The Slaughter

Title: The Slaughter
Author: will graham
Type: Original Fiction
Rating: PG-13

I can feel death under my fingertips. It is rough and callous and wind is already starting to weather it away, but it is beside me and beneath me and, in a lesser sense, in the air I breathe.

In the few chapters that I have had the pleasure of reading, I found that the story taking place in front of me is extremely well written. Although the story has only two chapters and a prologue posted, it still had the ability to make me want to continue reading as more chapters are written. The plot to the story is in fact very interesting despite the fact that it has three chapters posted. Personally I enjoyed the flashback of hide and seek and the old wooden shed.

I have not been one to read historical fictions, not that I don’t like reading them its just that it’s a type of genre that I am not used to reading. But reading this story makes me understand why so many people love reading and writing historical fictions. There are certain details in the story that make me see the historical elements. But the thing is, is that a wooden shed is normal its just they way the author described it that made is seem more old. Like the way she explained the tool and the boxes cluttered it, I don’t know why it just makes it seem more historical I guess.

So, would I say this story has the potential to be good? Yes, in fact, I would say the story has the potential to be great. I love where it is headed and they way she writes it. I am excited to read more.

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