MM Reviews: Breaking Suburbia

Author: gatsby;
Type: Original Fiction
Genre: Romance | Drama | Teen
Rating: R

It's not easy to start a story. You can have the perfect beginning in mind but when you sit down to write it the words get stuck and putting pen to paper can be a daunting task. Often you can manage to write the beginning but it doesn't turn out how you envisioned and it ends up being despised even if it's published.

Breaking Suburbia begins its first chapter in a music shop where Maggie – our reclusive protagonist – meets Chester, a salesman at the shop as well as the curious individual who begins the impossible task of drawing our Maggie out of her house and into the world that exists beyond her blackout curtains.

The way that gatsby; writes brings Maggie to life in a chilling way, engulfing the reader from the start and providing a character that we can all identify as someone within our lives. Each chapter gives us a further glimpse into her life, allowing us to understand this character that is growing before our eyes. Fourteen chapters as of current but each is just as important as the next with the story we're being told.

There's just something that makes Breaking Suburbia stand out among the masses and although a lot of it is down to the beautiful style in which gatsby; writes, there's something else woven in between the words – and that something is for the reader to experience themselves. So if you're up for a magnificently written story that is still active, then this is the story for you.

Special thanks to stargaze. and dougie poynter; for editing.

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