Chaptered
Type: Original Fiction
Rating: R

Isaac wants to die. Literally, physically, mentally, metaphorically -- whatever. He just has to get through his list first. But when Anthony shows up... No, yeah. He still wants to die. Is still going to die.

Suicide is something no one can escape. Some people are plagued by thoughts of suicide themselves, while others have people around them who are plagued by those thoughts. Many people try to sweep suicide under the rug and pretend it doesn’t happen, but Da Real Barak Obama is an author determined to bring it out into the light.

The List tells the story of Nathan Mills, a young high school student just trying to get by. At first glance, Nathan seems like an average teenager, but average is the last word that should be used to describe Nathan. A young boy with nothing to lose, Nathan creates a list filled with everything from mundane tasks like mowing the lawn to emailing his grandmother. This list, Nathan decides, is the only thing standing between him and suicide.

One of the great things about The List is the excellent spin Rachelle puts on the story. Instead of The List being the dark story it could be, there is almost a comedic air to it, put there simply by the wonderful style in which Rachelle writes. She adds jokes, puns, and terrific wit to make the story lighter, which only increases my enjoyment of it.

Though The List is not the type of story I usually read, I have found that it is one that I really adore. An undiscovered gem in the works, I highly recommend The List to anyone who is a fan of novels like Perks of Being a Wallflower and It’s Kind of a Funny Story.

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