Uppers, Downers, All Arounders

Title: Uppers, Downers, All Arounders
Author: Fair.
Type: Original Fiction
Genre: Teen
Rating: R

My senses were so muted, I could hardly hear. There was a ringing in the back of my head, right above my left ear and I was swinging, side to side, wobbling. If it wasn’t for her, I would have fallen and I could only smile, eyes wide and glittering.

Experimenting with drugs is sometimes a rite of passage in teenagehood. Although many are illegal and dangerous, they still appear in clubs, pubs and house parties all over the world. Liv knows this and as she and her friends gather around in a circle, unnamed drugs are passed around and consumed at a party that she attends. What follows is a cornucopia of muddled thoughts and emotions as Liv works through the high that the unnamed drugs induced.

Throughout this piece, Fair uses short sentences to capture the very essence of someone who is high. The buzz that Liv no doubt feels when on the pills is immortalised in the snappy sentence structure and also gives us a glimpse into the very corners of a mind altered by a dangerous substance.

Stunning description and intriguing characters make Uppers, Downers, All Arounders a must-read for many. With a hyper-alert mind running at twice the normal speed, Liv gives the user both the positive and the negative reactions to drug-taking. Fair has provided a realistic and interesting piece that captures a snapshot of a young girl caught up in a dangerous game. Uppers, Downers, All Arounders is complete as a one-shot as of now, but the potential for two extra chapters still exists. I would highly recommend that you check this out!

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