At the Ball

Title: At the Ball
Author: Luminos
Genre: Romance, Drama
Length: Chaptered
Type: Fan Fiction
Rating: R

One night can change everything, the tagline for luminos’ story entitled At the Ball. Now there seems to be a rather nasty rumor spreading about me that I am not at all a fan of romance and that it should be gotten rid of completely, well that is very much wrong. At the Ball has become one of my little guilty pleasures on Mibba. This is a story that I can grace by giving it the highest recommendations possible for me to give to it.

The basis of this is simple it takes place at the Winter Ball in Hogwarts from the points of view, so far, of Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, Cedric Diggory, and Cho Chang. Telling us about a dance of romance and magic between groups of very special people enjoying what is a very special night for them. Luminos does an excellent job of getting into the heads of the characters and showing us exactly what they feel and think of the dance. Giving us some very wonderfully fleshed out characters that crack and pop with characterization and a sense of realness.

My only warnings for this story is that in order to properly read and enjoy this story one must be versed in the Harry Potter lore, for the characters that help make this story great are side or relatively minor characters in the story. So far, though that is bound for change, the Golden Trio has yet to pop up.

Mibban’s need to read this story, as, thus far, it has no comments and one recommendation. This is a marvelous story that needs some more recommendation then I can give it in a written article for the Mibba Magazine. A quick and delightful read that will leave Mibban’s begging for more than the author can ever, feasibly, put out in time.

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