MM Reviews: Dead Boys Don't Love

Author: ladyschrei
Type: Original Fiction
Genre: Romance | Fantasy
Rating: PG-13

Death is normally a sombre topic in stories. Whether it's a character the protagonist likes, dislike, is related to or is dating, death tends to gets carefully manoeuvred around after its brief feature. Sometimes you get a story that's building up to a character's death – these normally centre around an illness or a character's bad surroundings which are the main causes of the demise.

When it comes to Dead Boys Don't Love, the normal treatment of death is thrown right out the window as the entire story revolves around death – more precisely, a dead man named Conor. Interested yet?

Three chapters comprise this story as of yet but that doesn't mean that it's lacking in any category. The first chapter is a clear reader hook – brief and simple but straightforward enough to engage the reader's attention and allow them to focus on the last two words: "I'm dead." The other two chapters are sprinkled with creativity that only one question springs to mind: what's going to happen next?

While there aren't enough words to fully praise the story, ladyschrei is commended for the idea and how she's executed the beginning of it, making it so that those who read it are desperate to know what's going to happen to Conor within the story. He's dead after all so just what can a dead guy get up to?

Dead Boys Don't Love is a fantastic read so far, with the chapters being fairly short but just as good as any other chapter would be. The title itself shows what potential this story holds so don't waste time!

Special thanks to aubs and dougie poynter; for editing.

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