The Symphony of Bugs

Title: The Symphony of the Bugs
Author: lifeisprettyodd
Rating: PG
Type: Fanfiction
Genre: Tragedy | Drama | Romance

"They slept, too tired to fight their exhaustion, but poorly. Every sound made Spencer twitch, made Ryan peek his eyes open and just look through the black soot for predators. By the ninth time Ryan was awakened he curled in tighter next to Spencer. He figured if something were to come kill them, at least they’d be together."

lifeisprettyodd's courageous venture into Panic! at the Disco alternative universe writing had the potential to go horribly, horribly wrong - instead, this, for lack of a better description, lion cub AU is an incredibly ambitious look into unconventional fanfiction writing gone so very right.

Following the new yet already tired friendship between four lion cubs - Ryan, Spencer, Brendon and Jon - we are allowed a look into the aftermath of a wildfire that destroyed their habitat and left the last of the lion population living on a hope and a prayer. We watch as they fear for their lives in the now virtually barren Savannah, seeing each other through the worst of strife; hunger, terror, tragedy -- saving each other from imminent danger whilst building relationships that are heartbreaking in their sincerity. The developing bond between Ryan and Spencer is a gorgeous portrayal of love in the face of adversity, whilst the quick, easy friendship that Brendon and Jon share is a light-hearted break from the distress of the rest of the story. The underlying tragedy sets a solemn backdrop to this otherwise hopeful fanfiction.

This touching tale ends with a few loose ends dangling, but as a relatively short one shot you definitely feel as though you've gotten your theoretical money's worth by the last, poignant scene. The Symphony of Bugs is a must read for those looking for a moving story with minimal fuss and a gorgeous message.

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