MM Reviews: Crossed the Line

Author: Carpe diem;
Type: Original Fiction
Genre: Romance | Drama
Rating: R

The university setting isn't one that many authors delve into – most opt to write about the high school years or the years following the character's graduation from university – so when there's a story that focuses on the lives of university students who are between being childhood and being adults in the big, ugly world, it's intriguing to say the least.

So take Carpe diem;'s story, for instant. Written in Saskia Carlier's point of view, Crossed the Line follows her life at university, living in a house with her two roommates, Leo and Will, and dealing with trouble that's brewing back home in the form of her friend's brother – not to mention the trouble she seems to be attracting herself. Sounds relatable, doesn't it?

There's something about how this story is written that makes it incredibly relatable – like it could be happening to you, or even a friend. The friendship between Saskia and her roommates flows brilliant with Carpe diem;'s writing style flawless as she describes Saskia's relationships with her friends, family and the people she encounters.

Crossed the Line is currently composed of ten chapters and a prologue but with updates coming frequently, the reader doesn't have to wait too long to know what's going to happen with everything that's brewing for Saskia.

This intricately composed story that seems more like reality than it does fiction, something which Carpe diem; can only be commended over, is truly time well spent.

Special thanks to Fandango and dougie poynter; for editing.

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